Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A major moment (first)

After a lot of issues, several of which landed us with multi-day suspensions from school, and the failure of our first go with a psychiatrist. Our appointment was Friday. The NP(nurse practitioner) Ms. Carol was really cool. I'm hopefully optimistic. She speaks with authority, but with gentleness. No barked orders of how it will be. She listened to all 3 of us, and answered questions fully. We have an added diagnosis and we are trying a new medication to help us with this. He's been on the new med since Friday evening and I am seeing a distinct difference. While the diagnosis is a little unnerving, the outcome of it; extra therapy, parenting classes, & the additional medication is a relief. There is light in the tunnel. I'm hoping its the end, not a randomly placed wall sconce.

1 comment:

Joy H said...

Keep on keepin' on.....