Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Two in one day!

Two posts in one day. Who'd have thought it possible.  heehee.

But I had to share the fun of the evening. Baskin Robbins had a special tonight 31cent scoops as a fundraiser for the fallen firefighters assoc.  So we headed over, the littles were in pj's. It was too fun.  Now any of you who have school-age kids will likely know the "hand games" that kids play, as a girl I remember doing several in elementary school. Tori and Katie hooked up with the girl behind us and by the time we got in to order our ice cream they'd gone through "lemonade"  at least 18 times, and it apparently cannot be done at a reasonable volume. BUT, as much as they were loud-ish, they were entertained and actually pretty entertaining.  Poor Drew didn't know what to do with himself so we played thumb war and rock paper scissors several times.

The ice cream cups were yummy, and now my babes are all snuggled in to their beds. Ahhh~

Re-finding my muse

I'd sort of lost my desire to write (like you couldn't tell).  But I think it's back, at least for today.

Updating you on my world,  on April 12th I took the CBEST which is our states teaching skills exam. I found out Monday I passed it. With that and my BA I can now substitute teach. I'm beyond thrilled, and am awaiting my paperwork so I can pass it on to my district people and get going!!! It's going to be very different for us, my last full-time job had crummy hours and nearly sucked the life out of me. I don't think that will be the case this time. However, I'm going to need to get the kids involved in cleaning / chores more than they are now.

We also found out that Katie gets to go to our churchs' summer camp. It's a resident camp in our local foothills, Tori and Katie go together for 5 days. Beth goes after them for 5 days.  Drew will take a daycamp here through parks and recs. I hope.  And bestest news my cousin and his family are seriously looking at a visit this summer. I'm so excited!  We'll hit the beach, downtown LA including the tar pits, hollywood star walk, rodeo drive (we'll just drive down it),  Disneyland, maybe Knotts, the beach. hehe. I cannot wait to spend time with them! Neither can the kids!!!

My church choir had a concert this past weekend, I sewed some of the costumes (we did broadway show tunes).  That had me realize that I miss sewing, of course, now that my time will be cut I want to do it again.  But before I can really start any projects I need to take both my sewing maching and serger in for service.  Maybe I can do that tomorrow morning.

Friday morning, I'm dropping the kids at school, and taking MYSELF to disney.  I've never done this, and am really looking forward to it. I want to see the history of disney with Steve Martin (it's a movie I think) i'm just curious. I want to see a show or two, and maybe ride a couple rides. Then I'll come home. :o)

Now I'm going to finish cleaning off the desktop where the new printer scanner is going to land and then see about some lunch for myself. :o)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

An Extra surprise, and Disney fun

My Mom celebrated her birthday 2 weeks ago, the Friday afterwards we all headed to Fontana to the California Speedway where Mom was to do a ride along in a NASCAR. So we arrived, and there was a confusion, Dad had bought Mom the chance to DRIVE, Mom didn't want to Drive. Dad had credit (they don't do refunds).. so he gave ME a ride along too.  WOW!  I went 170mph, in a car. I did not drive, of course, but oh wow. It was totally and absolutely amazing and cool!

Yesterday I scheduled a trip to Disney, Beth actually got extra credit for her science class for going to see a light display in CA Adventure, so we did that first. then we rode the re-opened Monsters Inc. ride, yay- we'd never ridden it before. Very cute ride.  After that we headed over to Disneyland to ride Buzz lightyear, Snow White and Mr. Toad.  Then we came home. It was fun!!! I think we'll do another Wednesday evening at the park. Next time though I'll plot out the 3 rides we'll try for with a few back-ups in case of longer lines, so that we can hopefully get to the car before 9pm (oops, not-so-great-mommy moment there).  The kids were good for me this morning so hopefully they'll be good for school today.

Now I'm off to work. :o)