Tuesday, December 12, 2006

a quick catch up

I'm literally heading to bed, but had to stop to share that Drew did fantastic and looked beyond handsome.   The girls were awesome, Katie's solo was amazing, and Beth's delivery on her lines was fantastic and Tori, just made me cry seeing her so BIG next to the other littler kids. I'm a big ol' sappy mommy. I'm not sad they're growing, just nostalgic about it I guess.

Work is work, Tim is in agreement I need something else. I have an opportunity for another position, I've sent my resume, I'll fill out a formal application asap and they'll chose whom they choose in January. I just have to hang on til January!!! and continuously pray I get this position!!!

Several holiday parties have been attended, all have been a blast. More next weekend, looking forward to them all.

I'm off. I'm falling asleep while typing, that's bad.


Thursday, December 7, 2006


Ok, can I hate work but like the people, mostly. That's what it is. I dislike the 4:30am wake up and go. Ok, I REALLY REALLY dislike that.  I'm NOT a morning person, and I like to go out in the evenings when things are available, I'm toast by 8:30. Last night was a church women's dinner/ Christmas party. It ended at 8:30 I was nearly asleep before we got home (Mom drove).  I like my co-workers, as people, they are friendly, nice, etc.  But man are they negative about the job.  I really like the paycheck. I confess the money is good.  Not to die for, but it's the best I've ever made.

I miss my kids, my kids miss me. Same for the hubby. We all see eachother on the weekends, which is less and less with the holidays now here, we're all busy. Even the kids, with rehersals, etc. 

One more cool thing, today at work we had a giant meeting. THE head guy is going to speak.  Only one little problem. We have 2 deaf people in our group, and because our meeting was "impromptu" (only 6 hours notice) there wasn't time for an interpreter. After the information was given (mostly read from a letter) questions were being asked / answered. I could tell my co-workers were lost, and that bugged me. So I offered to sign to them, the best I could. Heide said I was a help as she has a hard time reading C's lips, and he was talking so fast it made it harder.  I'm so glad I could help, even a little.  And I made a new friend. :o)

Earlier this week there was a scare at work. One of my co-workers opened an envelope with white powder on blank papers. Turned out to be a prank, but it has made me nervous.  So much so that I've sent my resume out in search of a new position. Hopefully one with less chance of getting a "dirty envelope".  I am much more aware of how I open envelopes without a return address label though!!!

Tonight is Drew's preschool Christmas program. I'm taking tissues, and two cameras. He's supposed to sing with his class. He wants (WANTS) to wear his "fancy outfit" (shirt, tie, slacks and sweater vest).  Sunday is the program at church, where Beth has a named part, Tori has 2 lines, and Katie has a small solo. Break out the tissues (again).  


Friday, November 17, 2006

Ireland part 1

Part 1 of Ireland. 

So Thursday night we've safely seen the kids to Grandma and Poppi, whom I am forever indebted to!!!  I ran some errands and picked Tim up from the airport as he was on business in Maryland. Got home and we're packing.. Tim's passport isn't with the other travel docs.  I am nearly having a nervous breakdown. Call Grandma, she checks the van, nope. Much searching is done, and just about the time I've decided it HAS to be in the van Tim checks Drews' room.. ta-da. Drew missed Daddy and wanted his picture. WHEW!  So at 1:30am we crashed, up at 5:30am the shuttle picked us up at 6:45am. Off we go. LAX wasn't terribly busy so we were all through the screenings, luggage checking, and ready to go with over an hour before our flight. Breakfast in the airport, the food was surprisingly good!  Our flight plan was LAX to Philidelphia to Dublin to Shannon. We changed planes in Phili, but not Dublin. In Phili, Tim pulled out our envelope to get itinerary info. and this lady sitting across from us pipes in and says Ireland! Shiela, is now a friend. :o)

I slept most of the flights, really I was only awake for the movie to Dublin, and for lunch on one of the flights. Everyone else was jealous. We arrived in Shannon and waited for 2 other flights to come in, and were off. We stopped at the cliffs of Moher, and the Dormant Portal tomb both of which were amazing.  The first picture is Tim and I sitting at the edge of the trail on the Cliffs.

We arrived to our hotel in Galway around 4pm, dinner was at 6pm. Having traveled for 20 hours I wanted a shower!!! Dinner was fun, we got to meet the rest of the tour group and had the pleasant surprise of finding several friends had come that we didn't know were coming. 

We toured the Aran Island of Innis Mor, the Dingle Penninsula, Limmerick and Castle Bunratty, Kilkenny,Blarney, Kinsale, Cork, and finally Dublin.  I could type pages about each.  

Innis Mor is one of 3 islands off the Western coast of Ireland, It is in habited by locals and has been for centuries. The mainstain of the people now is tourism and sheep farming for wool.  It is also home to the ruins of the Celtic fort Dun Angaos, my mom made the hike up to the top. Pictures are of the fort, and one of my family, Tim, me, Dad, Mom, Bill jr, and Miranda (my new sis-in-law).  That evening we had a yummy dinner and hit the pubs, of course.

Friday, November 3, 2006


I leave in 8 hours.. I'm going to IRELAND.. nope I'm not the least bit excited. I'll post gobs of details upon my return.


Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick or Treat

I'll be off to decorate the house real quick next.. but had to share our costumes. Pics. will follow.  Drew is captain hook. Beth his first mate, Tori a Vampire, Katie is Cinderella. I am not dressing up this year <sniff> I always dress up, but the wedding took me off my schedule.

Decorations are simple, a witch crashed into our house so we have her, then our jack-o-lanters, and finally some spider webs and two pumpkin tea-light holders that stake into the ground.  I've got a large bucket I'm going to line with black trash bags and then fill with dry ice and water.. should make it a little festive without requiring much effort. Which is perfect as my effort today went into setting up more campaign signs. :o)



Monday, October 30, 2006

45 hours straight, a little sleep and a big wedding

That's where I've been. I woke up Thursday morning took the kids to school and began the last dress and a half.  I finished the last dress, after two runs to our 24-hour wal-mart, for notions, at 6:45am Friday morning. When I then proceeded to gather my girls for school. Beth and I discussed options and agreed she got the day off. Tori and Katie "had" to go, it was their halloween parade. Drew went because he cried when I suggested staying home.  Tim took them to class while Beth helped me press dresses, and pack the 6 of us to leave. Tim stopped for errands he had. At 10 we went to the school to watch the great march of costumed kids.  Collected our Vampire and Cinderella, picked up Drew who was amiable about it, only because he knew it meant his chance to wear his kilt was coming fast!!!  Lunch, home, load the car, leave. We arrived at the hotel at 2pm, checked in, unloaded,  and I tried the dresses on the two out of town girls. long by 2inches on one, perfect on the other. Phew.  3 hems later, we had dresses. But that was done between rehearsals, dinners, and partying. Oh yeah, and I slept Friday night for about 8 hours. ahhhhh.  saturday morning we had breakfast of bagels, fruit, muffins, and mimosas, w/ chocolate milk for the kids. :o)    I began getting me ready, along with Beth. A. took all 4 little girls to the park for an hour of play then to her room to bathe and dress. Bless that woman!! After hair and make-up for all we got our bride dressed, and I nearly cried. She looked gorgeous!!!! We piled the lot of us into the limo and headed to the church.  We met the boys, M was in hiding, Drew in a kilt w/ tuxedo tie and jacket... oh my.. I nearly cried (again). He was sooo damn cute and handsome. He was a proud proud little man! All the grown-up men looked very handsome in their finery.  Then it was time. I lined up the girls and Drew took my place and they walked. I walked and then the music hit me full on and I cried. Bill was radiant (can a man be radiant and still be manly? I think so).  I took my place and the bride came down, and then the ceremony which was short, simple and absolutely beautiful.  From there we went to the reception which was held at a local yacht club, on the water, gorgeous afternoon. I cannot wait to see the pictures that were taken!!!  We did a grand entrance, the couple danced, then the traditional bride/father, groom/mother dance, toasts ( I toasted, and am told I did an incredible job) and cutting the cake. Then dinner was served and the dance floor opened. It was a lovely evening, The kids behaved very well. We got to visit with many many friends and distant family and it was a marvelous night. We returned to the hotel, tucked the lifeless bodies of our children into their beds and went to the pub to celebrate traditional Irish style, hehe. Then I slept!!!

And now my brother and his wife my sister(in-law) are on honeymoon in Paris. They'll meet the group of us in Ireland on Saturday. My big brother is all married and I'm thrilled!!!!!! Now I have to go pack.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


It was hot. Like 100 degrees hot. My poor Coastal kids were melting fast. We did the petting zoo and then picked out our pumpkins, and left. Drew was RED-faced. Tori was whithered, and I was melting.. it was hot.  BUT, we did have fun. Katie will tell you all about the goats, sheep and piglets she got to feed and/or pet.  We each got our choice pumpkin for carving. The family carving party will take place Sunday next after our church's family halloween party. All of that is after my brother gets married on Saturday.  Should be interesting. We brunch at 11am, drop Tim at the airport, nap, party at church, dinner and carve pumpkins, bath, bed.  My parents will be here to lend strong hands (dad) and moral support (mom). So it will be fun.

I'm having a moment of nostalgia.. I guess. It's not sad, just an awww. type of thing. Tonight is Drew's last night in the toddler bed. This is good, he's so excited to have his big bed. As am I. But it is the last time this toddler bed will be used in my house for any of my children... I'll take a picture of him in the morning, maybe asleep.. otherwise pretending to be asleep. hehe

Speaking of which.. it's time for me to sleep.



Stuff and things

My best friend/soulmate/husband has been sent to Balitmore. He was gone the last 2 weeks, came home for a whirlwind weekend, and left again this morning. I'm not pleased.  I'm not the dependent can't-do-formyself wife.. but I'm also still a girl, and rather a princess.. and I want my man here, my bed is modest in size, but big when I'm alone. 

So to save me from total insanity I have planned to stay very busy. In just a few minutes my crew, + 1 (friend of Beth's) will head up to my in-laws to go to their local pumpkin patch for selection of THE pumkins for our home. Dinner, home, bed for kids, netflix for me. Gilmore Girls season 2. :o)

Tomorrow after sewing in the morning, I'm going to devote a bit of time to getting Drew's room ready for his big boy bed, which arrived yesterday. It's not a loft, or a captain's bed.. it's a regular old twin bed.. but it was free, and free is good. Some shifting of furniture has to take place and some things have to come out, but all will be done as quickly as possible, for no other reason than the bed is now leaning on end in my dining room. NOT working for me. I am, however, extremely grateful to my DGMIL, for the gift of the bed.

So, between sewing up the last of the dresses, making way for a new bed, lunches with friends and 4 kids, I should be ok. Besides 4 days is a snap compared to 12!!!!

Friday, October 20, 2006


As I've mentioned before I'm making dresses for the girls for my brothers' wedding. which is in 8 days.  We're on schedule, and so far, all is going smoothly in the task.. very smoothly.. and slippery.  Tafeta. is an evil fabric for sewing.. especially if you are a modest novice sewer, like me.  This stuff slips and slides like you wouldn't believe. UGH! 

My mom's outfit is done. I believe my dress is also done, but my mil is making it. Beth's dress is 1/2 done. The little girls dresses are cut out waiting to be put together.

Jen's sewing service will be closed from 11/1- sometime later to let her eyes, and brain regenerate. hehe.

I leave 2 weeks from today for Ireland. WOHOO!!!! I'm only a little excited.... I've started my packing list. hehe



Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sadly lacking...

In the sharing of photos. So here's a bunch with captions... enjoy

1) all 4 kids on the bronze sculpture at Sea Lion Caves. It was rather chilly, can you tell??

2) The Coast of S. Oregon, there's a lighthouse behind them yu can barely see it. We saw a wild sea lion in the water just behind the kids!!!

3) So this great animal park allows for petting, feeding, and otherwise close encouters of the animal kind with some amazing animals.. here Beth is being overrun by deer, rams, and goats as she has an ice cream cone full of food pellets. I did the same thing and it was sadly not photographed but a deer had it's front hoofs on my stomach.

4) Drew quickly discovered that if you aren't trying to feed them, goats are friendly to being petted. He begged to bring "stripes" home with us. They were best friends!!!

5) my 4 with mr. and mrs. Lion behind them. It was beyond amazing to be so close to such BIG CATS!

6) Drew w/ the help of Beth is petting an 8month old Lion Cub.

7) This Drew and another "please mommy" wannabe new pet. It's an opussum in his "pouch". He was kinda cute.

8) Here's me, and my new "friend"  That's Roxy the Fox. Her fur was Sooooo soft.

9) This is Tori and Beth saying goodbye to the Ferrets. Oh I'm so mean to not let them take one home. LOL

10) 3 very happy girls. L-R  Tori, Katie, and NanaKay.

What a day...

Yesterday was slightly hectic, and today is not looking any better.  I cut and basted my mom's skirt, she tried it on...not gonna work. That material will become a beautiful blouse for Beth. In the meantime, Mom and I have to go get her material so I can try again, it was close.. just a little too snug for my liking, and I cut it too close, damn it.

After that we went and ran errands, including the beauty supply store for Mom, I did find glow-in-the-dark nail polish, all my girls and I will sport this coolness for Halloween.  We tried Wal-mart for material, close but not quite right. We'll hit the fabric store later today, maybe.   After that we picked up the girls, came home grabbed books, homework, supply boxes, and headed to pick up Drew and go to dinner/take Beth to dance.  The dance studio is diagonally cornered to the Harp Inn, so we had dinner at the Harp.  Then hung out and I chatted with my parents while Tori and Katie did homework and Drew colored.  Worked well. We might try it again next month.

Today I get to attend the awards assembly for Katie, I don't know what she's receiving but I'll be there, armed with my camera. Then Tori goes to the Ped. Dentist for extractions, poor baby. She got one pulled last week at the reg. dentist, but panicked. Today they'll use nitrous if needed to help her through.  After that I'll pick up the other two girls, come home and snuggle with my applesauce and pudding eating Pixie girl. All this so she can be tortured with braces. I feel badly for her, but at least she'll have a beautiful smile when it's done.

ok.. I'm off to find the family room before the assembly at school.

Sunday, October 8, 2006

A Big Thank you

Last week I signed up to walk in the 2006 CHOC walk the park. to raise funds for our Childrens' hospital.. thank you to ALL of my sponsors I raised nearly $400.00!!!!! You are all amazing thank you so much.

The walk was awesome,  I got sniffly a few times, seeing signs and t-shirts in memory of kids, in honor of kids, etc.  But overall C. and I had a great time. It was well worth getting up at 5:30 am!

My mom took my kids to church as Tim had somewhere else to be, they are at lunch now. I'm now off to nap!!! :o)

Thursday, October 5, 2006

New things

Busy morning here, after dropping the kids at school I had orientation for my new job, I had to sign all the appropriate IRS forms, etc. I'm all set now. YAY! After that I met mom for lunch, yummy salad at Coco's. Then I ran by the Salvation Army thrift store just browsing, uh huh, sure. I left with a pair of jeans, a jean skort, and a pair of shorts for Tori which is good as she had limited selection in the shorts/skorts dept. Remember, Northern readers I live where it might be 75* or warmer on Christmas day, shorts are not uncommon year round!!!

After that I hit Target, I got the items I was looking for; b-day cards for my grandmother, and gloves for Ireland.

Thankfully after picking up my girls I get to come home and be home until I go get Drew. Then I have choir tonight.. I'm ready for bed now.

I'm seriously wanting a pepsi, and there's none in house, and Ive been doing well to have 1a day for a while now... ugh. Ok. whining done.

Monday, October 2, 2006

Another weekend

Friday night we celebrated my new status as fully employed with a trip to the pub with mom, dad, Tim, and my two friends C. and B.   C and I attempted to dance but the concrete floor was not liking our feet. 

Saturday was a bday party for a friend of Drew then the bachlorette party for my future SIL, we hit Burke Williams spa and each did a treatment, then we went to Tentation ultra lounge for dinner, it was good but not a new favorite, the food was delicious but the atmosphere was too loud.  We were going to stay and do our dancing there but it didn't work out so we went to our old familiar hang out, The Harp Inn, fun was had by all.  We nearly closed the Harp. :o)

Sunday was church, then youth groups for Tori and Beth,  Between those and lunch, I took a nap on the couch as Tim napped with Drew in our bed. It was good day.

Today I signed up for the CHOC walk through the park. It's a fundraiser for the county hospital near me.  It's a place I hold close to heart as my son was there for 4 days while the doctors and nurses worked tirelessly to save him, and then again for our early arrival Victoria when she came 4 weeks early and needed some extra help they were there for us. So next Sunday I'll be walking a 5K with C. to raise funds for a good organization.

Other than that, it's crunch time on the dresses for the wedding, which is officially 26 days away!!!

Friday, September 29, 2006


I got the job I interviewed for with the Fed. Gov't. I couldn't be more excited! I get to work and still enjoy time with the kids doing their respective activities and just playtime. :oD

I start the Monday after I get back from my trip to Ireland. I'm so excited!!!

Monday, September 25, 2006

My baby...

My Beth is 13. I'm not sad, I do wonder how the time has flown by. I'm excited to think that she's still speaking to me (I wasn't much into talking to my mom at this age).   She had a wonderful party, received fantastic gifts (lots of gift cards which we went shopping with yesterday).  And is now officially a teenager. I'll pretty much keep doing what I've been doing as far as parenting goes and hope it continues to work.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

A good morning...

So I had planned to mow the yard, trim, edge, weed, and plant my allysum. BUT I'm an idiot and turned the sprinklers on as I left to take the girls and Drew to school. DUH.

So after dropping all off at the appropriate spots, I came home to wet grass..I choose not to mow wet grass.  And mine is only 1/4 grass it's 3/4 weed. So I got the string trimmer (weed eater in my family) out and used it to edge the yard area. Then I pulled the remaining crabgrass and planted the allysum where I want it. Mom gave me a break by visiting, then as she left I saw them.. the training wheels for the bike for Katie, the ones I PROMISED I would put on the bike today before getting her. So I got the bike, it's Beth's old bike (really old), hosed it off, wiped it down, and proceeded to attach the training wheels. Dispite one very stubborn nut it's done. I'm thrilled!!! Katie will still think I'm a good mommy.

My Dad called to let me know that HRServices from Virginia called to verify my employment. So that clues us that my application for THE job is still in the works. YAY!!!!! I really want this position, and I REALLY want to start working soon!!!

Time to go get my girls. See Ya

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

cute kid phrases

These are some random phrases my kids have said recently that I need to remember.


Drew. when cold states we will all become pocksicles. 

Drew. At an Elevator, he exclaims that HE will push the buttons on the Alligator.

Katie. the Moteconretrol is missing (remote control).

Drew. after saying Bless you for each sneeze, if you say thank you, he says My Pweasure.

Beth. has learned the fine art of teenage mumbling. 3/4 of the time we've no clue what she's said.

Tori. said when asked to finish her homework, what's next rocket science?


retail therapy

My mom and I did some shopping yesterday to prepare for our impending (and rapidly approaching) trip to Ireland.  I needed a new pair of jeans, She needed lots of stuff. I came home with the new jeans, and (thanks to mom) a new travel purse, new shoes, new gaucho pants (in black) a new black top, and 2 pairs of wool socks. (its going to be cold in Ireland). I am ready for Ireland. :o) 

We also got Beth her bday gift, but I'm not mentioning it here as I think she might read my blog.  But I will say I'm thrilled and cannot wait for her to open gifts on Saturday.

Today I got the car serviced, bought a new zipper foot for my sewing machine, to finish the dresses, and now I'm off to eat some lunch and collect my girls for the afternoons activities. :o)


Monday, September 18, 2006


After Saturdays campaign trail we headed to a birthday dinner for my gf's ds. IT was crazy, but fun.

Sunday after church the Jr. high youth rode their bikes to the beach... I volunteered to ride with them as an adult. WHY did I do this? WHAT made me think I could.. oh yeah, I figured it was less than 4 miles to the beach, yes, that's a one way trip. We spend about 3-1/2 hours AT the beach where I got totally sunburned. Then we rode back.....Ok. I admit I had a blast, I got to visit with some other moms who I don't normal get to chat with and I got to spend some fun quality time with my eldest DD. But now I can't sit normally.  My poor "sitting spots" are all beat up and bruised. I'm guessing I need a new seat for my bike.

Today is back to the normal stuff in life. And as I've sat long enough that I'm sure to be stiff. I must go and move about.



Saturday, September 16, 2006

I'm really a candidate

And so my jaunt into the realm of elected office begins. I'm running for school board, in a rather big race. I'm not part of a slate of candidates, not endorsed (yet) by any "big" names like Teachers Assoc. or CSEA (classified employees).  BUT as it may turn out, this is good. Today I interviewed with VPAC, The  Vietnamese-American Public Affairs Committee as well as the National Women's Political Caucus. I answered a bazillion questions, and my brain is tired. But I had fun too. Elected or not in November, I will be proud of what I've done and how much I've learned in this experience.



Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sewing anyone?

I don't know that I mentioned this, so here it is.  My brother is getting married, Oct. 28th.  I am sewing the flower girl and junior Bridesmaid dresses, all 5 of them. My dress, and a dress for my mom. :oD  I do love to do this, but it can be a little stressful. However I'm delighted to say that 2 dresses are done, except for zippers, which will be added last after all the other dresses are finished (these are the flower girls, 4 of them).

So, that's the dresses I keep talking about.  The final product for the girls is a black velvet top with cap sleeves and a scoop neck,  with a Scottish Tartan (plaid) skirt that is ankle length and full (netting).   Beth's dress (jr. bridesmaid) matches the above but  she has what is called a cow neck on her dress, it droops, and the skirt is straight, not full, and will be slightly longer.  My dress is solid black but the skirt has a black lace w/ sequins overlay, the neckline is crossover straps that tie in back making a knot look in front just above the bustline.  My mom is wearing a blue skirt with black velvet top with a silver paisly print over jacket.   Both mom and I are wearing Tartan sashes pinned to our shoulders and draped over our backs.  I have heels for the ceremony, and black satin slippers for the reception. :o)

I've no clue what the girls are wearing for shoes.. we have to figure that out next.

But the cuteness is just beginning, while I'm not making it, I will say that Drew, as ring bearer is wearing a kilt. Yes, my boy is wearing a skirt. LOL,  so is his Dad, Grandpa, Uncle, and several friends of the family. the entire male section of the wedding party are wearing kilts. :o)    Drew will have black biker shorts on under his (to be safe) and for those who know the song the Scotsman,  a blue ribbon will be attached to the biker shorts at the appropriate location.

And now, I'm off.. to sew of course.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

First full week of school and activities

Yesterday started our full week one. So far so good. Katie LOVES being a 1st grader and getting to enjoy the "bigkid" playground.  Tori is happy or at least content with 3rd grade, she does love her teacher!  Beth, it's 8th grade, I'm lucky she's still speaking to me. Then there's Drew.. I found a preschool associated with a Methodist church en route to work for both Tim and I, yay. Bonus, two of the teachers know sign language, which Drew still uses if he's tired or feels he's not understood.  HE LOVES his class, he's already made a new best buddy and they are daily asking to play at the other's home. :o)

Yesterday sent us back to ballet for Katie, but a switch, she's now at the studio where Beth takes her classes.. this is a step up from the parks and rec's program,  they require specific things, like hair in a bun, pink shoes, tights, and black leotard. It's more formal, but still fun. She came out beaming, sweaty, and tired, declaring that she really worked and it was awesome. She was TIRED though, she barely made it through dinner.

Today's Beth's class, the new thing today is that we'll drop her off and come home, as Dad will pick her up on his way home from work. YAY!!! This way dinner can be cooked and the girls can do reading time/ homework while I cook and then we can all eat when Beth/Tim get home. It's all very good.

Now I'm off..I must finish the dresses...

Monday, September 11, 2006

odd, but very cool

When I got the new computer I had to install AOL, no biggie, I grabbed a free disk from Wal-mart and here I am, all upgraded to 9.0 and everything.. for the first few days I had no favorite places, so I was replacing them as I could.. today they're all back.. wohoo, except for the duplicates I just did. Oh well.

Ok.. brain break over, back to the sewing table.


Sunday, September 10, 2006

Ok, the big trip, update

We drove for 9 days, 2895 +/- miles.  We stopped the first night in Sacramento having gotten a later than hoped for start. The hotel was gorgeous and wonderful, and the best part was the time frame now gave us chance to tour our state capital. Of course, being the political goof I am I was all excited. We get out of the car at the capital and Drew states with arms outstretched; "nobody panic, if you get lost hug a tree!". We did the tour, the kids did "sort of enjoy it."  Both the Assembly and Senate were in session, THAT was cool. After that we hit the road, on to Vancouver, Washington.  This is a Suburb of Portland Oregon. And the home of dear friends, who allowed us to invade their home and sleep. J made us a yummy yummy pancake breakfast to send us on our way. the 2 miniature pinchers, and 2 slightly larger flufflier dogs gave the kids TONS of entertainment. The visit was wonderful, but too short.  On to Canada though.

   We crossed the boarder about 2pm. It was easy enough, we were asked where we came from and where we were going and why. We stopped at the info center for a more local map and directions and exchanged our funds into Canadian.. oooo foreign currency, there's a some entertainment. silly, but true, my mom and I oogled over it. We found our way across the bottom of Canada to the Ferry terminal in  Tsawwassan. Boarded and were on our way to Vancouver Island. We had a yummy dinner on the Ferry. It was an adventure for us all.  Victoria is beautiful!!! The buildings are pretty, the surrounding scenery is gorgeous and the people are really friendly. Our arrival was late so we just slept. The next day we got up and drove to Butchart Gardens.  It was beautiful..  we enjoyed and walked all of it!!! We stopped at the Butterfly Gardens after that, and my mom was in heaven, she LOVES butterflies, and so it was perfect, especially since one landed on her. After that a brief stop for ice cream, a park playground for the kids to run about and it was time for dinner. We were HUNGRY.. we found an English pub called the Sticky Wicket. It was yummy, and fun!!!  Back to our hotel for swimming, baths and bed!

Day 2 in Victoria was spent in the downtown where we rode a double decker bus for a guided tour, saw the undersea gardens, the Royal British Natural History Museum, The Parlaiment building, and dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory.  The bus tour was my favorite.  Our guide was a great person who fell in love with Katie and Tori.  More swimming, jammies and an after dark adventure. They light the parlaiment buildings at night and both mom and I wanted to see, so with kids in jammmies, we loaded up and drove down to take a look and pictures.The kids were funny about tromping down the street for the pictures at first.  And then to bed. 

Day 3 of Canada was short in B.C. as we had to catch the earlier Ferry to Port Angeles, Washington. Customs was easy enough with passports and Birth certificates for the kids.  Due to food in the car we did have to do a secondary inspection, but no biggy. Back in the USA... ahhh, road signs in MPH, not Km/hr.   We drove hwy 101 home. I'd forgotten how slow one must drive hwy 101.. but the bonus was getting to view the gorgeous scenery!  

We spent the night at a lovely little hotel in Southern Washington. No swimming, it was late and we were all pooped.  We got up early-ish and headed out to breakfast, the Trees of Mystery, and Bandon Boat works. :o) Fun!!!!  The kids had a blast in the Trees of Mystery, Tori, Katie, and Drew were each given their own disposable camera. I'll share pics. as soon as I get them back. 

The next day we stopped in Tillamook, Oregon at the cheese factory,  had a fun little tour and stop, then headed on south. By this time even my mom and I were ready to be home. 

We stopped in Monterey hoping to hit a couple of the historical sites, but no luck, they were either tour only, or closed, and I didn't want to wait 15mins. for a 45 mins. tour I wanted to get home.  We stopped at the Dennis the Menace themed City Park and let the kids run about.. unfortunately the steam locomotive enigine "bit" Drew's head and we had to make a hasty departure. He's fine, but he hit the back of his head on one part and bounced up to bonk the front, which gave him a black eye. Poor boy.  We got home Wednesday night about 10pm, surprising Tim with our early arrival.

Look for pictures soon. :o) 

Friday, September 8, 2006

OH my aching....

everything? It all aches.. it's my own fault.. I'm the dingbat that declared the front of the house (yard) must look pretty and neat and such for tomorrow.. tomorrow is my brother and his fiance's couple's wedding shower, it's here.  50 people... maybe only 40-45, I'm not sure.. we set up for regrets only on the RSVP thing and that leaves me wondering and a little nervous. But anyways.. my front is now almost really pretty. I can't fix the last problem in 14 hours, the grass is dead. For some unknown reason Tim turned off the sprinklers. I do not know why. but there it is. I've turned them back on, and hope to have some greenery soon, obviously not tomorrow.  I do now have a beautiful potted mandavilla,  two red tea-roses, a white tea-rose (there's about 3 in the bowl), and a big pot of decorative Ivy that I split into two medium and 2 small pots.  A wall hanging shelf for the front porch that Tim will hang in the morning, and 2 pink/purple chorleas  (something like that).. they're pretty and do well in sun.  I also got 6 cacti for the top of the corner tier planter, but it needs more love than I've time to offer before planting for tomorrow.. so the cacti will live in their pots for a few more days.

In the meantime I have to finish cleaning the inside now. Thankfully we were gone for 10 days following Drew's bday party and then only home 3 of the 4 before school started, so the house is not totally trashed, it's actually pretty good. Some quick picking up, vacuuming and wiping counters and we're set. The kids are now doing their rooms with the understanding that at 8:30 I'm vacuuming, if it's in my way then it's mine. Evil maybe, but they move!!!

Wish me luck tomorrow.. after all this work I may fall asleep before the party's over. hehe

Tuesday, September 5, 2006


We left late, but still made it to the boat in plenty of time.  We were in the commadore lounge, so we got nicer seats, above a level from regular seating, and a free drink. MMMmmmMMM.  We "landed" gathered our gear and began the trek to finding our hotel. Settled our gear there and headed out for a drink. we went to Katherine's first, it was ok, but we were old compared to the rest of the gang, so we left there.. walked by the karaoke bar, and into  Luau Larry's... think Jimmy Buffet West coast style. Perfection. We hung out for 3 drinks, and as neither Tim nor I drink fast, we stayed a while. Walked "home" and slept.  Up fairly early Saturday for bkfst, then to the undersea tour, you sit in a semi-submersible we're underwater, the captain is above. It was cool, we saw lots of fish, but not being able to see where we were going or feel a breeze on me, I got nauseaus.  Out on deck I was fine again.  After that we had lunch and a drink then went on the in-land bus tour. It was cool, we got to see Wrigley ranch which is still active, with beautiful horses!!!  Then dinner and a drink (hehe, see a trend), and then to a moonlight bus tour.. the lights were gorgeous!!!! back to town for dessert, and a drink (at least we ate with each drink), then to bed. Sunday we got up arranged a late checkout, went for our intro Scuba dive, that was THE coolest part of the trip for me. I'm hooked and cannot wait to get my open water certification!!! It was absolutely amazing!!!  After that, shower, change, store gear at hotel, and lunch (at the Buffalo Nickel, where they sell a drink called Buffalo milk, Tim's in love, I stuck with my beer). After lunch we headed over to meet our boat for parasailing. WOW! It was sooo quiet, and airy, sounds lame, but it's the floating, it's just amazing. Something I would love to do again.  After survivng scuba diving AND parasailing we decided we needed to celebrate ( afterall we did live through both).. so we went back to Luau Larrys (great place), and had a couple drinks w/ nachos and oyster shooters. Yummy.  Then sadly we had to get our gear and head over to the boat to come back to the real world.  It was an amazing trip. The best way to celebrate our 14th anniversary.


computers can be a royal PITA

It needed a whole new modem.. that's the short version of a rather long and frustrating saga.  But, I'm back now, and glad of it.

First off, I'll update the Catalina trip, Bug's surf camp, and Tori and Beth's trips to GS. camp.

I'll do these separately so I can do them well, which will mean a little at a time. :o)



Thursday, August 10, 2006

More to follow

Just a quick note to let all know I am alive. The motherboard on my computer has died. My new computer is up and running and we're awaiting the arrival of the CD-rom driver for the dsl modem.With that I'll be back to give full reports on Our trip to Catalina Island for our anniversary, Katie's week at surf camp, and Beth and Tori's adventures at Girl Scout camp.

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Catching up!!!

I left off with the last day of swim lessons and Tim taking the new position. He loves the new place, it's a huge firm compared to his small one before, and the best part is the commute went from 90 minutes to 30!!! The week after that was a "down" week, no big plans, which was great because I ended up having to get my battery replaced. It died at my interview, which I have the job as long as my security clearance goes through. That shouldn't be too hard, I've never done anything illegal.  Wednesday my mom watched the kids with help from Beth and I went to San Diego to play with a couple girlfriends from my fitness board. We had a BLAST!!!! It was cooler but still pretty warm. Friday we did a playdate with one of the kids from swim lessons. It was fun!!!

This week is our classes at the museum, it's a momentous year, Beth will "graduate" out of the program as she's entering 8th grade. And Drew and I sharing my last time in a parent/me class. Next year I'll take the kids sign them in and be on my own...I've no idea what Beth will want to do. She might volunteer, or she might find an alternative camp somewhere else.  We've made lots of new friends this week, and have had a wonderful time, but I'm pooped!!!!

Tuesday Tim and I celebrated our 14th anniversary, we made dinner together, ate with the kids on the patio and enjoyed hanging out together. Tomorrow evening we leave for Catalina Island for the weekend, my parents will watch the kids while we're off parasailing, snorkeling, scuba diving, and generally hanging about. It should be a lot of great fun, and relaxing with a bit of adventure mixed in.

Now I'm off to start dinner early as we're going to the circus tonight. The kids will enjoy the whole thing, and I love watching the acrobats!!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Two bits of employment news

Tim took a position with a new company, 1/2 the stress, 1/3 of the communte, and more money, equal benefits, etc.  YAY!!!! HE starts Monday July 31st.

I sent out more resumes online yesterday and within a short time received a call regarding one of them.. I've returned that call to set up an interview asap and really hope to get this job. It's clerical, not real exciting, but it's Gov't.  and that gives opportunity to move up and out and over, and the benefits would be killer.  PLUS the hours, while painful for my notamorningperson self will hurt to begin they are perfect, 6am-2:30pm, Tim will take-on the morning routine with the kids, and I will pick everyone up and still be able to participate in after-school activities like ballet and gymnastics!!! I just have to go to bed at 8pm as I'll be getting up at 4am. a minor adjustment.

In other news my mom had the hernia repair done last Friday, she's doing well. She came and watched the girls and Drew at swim lessons yesterday with my dad. She hopes to be totally "up" to her old self in another week. 

And swim lessons. Tori  jumped off the diving block and swam the entire LENGTH of the pool to the shallow end!!!!!! Katie jumped off without her teacher and swam half way to the edge at the side!!!!!!! Drew is diving after the rings with no fear!!! I have fish for kids now!!YAY!!!! swim lessons achieved my goals!!! Tori will qualify for free swim at summer camp, and Katie will enjoy her "surf camp" in August!!! :oD

Ok.. time for the last day of classes.



Monday, July 17, 2006

It was fun!!

The week ended well, with Beth coming home! And Tori, Katie, and Drew participating in the concert for VBS, it was cool. We bbq'd after and enjoyed. Then ran to swim lesson for Drew. Tori and Katie played foosball the entire time. Beth and I played a game of ping pong while Drew swam.. he was having issues so I left the room asking another mom to let me know if I was needed. She told me after my leaving was the right thing to do. I'm glad I did make the right choice.

Saturday was a bridal shower for my future sil.  It was at an OMG gorgeous (beyond), home in a gated community.. with a live person in a tuxedo-style uniform at the gate, with guest passes for parking... see the kind of over the top we're dealing with.. champagne,  cloth napkins, real silver service. the kitchen of this house was as big as my dining room, and my dining room is HUGE!!!! All I kept thinking was how do you keep it all clean (yes I do know people like that hire people to clean, but still!!)  the couple is older, no kids at home, but they do care for an elderly parent.. I'd be scared if I was a daughter to have Drew over, he'd break something for sure!! The girls did go with me, and had a lovely time!! Katie even won a prize for the under 10 set for one of the games. Too cute. 

Sunday we went to Muldoons Irish pub after church for brunch and to see our friend Stuart Martz play and enjoy his CD release party. We ended up splitting up, the kids were fried and done, so Tim took them home, and I stayed with my dad. He and I stopped at the grocery so I could grab dinner on the way home.

Today is busy, but it's all in the afternoon.. we have swimming lessons, and then run home to eat and then Beth has ballet from 6:30-7:30.  I am going to find a nearby park to go to with the others.

Time to think dinner, tonight has to be a crock pot.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

1/2 way through

I know my titles make it sound terrible and aweful, when in reality this has been a lovely, although HOT, week. 

Monday did not end with the movie and beer, as C. came by needing some moral support, she's slightly overwhelmed (like the titanic was slightly damaged before sinking)... her brother, mother, father, and two of her kids (who are with their fathers' parents), all had or have pneumonia. Brother is not recovering and had lung biopsies done today, OUCH. I haven't heard any news on that which seems to my gut to be a good thing.  So instead of a beer and a movie I had a pepsi and toured the apartment she's moving in to. It's gorgeous. I love the colors, textures, all of it. Makes me wish I had the $ to paint here.  Tuesday morning came early, that's what happens when you go to bed after midnight. I got the kids off and I treated my self to retail therapy. I was given gift cards to Kohls a dept. store, and so I used them. I now own a pair of greenish/khaki walking shorts, 2 pairs of earrings, and a necklace. :o) It was good.

Today I dropped the kids and ran to the Post office to finalize my passport application. Done! I will have it in 2 weeks, YAY!!!  Took the kids to swim lessons where Tori swam the width of the pool. :oD  both Tori and Katie jumped into the water off the diving block, Drew jumped in off the side of the pool.. I'm very impressed and delighted as they still have all of next week too!!!  After that I made dinner, then ran to the library to drop off and pick up books.  Came home, tucked the babes to bed. and now I'm here.. why am I not in bed?? It's now 11pm.. ugh.. so much for early night..oh well, it's too hot to sleep anyways.

Monday, July 10, 2006

It's MONDAY!!!!!

Day 1 of my busiest summer week is 90% over now.  BUT first, an FYI, 12 pounds of chicken is too much for 13 people!!!!We brought home about 1/2 of it.  The concert was great, Beth is safely delivered to camp, after an excursion to Dana Point to kill time with the family. And then there was today.

I got up at 7am, had breakfast, alone, then woke the kids at 7:30am dressed, fed, and out the door at 8:30am to Vacation Bible school. Delivered them, went to the grocery (did you know grocery shopping alone can be enjoyable? it can!). Unloaded my haul, made and packed a picnic lunch. Picked up the kids, ate our lunch, played a bit, went to the pool for swim lessons, arrived 30mins. early with nothing to do. (this is bad, but thankfully didn't get ugly).  Survived 3 hours at the pool (thank GOD it's indoors, no sun).  The kids did fantastic with their lessons. Day one. DONE.  The kids ate dinner, I'm off to bathe them and tuck their exhausted selves into bed. After which I'm going to make my dinner and enjoy it, with a beer, and a movie. ;o)


Friday, July 7, 2006

kill the wabbit.. kill the wabbit..

Tonight the Hollywood Bowl orchestra is presenting Bugs Bunny on Broadway.. now you know where we'll be. The orchestra plays the music while the cartoons are played on giant screens above. It's great fun!

We're doing a picnic dinner, I'm cooking skillet fried chicken (for 13 people), and we have macaroni and potato salads, fruit, pringles chips, wine, soda, and juice. C. is bringing dessert, I suggested cookies as it allows for some to have chocolate and those that don't/can't eat it to not be stuck with nuttin.

Tomorrow is the family beach party.. I got Drew his ear plugs today, phew, one more thing off the to-do list. 

Sunday Beth leaves for camp.. um.. guess I ought to make sure her laundry is all clean so she can pack, huh.


ok.. I'm off to cool me off good before frying up the 12 pounds of chicken we bought.



Wednesday, July 5, 2006

suit success times 2 and a fun weekend

A happy belated 4th of July to you all. We had a lovely weekend.  But first, tthhhpppt. to E.B. not a suit for me.  TARGET on the other hand had 2! Both are chocolate brown, one is a one piece, the other a two piece, tankini, the bottoms have a micro-miniskirt attached to them, and are not mega-OMG-lowrise, thank you! I spent the same on the two suits that I would have on one suit. I'm pleased. I got the suits Friday while Katie was at her dress rehearsal for the ballet recital. After the fun of a CUTE recital we piled into the van, came home, finished packing and loading and headed to my in-laws beach house for part of the weekend. We went to the beach on Saturday and had a lovely time playing in the sand, reading, and splashing around in the water. Sunday after 1/2 a day of playing DH and I loaded up and headed South, to visit my mom and Dad in Mexico, more beach, more reading and playing and Margaritas. hehe.

We left Tuesday, praying we'd get home before our guests for our 4th of July bbq. Thankfully we did make it home with 2 hours to spare. I cleaned and Tim shopped for food. Turned out to be a small affair but lots of fun!!! The fireworks show at our H.S. was great and that is what makes the 4th of July for me.

Today we had a playdate with a friend and had a lovely time. This afternoon another friend is coming over for bbq dinner. Tomorrow Drew goes for an ear check up and to get his ear plugs.  Which is good since Monday he starts swim lessons.


Thursday, June 29, 2006

Tis the season and a short vent

First off it's summer.. so yes it is time for swim suits. Unlike several of my friends I not just enjoy going to the beach, I actually enjoy getting wet there, as well as at pools. This year I've declared the need for a new suit. Yes last years(that's more than one year) suit still works (mostly) I deserve a 2nd functional suit.. I hit wal-mart tonight for other items and browsed. ummm.. people I've had 5 kids, I'm not wearing anything that doesn't cover ALL of my poor stretchmarked tummy. And WHO decided the little triangles for cups could get smaller???  After reading two other friends' blogs I've decided to hit Eddi Bauer.  I am lucky enough to have a store of theirs near my home. I have some time.. while our church beach bash is NEXT saturday the BIG event for the second swim suit is not until the beginning of August. I will celebrate 14 years of marriage that weekend, we are doing so by going to Catalina Island.  Parasailing, Scubadiving, Snorkeling, and assorted other activities of fun. We're saving a bit of funding by taking our bicycles with us for on island transportation.  I'm truly excited.. not just to get a "real" bathing suit, but to have a really fun place to wear it. hehe

Now my vent. I hit the P.O. as planned Wednesday when the time opened. I got there, waited 15mins. to be serviced, was informed I had an outdated form. While filling out the correct form another family came in. A very nice family, with 4 kids attempting to get passports, mom didn't speak fluent/clear english and there were issues. I waited, and waited. at 10:40 the employee informed me that he would not be seeing me at that time as he had to go to lunch. Excuse the $#@# out of me, I sat there for an HOUR waiting to be told sorry I have to go eat my pistrami on rhye. Needless to say I'm still pissy about it. And have not been able to get back there yet. I'm going to make every effort to do so tomorrow, BUT, my Darling Mom-in-law is picking up Drew at 10am. Drew is not fully packed.. and I learned this evening I have to follow Tim to the mechanic and take him to the car rental place as his cars' brakes are seizing.  UGH!!!!  And finally, I still have no clue who is going to care for my 4 children while I go to Ireland in 4 months.. that's not that far away. I am getting anxious about that.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Everything works out..in the end

We had a playdate scheduled this morning, it's been postponed. While a huge bummer, I'm going to take advantage of the freed time. I'm heading to the post office in about 10minutes to put the paperwork in for my passport.

The rest of the day should be VERY interesting, I signed up to be a room mom/chaperone for Beth's ballet class for TONIGHTS' show. Not remembering that would include my participation in this afternoons' dress rehersal. I hope the kids are good, as I'll be chaperoning Beth's class WITH Tori, Katie, and (heaven help us) Drew, in tow.  Betcha I don't get asked to room mom again. LOL.Seriously I am thinking the teacher forgot I have  3 other kids, and noone would be here to watch them. It will be interesting. Tim will watch the kids for the show tonight, we'd already planned that.

Last night was C's dd's show followed by Beth's show. Both were well done, but I must say that Beth's was more entertaining. The first show was all the jazz and tap groups and it was a piecemeal of all the different groups doing their own dances.  Beth's show was a "story" as most ballets are. They did Yellow Brick Road (wizard of oz) it was really well done!  Beth did fantastic, but um, when did she get so tall?? she's at least 3 heads above the other dancers in her class. She's nearly as tall as 2 of the girls in the highschool class. WOW!

Ok.. time to go get me ready to get out of here.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

a complete Success!!!!

Tori's party was a ball. The girls had tons of fun on the boat. I heard from a few girls the it was the best Party they'd ever been to.  We got there a bit late, so extended our time to a 90min. ride. The girls fired pretend cannons at passing boats and we "overtook" several other boats that surrenedered to the Pink Pixie Pirates. hehe.

Then we came home for a follow the clues that lead to the pinata (it almost worked), they got through the clues faster than the pinata got up, but it was good enough.  They enjoyed it. The pinata was fun, (a treasure chest) the kids each got a turn, then Tori took a second try, and then Tim tore it open. :o)

We had cake and ice cream, and Tori opened her presents and the kids started going home. It was a marvelous day for our Pixie. 

After the bbq-ing was done we gave the kids a bathes, and tucked them in, and I went and took a lovely hot bath, and crashed!!!! Today we're going to the pub to hear Gypsies Kiss with the kids. Mom and Dad are bringing cupcakes. Should be a second half of a super celebration!!!


and for the record, that interview I did, turned out to be rather interesting. If the offer comes through I just might take it. :o)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The next 72 hours.. +/- a few

I have a lot happening, again.  3pm today an interview, this will sound funny, but I don't want the job. I'm doing the interview for "practice" for when THE job I want comes around, I'm ready with killer interview skills. Then tonight I'm 'hobnobbing' with the junior chamber of commerce organization at a mixer. I hope to practice my skills at social conversation/small talk that takes me outside the realm of 4 kids and how to best make meatloaf for 12 when noone is going to be home from 8am-5pm. hehe.

Tomorrow, my Katie-bug will "graduate" from kindergarten. YAY BUG!!!! It's the last day of school for all the kids, and a momentous one as our co-op with C and her kids is officially done. Her kids will go to their dad's on Monday after a dance recital, and then we won't see them again until August, when C will be done moving.  To celebrate, as is traditional here, we'll do lunch at Chuck E. Cheese tomorrow (plastic pizza anyone?).

Saturday is the party.. we are all ahead full, hehe. We have food stuff, drink stuff, and bbq for the after the party, party.  The boat is ready, the decorations are ready. The invites are out, that the recipients are actually coming (mostly, we have 5 girls) out of 8 invites that's pretty good!!!


Wednesday, June 21, 2006


So my hubby left Sunday morning, so I've been a single mom all week. Let me tell you, this is NOT something I'm ready to do on a regular basis!!!! while I'm enjoying some parts of the experience, overall I miss Tim. Sunday night wasn't too bad, as the kids were all exhausted and my dad and mom were here and helped me get the girls settled, Beth, Drew and I hung out for a bit then we went to bed, I laid with Drew. Monday night was the worst, though the kids were all tired none wanted to sleep. Tori didn't want Katie in her bed, Katie couldn't possibly sleep "alone"  Beth wouldn't go to bed, and Drew was exhausted and napless which for him means WILD and MEAN.  I finally got all 3 girls into bed and after a major battle, took Drew to my bed. Last night was good!! The girls shared bed, Beth went with little argument, and I laid with Drew on Katie's bed, and didn't fall asleep while he did! While I didn't take my bath, I will tonight, because Tim's home!!!  This morning I'm going to hose off and "soaplessly" wash my mom's car. She can't do a real wash for 90 days due to body work that was done on it, but it's FILTHY!!! I'm happy to do it for her, it's good exercise. After that she and I will pick up all my kids, take Beth to the orthodontist, and then go get the last of the goodies needed for Tori's party. and oh is she up in arms, I'm surprising her. She knows it's her party but she doesn't know ANYTHING about what we're doing. I just keep telling her it's going to be the "best pixie party ever" I sure hope she agrees.

During the day Monday and yesterday I enjoyed doing some laundry (yes I enjoyed doing it, as I wasn't trying to squeeze it in between reading and writing papers) and read (a magazine!!) I took Beth and Tori to the library last night and picked up a book for me and Tori, Beth got 10 books.. she's reading the entire Hardy Boys series. She's on book 25, she'll read these 10 books in about 12 days, actually less, as she'll have reading time during the day next week. I love that!!! Tori got a chapter book, the Mystical Beast.. we're going to read it together, most likely with Katie. I got a Nora Roberts book that I've not yet read. I need more authors, I like adventure/romance. No hot steamy nasty sex, but some good love, and no major suspence or horror.  Any ideas, post a comment. :o)

Monday, June 19, 2006

All done.

The ceremony was fantastic, the party was AMAZING.. and now I'm tired. LOL.  Sunday was father's day, so of course, I spent the day with my father. DH was out of town, so sadly we didn't get to play with him as well. The kids and I went to the L.A. Roadster show with my dad and his friend (from boy scouts, 50 years ago) "Uncle" Joe. The man is a saint and gave my girls shoulder rides most of the day!!!

Next Saturday is Tori's 8th birthday party.. a Pixie Pirate party. Now if only I'd remembered to mail the invites last week like I was supposed to do. Dammit. I hope we still have some guests. We've rented a Duffy (that's a boat) to take the girls on a harbor cruise before the party part. Which will consist of decorating their pirate hats, sword fighting, and a treasure hunt to the pinata.  If we've still time after all that I've got bubbles and sidewalk chalk. :o)

At least the house is still clean from my party. So I don't have MAJOR cleaning to do for this party. :o)


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

It begins

I'm running for school board, so I'm attending tonights meeting to start getting a better hands on feel for what are the hot topics are for the board members, I know what they are for the teachers and other staff.  I'm also giving a letter requesting endorsement of my candidacy to two organizations that will be represented tonight.

In other news, Beth started phase II of  orthodontia (braces) she's got brackets on bottom as well as top now. she goes next week for spacers to put the wire-holding peices on her molars. And she has to have 4 teeth pulled, as does Tori, whom I took a couple months ago.... I'm calling tomorrow to see if I can get both girls in for the extractions on the same day.  My poor babies. What a way to start summer have teeth pulled and get braces.

Tomorrow is Drew's last day of speech therapy for the school year, I'm going to stop tonight and pick up a gift card for a bookstore for the speech "teacher" she's done an amazing job working with Drew!!! I'm very very happy with how far he has come!!!

Ok.. time to serve dinner.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

OHMYGOD...oh my god.. oh... oh..

I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!!! My final, final exam was monday. I'm done.. I've finished my degree!!!!!!!!  I'm done I'm done I'm done. I'm only a little excited.  Ok.. I'm floating.. and it's only going to increase with the approaching ceremony and party!!! :oD

Now someone come play with my son, who is a doll, and a love, and is un-doing all the cleaning I've done. Sigh~


I'm DONE!!!!!!!! ;o)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Two yays and a two grrrrsss

Katie received an award at school today. Teachers' choice award for Excellence in story writing. :o)  I ditched school so I could attend the assembly and take the appropriately obnoxious number of pictures of the kid. :o)

Then I pick the kids up after school to discover that Victoria received her white ribbon for reading... um, WHY did her teacher not let me know??? I could have easily made my schedule to include both assembies. GRRR. Victoria has worked rather hard to get this ribbon, she had to read 750 pages throughout the year, while that's not much to some, when you've got a kid who spent the first 1/2 of the year not able to read "go dog go" pull off 750 pages and be READING books, YAY!!!

The second Grrr, is that when I picked up Beth she informed me that she had no lunch today. Due to some idiot student pulling the fire alarm. They had to evacuate the building, reset the alarm, and then restart the food-line. Beth got to the half way point to the door when they closed the line, out of food. WTF!? I've written an email to the prinicipal. Hopefully I'll get a satisfactory response. In the meantime I fed my kid a double meat / cheese sandwhich and then she ate the leftover 1/2 of my moms' cheeseburger from lunch, and her cookie for snack. I don't think she'll starve to death.

Other than that, my life is boring..it's all about cleaning, and a little studying for school.  BUT, I must tell T. that your youngest must have mind-linked with my youngest, as Drew took ALL the books out of the bookshelf in my living room as well. LOL.. took us 30mins. to get them all back, but we had him help. hehe

Monday, June 5, 2006


It is MY blog.. so deal with me. I got my cap and gown today!!!! Between that and the cards coming in congratulating me, I'm getting really excited.  It's very surreal.. I keep thinking I've somehow snuck through, and they'll catch me right at the end, and say oh wait, no.. you didn't do ___.  And they'll not let me graduate. Reality is I've already done a final check with my counselor and there isn't anything left but to finish the current class, which I will do next Monday when I take the final exam. :o)

Last night was a blast, we saw our friend play at the pub, he was celebrating a promotion to Sargeant II in the LAPD, Very cool!!!  Got to see several friends we'd not seen in a while, and visit with them!!! Something we don't get to do enough of.

Ok.. back to reality, I have to go find a room, or two, as getting this house ready for my party is a must do.


Sunday, June 4, 2006

The countdown begins..

So as not to totally bore ya'll to tears, I won't do it daily.. but right now I have.. 13 days until I graduate!!!!! nope I'm not excited, not me, not one bit. (HA!!!)

the weekend has been fun, and lazy, which is nice.  Friday we went out. yesterday, we melted here. Today was church, and tonight Tim and I are going to the pub to celebrate a friend's promotion to Sargeant II in the police force. :o)  One of my dear friends had her baby last night, and I've gotten all the color-laundry washed. it's neither folded nor put away. But it's washed!!! The rest will happen in a bit. I only have one load of whites, and I'm caught up! YAY!!!!  Then I can focus more on getting the clutter out of here!!! Time to get really serious about getting this place spruced up. So off I go. hehe.


Saturday, June 3, 2006

Hot enough??

according to AOL's welcome screen it's 81* in my town... it's Hot that's all I know. With no A/C in our house it's hotter than I'd like. We do have a lovely breeze, and the fans are on.. but I'm still too warm. whine whine.

So last night DH and I headed to a concert. WAY fun, we saw Sligo Rags, the Merry Wives of Windsor, and The Fenians. Much dancing was done by my friend C. and I.. enough that my feet hurt today.

We're having a quiet, at home day. We don't have many of these. So I'm enjoying this one fully. :oD

Laundry, light cleaning, and bbq for dinner.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

May 31st

First off.. a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear friend T..I hope you have a magical day!!!

Found the gym card,etc. So worked out yesterday. YAY.

The weekend was great, friday night we went to a single-malt scotch whiskey tasting. Saturday was the Scottish festival and games, fun!!! After that we loaded up and headed to my in-laws beach house. Fun in the sun, with some waves. I didn't go in the water, but I did get my nervous Bug in to her ankles, and Drew to his calfs.  :)

Monday came all too soon, after a yummy bbq lunch we came home. Where I started in earnest to clean my house for my graduation party in 3 weeks!! ;o)

Now, I'm off to class... I've no interest in going today. Today is also my Son Alex's birthday.he would be 10 years old today...happy birthday Angel Boy~



Thursday, May 25, 2006


Drew confisticated my lock and gym-card, so no gym. darn it. I'll be using the time to get my house in better order, so not a total loss. But I would've liked the workout.

In other news, it's soon to be official, but I'll unofficially announce it here.. LOL.  

I'm going to run for my City School board.  I'm really excited, and hopeful to get elected. One of the incumbants is up for re-election and she is not well-liked due to a previous issue. Wish me luck, my political career begins. :o)


Poof, it's gone...

again the time has slipped out from under my nose. It's the END OF MAY!!!!!! Mind you I'm thrilled, but wow it's going quickly.

The birthday party last weekend was fun! The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a blast. Sunday we went to Doheny Blues festival. MARVELOUS, as always.

This week has been pretty ordinary, just more of the same, me trying to get my butt in gear and working and Drew doing all he can to make sure whatever work I got done is undone as soon as I finish.

Tomorrow night begins the Scottish Festival and games, with a single-malt whiskey tasting. Saturday is a festival and games (like the caber toss, kilt run, etc) Tons of fun, yummy food and shopping!!! :o)  I'm on the hunt for a brooch for my current rosette (it's a sash w/ a "flower" folded in the middle) and a rosette in the tartan my brother is using for his wedding in October. :o)

After that's over on Saturday we're heading to the in-laws beach house for the remainder of the long weekend. Should be a blast!!! Hopefully the weather will warm up on sunday and Monday (it's supposed to cool off tomorrow and rain on Saturday!!! it was 80 yesterday!).

I have 7 class meetings left of school... YEEHAW!!! I'm so excited. My party invites should go out in either today or tomorrows mail.  My announcements will go out tomorrow as well. :o)


Ok. off to the gym. Gotta keep working, I'm still hoping to fit into "the" dress.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Happy Birthday~

Happy Birthday to my DH.. we had dinner at Olive Garden, then off to the movies to see DaVinci code. It was fantastic. After that we hit downtown HB to see who was "rockin" our local pubs. One had a dj that was thumping.. not working.  The second had a band, better.. until we realized what kind of band. Actually I say that sarcastically.. it was a metal/punk band. Now I'm a fan of Heavy Metal.. Metallica is one of my fav's.  This group made Metallica sound like classic rock though!!  We did enjoy,  who can't enjoy a drink and people watching?!!? :o) 

Now we're off to a birthday party and then home to clean up before going to a wedding. :o)



Thursday, May 18, 2006

Katie Bug, the Tiger.

The Bug's kindergarten circus was Tuesday.. she was a Tiger.. here's her cuteness!!! ;o)



Tuesday, May 16, 2006

a few things

First I had a lovely Mother's day. I was treated to a yummy breakfast, and a delicious lunch which I did not cook. Lunch was at MIL's FIL bbq'd ribs. mmmm.  the in-laws gave me a candle and a gift card to Kohl's for some ME shopping. :o)  DH gave me a bouquet of roses and took  me to see a play Saturday night. 

Monday afternoon Drew got his left middle and ring fingers caught in my pampered chef mandolin slicer/grater. OUCH is right.. he's all bandaged up and both nails should grow back. <shiver>. 

Today was my Bug's kindergarten Circus, she was a Tiger.. TOO cute!!! The entire thing is just way too fun!! The teachers totally get in to it, costumes included!!! 

Finally, the sad news. Sasha-dog has declined severely since Sunday evening. She's not walking and is struggling to breathe... so tonight after Beth's dance class we'll tell the kids, giving them time to say good-byes.. then tomorrow Tim, my Dad, and I are going to take her to the Vet to have her put to sleep...she's enjoyed a full life, loving us, as we've added "puppies" to our pack, she's been a faithful and loyal friend to us all.. and I'm going to miss her terribly.  Think happy thoughts for us tonight... tomorrow is going to be a rough day.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006


So I was given a workout program on the elliptical at the gym.. it's like cross country skiing.. pretty good machine, as it doesn't rattle my knees like the treadmill would.  So I did my workout at level 4 last time, and really didn't feel much from it. So yesterday I decided to up to 6, why I didn't just go to 5 I don't know... guess I was feeling superwoman-ish.  So I'm going along and about 15mins. into my 30minutes, my trainer and another trainer come over. They have a cold towel, which they drape over my neck, and a water bottle, which I'm ordered to start drinking once I've stopped and gotten off.  According to J my trainer, I was RED and my eyes were unfocused. The machine takes your heart rate through your hands, it registered my HR at 189. My normal puttering around the house rate is about 70, so that's pretty fast.  I got off the machine and worked hard to not pass out while walking with J and T who focused on holding me up while I tried to walk myself back to a reasonable heartrate.         OOPSIE.

Guess I'll go back to doing level 5 for a while. But hey, at least I know the trainers are watching while we work out!!!!

Monday, May 8, 2006

What happened to "do nothing"??

I thought I had pretty much a do-nothing weekend. WHAT was I thinking?? Obviously I should have checked the calendar. Thursday after choir I stopped at the pub(for a pint of diet coke), and a bit of the Lakers/Suns game. Poor Lakers lost, oh well.  Friday night was our monthly dance til we drop at another pub with our friends the Whooligans. I do love these guys they are just too much fun! Saturday night was another friend's bday party, Sunday was my girlfriends daughter's first communion then I sang in a concert. WHEW. Sadly the next three or four weekends look as busy if not moreso.  I need a nap now. LOL

All was fun though, so that was good, I did snooze most of Saturday morning away, thank you Hubby!!

Now I'm off, if I don't get my grad. party invite created I cannot get them printed, and mailed.. :o)

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

I do love Tuesday and Wednesday

On Tuesday I get to have dinner with my both or one of my parents while C's daughter is at dance, Beth joins us for a soda, then walks over to the studio. It's lovely.  I also get lots done on Tuesdays, as they are busy days and somehow that triggers my "move it" switch.  Case in point, I got 3 loads of laundry done and the dining room swept, my bed made, and laundry put away. Monday, I got a load washed.  Tuesday also includes Drew's speech therapy, which he's doing fanatastic!! He's starting to add middle K sounds.. so instead of cra-er, it's craCKer. :o)  ok, back to the day, speech, my gym workout, Drew goes to gymnastics, I pick up the kids, homework/snack, Tori and C's son go to gymnastics, I take the girls to dance... dinner, then wait for them to finish class.  HOW I manage to fit all the other in there as well I just don't know.. but I do. 

Today... is Wednesday. which means C's kids spend the afternoon with their father/stepmother.  I'm evil, I'm sure, but I really enjoy this mid-week day off.  I can spend time with just my crew, I'm home the whole time so we can do whatever we fancy...today we're finishing a project for Tori's class, and then playing!!! I'm in need of some good playtime with my kidlets.  If all goes well we'll have the project/homework done before Beth is finished at school (honor roll dance today)  so we can go pick her up and go frolic somewhere for a short while. 


Ok.. I'm off to class. I don't want to be late...

Monday, May 1, 2006

Mexico and Monday

Had fun south of the border, I took the girls on a horseback ride after breakfast and some visits.  Then came home to a lovely siesta. :o)  I do love that house, it's good for napping on couches like a cat.  Amazingly, mom's fish were still alive. We added water and fed them, then gave them 2 feeder discs to last them until mom gets back down, hopefully the end of the week.

Sunday was church, the girls all did great!!! It's so fun to watch them sing!!! Tori and Katie really got into their song. Beth didn't sing this time, she played (with Tori) in the hand chime choir. I got to help another child, and so didn't get to watch. But we were told we sounded good. :o)   After church we went to lunch with my parents and friends from church then came home to nap. Ahhhhh~ what can I say I love to nap.  As is obvious when you find I didn't wake for 3 hours. Guess I was tired.

Today was back to the regular week schedule. With a moment of YAY. I turned in my paper for school.. my LAST paper for my undergraduate degree.. I'm soooo close!!!! :oD

Now I'm off to do some cleaning and hmmm.. maybe take a nap. I was up late writing. hehe

Thursday, April 27, 2006

another Thursday of torture

thursday is not just gym day, it's personal trainer gym day.  Today was let's make Jen's legs quit working.. he did a great job of it. By the end of our hour session my legs were shaking!!!!  On the upside, I saw a marked improvement in my ability to do certain moves that I've been struggling with, so that was good.  We did not weigh me or measure me as we were scheduled, being a girl-type person who is near that monthly week of ick, I'm not my usual sized self. Why torture me, he says. I like this idea. We'll do that part in 2 weeks, after I've finished, ick.

Now, did I mention my mom's car accident?? I don't remember, so briefly here's the deal, she got side munched in her car. It's now 8-1/2 weeks later and her car isn't fixed yet.  Her rental car can't go across the Int'l border, so I'm taking her home...it's only for a night, but she can restock clothes, etc. we'll come back up Saturday after dinner as the girls are all performing at church on Sunday morning. 

Now I'm off to put away the PILE 'o laundry I've folded so I can pack us to leave tomorrow. :o)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The rest of the weekend and 1/2 a week gone

It seems I'm only good for blogging every 4th day. oh well. so Sunday the kids and I went to church, Tim slept in and did some house stuff. That evening, my parents, C, Bill, and M. came for dinner and cake and ice cream to "birthday" my dad. He enjoyed and all was happy.  monday was the usual day, school, house stuff, hanging out, ballet for Bug, bedtime.  Tuesday was a normal day as well, with the addition of our going by a preschool I've been eyeing for Drew. We visited. He LOVED it...and is still whining about when does he go back! I'm trying to figure that part out now.  I'd like to start him Tuesday of next week but I don't think that's going to happen...we'll see.  After that we went to the gym where I tortured myself, then showered and came home to collect kids, feed snack, drop kids at gymnastics, pick up my mom, go to dance, have dinner with my mom, dad, and Beth, go back to dance for Beth, bring girls home. Tuck in littles, help Beth with homework, go to bed. No wonder I'm pooped Wednesday morning. I crashed at 10pm and was quite ready for it!!!  Today I had class.. I really wish I could say I was enjoying this class, but I'm sleeping through 3/4 of the lectures.  Fortunately I'm getting what I need in order to do well on the weekly writing assignments and feel comfortable heading in to the mid-term. It's just that whole, dark room, someone else talking.. hear me snore. 

Got home fed me, got kids, napped drew, girls are doing homework...and here I sit. I'm off to do laundry, and maybe vacuum my living room...

Monday, April 24, 2006

Ren Faire

We went to Ren Faire on Saturday. We took my dad with us, to celebrate his birthday which was Friday. We had a lovely time. We were all in costume, which just makes it more fun!!!  We shopped, browsed, got ideas, the kids rode some rides, one was a swing, that two guys push to get going, it seats 6 adults I think it is. Well the one guy gets the kids loaded in and starts flirting with Beth. darnit if she didn't flirt back a bit <shiver> it was cute to watch, when I pulled myself back from being the mommy. hehe.   The two highlights for me though, were when we were given audience with the Queen, Drew went right up and hugged her. The girls all curtsied, and were cute, when it was time to leave, Drew gave her another hug and kissed her cheek, and so Tori and Katie went up and gave her a hug. I got a picture of the 4 kids with the Queen, I'll try and put it up in a bit.  The second highlight, was Drew's face when he was placed on the pony for the pony ride. OMG.. the child radiated happy kid!!! It was the coolest. I really had no idea something so simple would mean so much to him. So it was very cool that they got to do that.  In the end, the kids each got a stamped coin. Beth got a quill and ink, Tori and Katie got brooms the bristles are black, the broomhandles are cedar and plum respectively, Drew got a sword and shield. I got 10 sticks of lavendar incense, and something Tim bought me that I've not seen... don't know when I'm getting it either.  And a bunch of lovely memories!!! The weather was fantastic, cool, cloudy, and gorgeous!!! it spattered rain once right at the end of the day, but didn't last 5 minutes. So it was a GREAT day!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Monday evening Beth and I met my brother and M for a Mighty Ducks Hockey game.  It was soo much fun, we had cheapest seats, we were row Q (the top of the stadium is row z). But we didn't care. We yelled, howled, boo'd, and cheered for our Ducks. And they WON!!!! We beat the Calgary flames 4-3. The flames being a "real" hockey team, from Canada and all, were really mean, every other play a fight broke out. It was amazing watching grown men pummle eachother. Made it more excited for us to watch though. Beth got in to it too, yelling and howling at the guys. hehe, I know, such a good role model. Oh well, it's a sport she's never likely to play. And well, it's Hockey, if there's not a fight, it's a dull game. 

On the way home my poor girl got sick, apparently she wasn't feeling great before we left, but not wanting to miss it, she didn't tell me. She stayed home yesterday and is home again today. though better I think she needs today for rest and regaining strength. 

Yesterday I was hoarse all day, I sounded funny, but that's what you get when you howl like an air-horn off and on over 2 hours. hehe, now I know I'm loud, but I didn't know how loud until the 2nd period started and the guy in front of me turns to me and tells me I'm going to give him nightmares.. he thought I had a can airhorn, he was just waiting for it to run out.. when he saw it was a person making that noise, well, all he could say was WOW and Holy $#*^  hehe. So my brother wants me to buy individually wrapped ear plugs in bulk and pass them out to the people sitting directly in front of me from now on. LOL, THAT would be funny.

Ok.. time to go to class....yawn

Monday, April 17, 2006

The end of the week

We did go to the Wild Animal Park, after running a bunch of errands. We got there around 1pm, had a snack, and went off to find a "Noo-noo" this is what PBS has done to my son, Elephants are noo-noo's  Apparently the vacuum creature on teletubbies looks like an elephant.  He did finally say elephant as we were leaving. We also saw meerkats, gorillas,  and other various creatures I can't remember the names of now. It was fun, we ate "linner" (lunch/dinner) and headed home. We were all tucked in bed by 10pm. :oD

Cats was MARVELOUS!!!! we were a little late to the show due to my getting us lost, Grrrr. But we only missed the first minute or two and the girls didn't mind a bit.  Tori wore her T-shirt to school today! she LOVED it and was totally mesmermized during the show.  Friday I took Drew to the ear doctor to have molds done for ear plugs, he did just fine with that, and then we all veg'd out at the house, with me doing some housecleaning for Sunday.

Sunday.. EASTER!! the Bunny came, the goodies were enjoyed, the new outfits were much loved and we all went to church, were I sang, and the kids were cute during their story time. After church Drew and I took a nap while Tori and Katie played quietly in their rooms and Beth helped Tim with dinner prep. we had 26 for dinner, it was a blast!! Lots of food, and fun. We snagged eggs from the baskets the kids got on Sunday at the church egg hunt and hid them in the front yard for the girls and Drew to hunt, that was cute because I actually HID the eggs rather than just laying them on the ground (I did that too).  So now it's back to the daily norm... for a while.

I have 8 weeks of classes and then my final is on the monday of week 9.  the kids have 10 weeks of school left!!!!!! WOHOO!!!!


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Just plain Fun

It was a little crowded but hey it's spring break time, what do you expect. We got pictures with the Easter Bunny, all 5 kids (remember we had Beth's buddy) smiled and were content to be near the Wabbit.  Then we rode rides, and watched the little kids ride their rides. The two big ones went off with a two-way radio in hand and did their own do. I think they rode a couple of rides, I know they had fun.  After much riding in Camp Snoopy we stopped for lunch, the two bigs met us. YUM, over priced, over cooked burgers and dogs with watered down pepsi (I was out and playing I didn't do diet).  I was hungry enough to eat every single bite of my burger so it wasn't THAT bad.  After that we rode the stagecoach as a group, Drew was bored and getting tired, but he sure perked up when he saw the horses!!! He loved the coach ride, hated the log ride, and rode several of the rides in camp snoopy more than 2X's each.  Katie was with Drew, Tori is now graduated, she's over 48" tall and so is entitled to "big kid coasters"  so after dinner I took her on the easiest of the lot, Jaguar, she LOVED IT.. rode it 2times with me, and twice with my dad. She was a bit bummed when she discovered she was too short to ride the bigger rides (52" or 54" required depending on the ride).. but she knows she'll grow quickly. Oh and she got to DRIVE her bumper car this year!!! THAT was fun for her!!! 

Tonight we're going to see CATS, the girls and I, Drew is going to my friend K's house. My mom and M are joining us, should be a fun girls night out. The girls are all napping now to prepare for two late nights in a row.

tomorrow after we wake up, we're going to San Diego to visit the Wild Animal park. It will be an adventure as it's just me taking them.. but of course, Beth is a mini-mom so I'm not REALLY all alone!! And I'm up for it. Beats staying home hearing "I'm bored all day" or watching them watch 25 movies back to back!!!!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Week of fun

It's spring Break, for the kids anyway. I ditched school today (shhh).. By the time I had myself ready I had 10mins. to get there before class started. Well, it takes 20 to get there and that doesn't include parking and walking to the class.. so oh well. I'll call it my ditch day for the quarter.

Tomorrow we're going to Knott's.. I'm so excited, my mommy is going!!! YAY! 

We had a weekend of fun, Friday was the Mist, dancing and celebrations for my mom and M's birthdays and C's engagement! Saturday I ran some errands and laid low I didn't feel good at all, no I wasn't hung over I am fighting a sinus infection, but by evening was better so I took the kids down the street to K's for her dd's bday party, fun stuff. But we didn't stay late. I was in bed by 9pm.  Sunday I sang at both services, then DH and I dropped the kids off with the sitter, and headed to the Long Beach grand prix. It was a blast!!! we were on the 23rd floor of a building that has a balcony that faces the race. Way too fun!!!  We got home and went to bed!   I didn't go to the gym Saturday, my nose/head was too stuffy and I was achy! not a good combination for a good workout. So, the next time I go will be Thursday for the last session with my trainer. I'm anxious to see if I've actually lost anything. I think I might have, but I just can't tell. 

Ok. Beth's friend B has arrived for the sleepover, and tomorrow, she'll go with us to Knotts so Beth has someone besides me to ride the Coasters with. Though I've been promised by my parents to get to ride two coasters. :)

I'll let ya know how the day goes..

Thursday, April 6, 2006

a moment

as I wait for the time to go collect the kids from school I will lament.. WHY must both the elementary AND Jr. High do early release day in the same week?? WHY can't parents understand how the pick up lane works. If you are picking up a Kindergartener you must go get the child, thus you must PARK that does not mean pull into the first available spot in the drive through pick-up lane and "just run up" you can't.. it's too far!! If you have a child who is habitually late coming out, again, please do not take the FIRST spot, forcing the rest of us to attempt to go around you in a very tight corner... this is most especially true if you drive anything larger than a Toyota Corolla!!!

Yesterday I waited for 10mins. to turn into the parking lot. Today I'll wait 10 mins. before I leave. I'm late either way, but my mood is oooohhhh so much nicer if I've not sat in my van for 10mins. trying to turn in to collect the children.

In other news, I went to the gym today. I tried a new machine at the encouragement of my trainer (the man is evil!)  the eliptical machine.  A fun looking piece with handles that move in the way a humans arms swing while walking, you stand on two large "pedals".  I only almost fell off twice.  I am most impressed with the machines ability to force your core muscles (tummy area) to work to keep you upright.. mine were not pleased with me after my 30mins of torture.  Amazingly, I feel very proud of me for doing this, and hope to return Saturday morning in order to do more of the same. I'm sick, and need help!!!   Oh and on my fitness track, before I close, I have switched to diet pepsi. 0 calories vs. 100 calories.  The second upside is that as I don't like the flavor nearly as much I drink less...that has to be a good thing.

Ahh.. my time is up... one last thought before I go.

HAPPY (really) Birthday to my 'Foofoo'  double digits!!!! Love you girlie!!!!

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

A day off and a weekend...

Friday was fun, we went to T's house, well Tori, Katie and I. Beth lovingly volunteered to stay here with Drew. It was bonus for me, and  her. She got to play with him, without getting dressed, I got to visit with T while the girls played!! We also got rid of our extra lawnmower, YAY!!!

Saturday was C's daughter's bday party, held here. We were to have a bouncy castle but as it was raining we sent it back. In 20mins. on the phone with C we planned a Harry Potter, Hogwarts party. Thanks to my friend who already did such a party I snagged a few ideas from her and we enjoyed a delightful time!! For herbology we painted clay pots, the kids were then given a small baggie with seeds to plant when they got home. Defense against the dark arts was the pinata, for potions we took Dry ice, added 7-up and let the kids add food coloring to make their potion. Once the dry ice quit reacting they were able to drink their potion with their cake.  We opened gifts and it was time to go home. YAY!! A FANTASTIC party. Which made me opt out of a bouncy for Tori's party and instead I'll be creating some fun activities for the kids to do, like a treasure hunt to get to the pinata. Her theme is Pixie Pirate. :o)

Sunday I sang at church, I did a good job, if I do say so myself, it was tons of fun!!! After church we hung out, Beth went to youth, Tori and Katie had a friend over and the 3 girls and Drew played house. We took their friend home picked up Beth, and dinner, and came in for the night!!I was really happy to put my jammies on!!! 

And finally.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mom. I hope you have the best of days!!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

a nice way to "end" a short week

The kids don't have school tomorrow..so today is 'friday take 1' hehe.   I took the kids to school, then came home and puttered about, then went to the gym where my trainer Jeremiah introduced me to several muscles I didn't know I had. Now they are a bit pissed at me for being USED. hmmm... on the bright side I'm seeing some results with all this abuse.. I mean exercise. so I'm not going to complain too much (more).  AFter the gym Drew and I dropped off lots of things to Salvation Army, and then a drop at the library to donate some no longer watched videos, and a few books noone reads anymore.  As we were leaving I told Drew we'd come home and eat lunch together.. he melted.  He wants his Nana. So I did the only reasonable thing, I called her. WE all had a YUMMY lunch at a local restraunt called the Lazy Dog. Funny name, but REALLY good food!!! After that Drew and I went to pick up the kids from school. Got home, fed snack, and tucked them all to nap. I got an hour. Then the big kids got home, they did just what I said to do in my note. YAY!!!  Now I'm waiting for C. to get her kids, and then I think I'll check with Beth and either leave Drew sleeping with her or wake him and take him with me to get Tim from the car repair shop... oh you didn't hear about that.

So Tim's car has been running really crappy for a while now, not shifting and needing a 20min. warm up before going. Rather annoying.. finally figured it out. Poor Tim... he put brake fluid in the transmission, and transmission fluid in the brakes.. so the car is going to the "trans. doctor" for a flush and adjustment, if any is needed.  I teased him, mercilessly, for 5 seconds, really he's just sooo glad he didn't totally kill his car (yet).

Ok.. I'm off to do ... something.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Wednesday Wonderings

AFter driving the kidlets to school with Drew we returned to have breakfast with C. which was a pleasant change as, the last time we had bkfst together and chatted was before my finals. Then time to go, but the neighbors dogs were out, and Lucky, the mean one decided our leaving wasn't a nice thing.. so I called the police, and we waited.. then the dogs left, so did C.  I called the police to tell them to nevermind, and left to go to get mom for a shopping trip. As I'm buckling Drew in, there comes Lucky, growling... I shut the door of the van with me and Drew inside and finished buckling him and got me in my right seat and off we went. I'll talk to the neighbor about the dogs in a little bit. 

Mom and I had a successful trip, we found patterns for both the younger girls and Beth for my brothers wedding. I'm sewing the dresses for the junior bridesmaids, mom of the groom and myself.  It's easier than trying to find the perfect dress.  We stopped for brunch then dropped mom off, and Drew and I picked up orchid food for Tim's cymbidium orchid. Now I'm known for having a black thumb, so this was an adventure!!! Finally found the right one, and hope to feed the plant in a bit without killing it. I'm nervous!!!  Got home with enough time to do nothing before going to pick the girls up. Drew and I used our nothing time to play kick ball in the front yard, fun!!!!

Beth had an orthodontist appointment today so after snack, and the appropriate brushing of teeth we went off to that. She got the bottom expander off (YAY) and on April 3rd, that's Monday, She'll get her bottom braces put on. Wohoo!!! she's over 1/2 done now.  While I was there I set up the consultation appt. for Victoria. I can already see the crowding and narrow bite problems Beth had in Tori... so we'll see if there's anything to do now, while we wait for the rest of her premanent teeth to come in. 

And now with a 60% chance for rain on Saturday and a friends bday party here, I'm off to research fun INSIDE things to do with 6-8 girls from 6yrs to 12yrs old. :o)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

First day of MY spring break

I spent it the only way a mommy could. At the hospital with my youngest, Drew, and DH, as Drew had tubes placed in his ears. We're hopeful this will be the major step in helping his speech. Though I don't see the OMG difference in him I had hoped for, I am not ruling out that the kid is just bizzare and refuses to be dramatic like his sisters. And don't give me the "he's a boy".. this is a boy with THREE older sisters, the kid thinks playing dress up in ballet clothes (pink, no less) is the coolest thing to do.  And Yes, I do have "boy" stuff available, including a top hat and cape, and train engineer wear. No use. He's still sad I won't paint his nails fire engine red.

Starting last Friday I am working hard (was working hard) on my front yard. I'm waylaid. 1 my trash can is STUFFED to the overfill, and 2, it's raining.  I don't mind doing some stuff in the rain, but tearing out dead rose bushes and the evil vine that killed them isn't on the do in the rain list.  So today I am inside cleaning.  So far all 4 kids (and Dh and I ) have clean sheets and vacuumed bedroom floors.  During the end of last weeks "rampage" I washed the windows in the front room, and the screens. Now I can SEE out front.. wohoo!!  I also got an underbed storage for the girls room for Polly Pocket. I like this unit so much I'm getting two more to replace the WAY Too small drawers for My little Ponies and Little People. IF it works right and all pieces fit I should be able to get the monster green rubbermaid tub out of the girls room, opening up some good floor/play space.   Now to get the courage and motivation to attack the studio.. my little corner here is functional (barely) but this room is our catch-all storage room, and it's pathetic, and makes me feel out of joint all the time. Plus, stuff from here filters into the entry way and that just makes the whole house feel squished.  Lots to do. 

First thing, though is a me thing.. I'm off to the gym. :o)

Saturday, March 18, 2006

That was an adventure!!!!

We celebrated St. Patti's day this year with a Corned beef dinner, complete with green mashed potatoes.  AFter dinner we settled the kids with the sitter and went to one of our favorite pubs to see the Whooligans. OMG!! It's usually crowded there on a Whooligans night, but not anything at all like this.  Thankfully knowing the band we didn't wait as long, nor did we have to pay the cover. Whew.   We even managed to find a place by the band to stuff our jackets as it was 50-something outside and 80 something inside!!!  About 2 hours in another regular to this establishment tries to dance... mind you there's NO room.. now picture a 5'7 or so well blessed in the chest 20-something year old  being thrown about swing style by a not quite 4-5"  70-80 yr old troll... that was our regular trying to dance. I've danced with him before, he's all paws and no manners..Tim got the troll all riled up by asking him to settle down I thought there was going to be a fight, thankfully the bouncer finally came in and took him out. I was relieved as I pictured him throwing his partner into the band, or into someone in front of the band. We left before the bar closed, in fact we were home about the time the band was to be finishing up.. which for us, made it an early night.. but I'm glad. While it was fun, it was also INSANE.. I'm not sure we'll go next year or do something else... we'll have to wait and see.  this evening we're going to a party at a friend's house, THAT will be tons of fun!!!

OK.. I'm off to shower, one major negative of last night was the patio doors were open for circulation which allowed the smoke to come inside and I reek of cigarette smoke.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Updates on Drew and Victoria

Drew's IEP was today, he'll be going to speech therapy 2 days a week for a total of 60mins. a week.  After his tubes are in the Occupational therapist will re-evaluate him to see if there are still OT issues to be addressed.  He starts tomorrow!!! I'm thrilled to be at the "do something to FIX it" point!  Tubes go in a week from Monday, while I'm anxious about the gen. anesthesia I'm really excited to give my boy the chance to hear for real!!!


Victoria has been struggling with school and her teacher. Months ago I requested she be tested for auditory processing delay and mild ADD-inattentive, long story short the school refused and said I had to wait and allow them interventions for 2 years.. I'm not waiting,  I've had the first of 2 tests for the ADD done, the second is next week, her audiologist appt is also next week.  We have what is called a teacher panel, meeting on 3/31,  I aim to go in with the results of the tests I've provided for and go from there. If there are issues I can fight for her assisstance, if not then we know and can work on other ways to help her with her slow progress.


I am nearly done with the quarter... finals are next week. I'm ready to be done!!! Next quarter = ONE class.. I'm thrilled to be down to ONE class.  I've just started shopping for the party. :o) If you live near me (T)  mark your calendar for June 17th (yes the day before Father's day, sorry!!!)  my house around 4pm-?? open house style, so you can come hang out for as long (or short) a time as you please! :o)  YAY!!!


Ok.. time to go be productive, laundry.. ick.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

cold but fun...

Saturday was the annual birthday luncheon at my church, there are 14 tables, 1 for each of the 12 months and two theme tables. Each is decorated appropriately, and usually extravigantly!!! This year Beth and I hostessed the June table, so we, of course, did a graduation table. Ours however, was NOT extravigant. Confetti, two bears wearing caps, tea light candle holders I etched with the name of the person sitting there, and nametags for each to wear.  It was very cute, and lots of fun. Beth really enjoyed "playing" with me. We're hoping to do March next year, with a St. Patrick's day theme.

After the festivities there we came home and got the crew and headed to my "uncle" Al's to meet my "cousin" Lena, his 8 week old daughter!!!! GORGEOUS child!! I'm so excited for them. He has waited a long time to be a daddy and obviously loves it!

Then we went to a birthday party for the father of a friend, his 70th. Lots of fun and frivolity to be had there!!!! The kids watched a movie in the car on the road, finishing the last 30mins. at home when we got here, then to bed.. Tim and I watched Lost Season 1 episodes by the fire and went to bed.

Now I'm off to take Beth and her friend Katie to youth, then a quick visit with my Dad and a hair trim before coming home to figure out dinner... I'm thinking beef stew. :o) It's the perfect weather for it!!!