Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Happy Merry

OK, got 2 of my 3 grades.. I did pass the dreaded upper division writing.. WHEW! I would've liked a slightly higher grade, but I'll take what I got. 

Now, someone tell me what I was thinking/smoking when I decided at 12noon on the Saturday before the actually holiday weekend, to take my 4 children to the mall.. without anyone to help me?? It took 20mins. to find a parking spot, and I take first available, we are all able-bodied walking persons.  Got in, and Santa was heading to lunch, ACK! so we did some shopping, browsing, and general nothingness. Then got back over there in time to line up before the big guy got back. Didn't take long after that. Great pictures, see below (if i can do it).

Today my dad and I met up after dropping Drew at preschool to go shopping for Kid TV (a dvd player in the van)  it's all purchased and will go under the tree..I can't wait for the kids to see that, they are gonna FLIP!!!!! :oD  we finished and I ran some errands all alone, picked up Drew, fed lunch, and tucked him in. Now I've eaten and must go clean and decorate... it never ends does it. :o)

Friday, December 16, 2005

Big Night tonight

Tonight is the Holiday Showcase for the Dance Studio that Beth and S. attend, Beth will be performing in a "scene" from the Nutcracker (ok, music is Nutcracker, choreography is Miss Kimberly), S. is doing a Jazz routine that I've never seen any of.. should be fun!!!

After that we'll come home and I'll anxiously help decorate until a little after 8pm when my grades will be posted. I'm nervous.. I'm always nervous, but that upper division writing class was a killer.. I pray I passed with an acceptable grade.

Tomorrow, we're <groan> going to the mall to see Santa, while the kidlets did get to see him at the polar express they've requested a re-visit, who am I to say no.  So we'll spiff 'em up (the kids that is) and head out early, hopefully missing the huge lines that way. I'm prepared with my $5.00 to use my own camera, and will have the batteries charged and memory card empty.  After that we'll get food, return home for a nap, and then go on our expotition (for all the pooh fans), to see the Nutcracker.  Pawpaw is making vegetable soup and MacNcheese for dinner, then we'll stop and drop off Drew (he's just not there yet!!) and head to the theatre, I'm so excited.  This ballet is what IS Christmas to me. 

I'll make the attempt to stick a photo in here after our Santa visit tomorrow, so you can see the kidlets with the bearded elf.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Happy Wednesday

I'm heading out in a minute here to grab a camera from dad to take pictures of the "Winter program" at the elementary school... should be adorable. 

cleaning is going ok, just a little slow. My ability is lacking due to spacial issues (in other words the shelves aren't up yet)... I'm going to gently nudge the hubby on that issue tomorrow.

Tonight we're having dinner guests. Unexpectedly. I'm glad though, as I love seeing my friends, sadly this visit is due to a family death. I'm hoping that a visit with us will help to brighten their spirits.

Tori has an ear infection, but with antibiotics in her system she's doing well.

  Katie made an online "paper" follow this link.. http://www.ringling.com/weekly/ezine314photo.htm

the rest of us are just hanging out...



Friday, December 9, 2005


I turned in my two papers and took my one final exam. I'm done! AHHHH.  Today I've cleaned a small area of the playroom, watched 1/2 a movie with Drew, slept through the other 1/2.  Fed him and N. lunch (N came home with a cough, he's fine, except for coughing up his lungs every 10mins.) Now I'm lazily enjoying some time to just "be" online. I don't have to rush, I don't have to study or research anything. AHHHH.  Now that my allergy med has kicked in I'm going to work some more on the family room. I'll hit the dining room after Drew gets up from his nap.

Tonight the hubby and I are meeting my parents, C and her guy, for dinner and frolicking at the Harp. It's gonna be great!!!!


Wednesday, December 7, 2005

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

And I'm very in the mood for the holidays. Tomorrow I turn in my final papers and take an exam. I'm so ready to be done, and finished, and take a break.. to find my house!!! to decorate, to sleep at night, like the rest of the world!!!!

Things are going well here, Tori started vision therapy today. It was very interesting watching her do the exercises.  they had me try one to see how it works, and I couldn't do it either.. guess we now know where Scooter gets the problem from. So, she's got 3 exercises to do, one time each day. We'll start tomorrow.

I "finally" had the parent/teacher conference with Katie's teacher. Basically miss-Bug is doing great. She needs to work on time management, and pouting (hehe, wonder where she gets that from?!!?, NOT!)  But she's at grade level on everything so that's great to hear.


I think that's it. I'm off to write some more of my paper.. Oh I can't wait for tomorrow night!!!! I'll be DONE!!!!(for a month)