Monday, February 27, 2006

A REALLY real answer! and solution

ENT visit today.. love the doc.  He was very cool with Drew.  He got to know him a bit, and then checked his ears with his mega-powered ear scope, and voila, fluid behind both eardrums. We go on 3/27 for tubes.  I may sound nuts but I'm so damn glad it's fluid and not nerve damage or... My baby will be able to hear perfectly in just a few weeks. :oD

Speech therapy here we come, ready to go. The Doc figured it would take Drew about 2 months to catch up to his peers in his speech after tubes with therapy. :oD


THIS is a happy day!!!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

My Bug is 6

We celebrated Wednesday evening with dinner at Olive Garden with my parents and brother. She glowed as we all sang Happy Birthday. :o)

Friday I took cupcakes to school, and her class sang to her and we got to eat yummy cupcakes!

Saturday was the party. Due to BEAUTIFUL weather we had a bounce, which was a hit, it almost always is. We had a lovely time bouncing and beating the tar out of a pinata, eating cake and ice cream, opening gifts and bouncing. She got lots of lovely gifts and has already opened all the toys!!! 

Now.. can someone explain to me how 6 years have gone by?!!?!!? I swear I just found out I was pregnant with her. I'm not saying I'm not enjoying the time we have, I am, on the contrary it's that I'm not getting enough time. I get alot, it's just not enough for me. Yesterday after the party and the obligatory wind down movie we snuggled in to read a story before sleep.. Katie read to me.  I'm thrilled, truly, but wahhh.. my Bug is reading.. she's big enough to read. :o)

I hope she remembers these moments as magical the way I do.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Good Grief. I'm so done with this

Drew's appt. today was a total waste of time. She did the same tonal test and tympanogram the school district nurse did. @@ So we still know nothing more than we knew before.  We are seeing an ENT on Monday as there is still concern that Drew may have fluid behind his eardrums.  I'm going to contact John Tracy Clinic and schedule a complete hearing evaluation with them (they specialize in children) and if there's fluid causing all out issues we can cancel the appt. but if not, I'll have it already set up so we hopefully won't have to wait as long!


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

not that hard.. HA!

I've had a morning.. the dr. I was supposed to take Drew to isn't a private practice any longer, and the group she joined doesn't accept my insurance.  The next 30 (no I'm not kidding) Dr's on the list don't take kids under 10 or 12.  I was in tears this morning. My kid missed playing with his friends at preschool for nothing. ARGH!  So I called member services and went through the list of providers with a "helper"  as she read the name I told her I'd called them.. she was as frustrated as I was.  In the end she had 2 extra names one of them will be seeing Drew tomorrow at 3:30pm. 

Now to try and maintain some patience until then.


Monday, February 20, 2006

A fun weekend, and Drew update

First the Drew update,  the preschool for the hearing impared/deaf doesn't contract with our insurance for screenings. SO.. I had to find an audiologist that works with preschoolers and is in my "provider network".. turned out not to be that hard. We have an appt. tomorrow morning at 11am. This should bring us very close to the end of the road.

Now for the fun weekend. Our church goes to a local mountain camp every year for "winter camp" fun in the snow with church family.. This was the weekend. We took the kids up Saturday afternoon, hoping for a bit of snow with the storm that was blowing through.. we got our wish. We arrived to over 2 feet on the ground and it was snowing!! By Sunday morning we another 6 inches and it was STILL snowing. By mid-morning we had beauitful clear blue skies and fresh snow to play in.  Sledding or Saucering was the sport, and we all took a turn at it, having a glorious time with the powdery white stuff!!!  A few forgotten items were made due without or borrowed in kind from friends (thank goodness for friends...I forgot Drew's overnight Pull-ups!)  We got home in under 2 hours, a fun weekend, with no injuries and lots of family time!! :o)


Thursday, February 16, 2006

It's official..(good news)

My brother asked his girlfriend M. to marry him Tuesday night during a very romantic Valentine's dinner and evening.  I'm getting a SISTER!!!! I'm thrilled, as you can tell.  I'm to be her attendant, and all 4 kids will also be in the wedding.. which is too fun, just picture Drew in a tuxedo, but rather than slacks, a kilt!!! :oD


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Drew's Doctor appt.

Took Drew to the Ped. this morning for an ear check, just in case it was fluid in the inner ear, or wax build up.  Neither.  Drew and the Doctor talked, and Doctor couldn't understand him, but maybe 3 words.  Then we tried a few simple tests.. Doctor snapped his fingers behind Drew, no response.  Doctor hid behind the door and told Drew to go get him, I could hear the Doctor, Drew didn't respond.  We're being referred to the area preschool for the deaf and hearing impaired for a full hearing evaluation and screening.  Hopefully that will come quickly so we can find out where we go next.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day...

Good morning and happy flowers, cards, and cheap chocolate day!!!!  I hope you at least receive a hug from a friend today!!! I celebrated Sunday evening with my DH, by having a lovely dinner at Olive Garden, just the two of.  Oh I do love having an eldest child old enough to kid-sit.   We couldn't go today even if we wanted to.  I have class then dance with the girls, so I'll not be home til 8pm, and I'm NOT going to any restraunt at 8pm for dinner tonight.. ok, I'm not going near any restraunts today!!!

Last night was the blood drive at church, I was rejected... <gasp>  no major deal, just low iron. Something I've been fighting for years and mostly living with low levels.  Well, this was the last straw for me. I can't explain why but my ability to donate is important to me. It's that one good thing I CAN do for society.  So I stopped by Target and got some vitamins... ruh roh.  OK, You've all seen the size of a standard adult claratin tablet.. no big deal.. um, wrong. I've been known to gag on those... so when I opened the bottle of mulitvitamins I about died.. that thing is as big has the top of my thumb!!!! HOW?? swallow THAT THING WHOLE?!?!?!?!!   I poured a nice tall glass of milk, as that is a trick my Nana taught me, it coats the throat... I got it down with only a hiccup. YAY!   Hopefully I'll be able to get them down easier as time goes by.. of course, that means I have to REMEMBER to try!    I'm off to drop the kidlet at preschool, then to the gym, my treat to me, a good workout, then a dip in the jacuzzi!!! :oD

Monday, February 13, 2006

Doctor on wednesday

Drew goes for a baseline ear check Wed. w/the regular ped. who will refer us at that time for further testing. I'm noticing Drew can't hear when there's noise around him, like the TV or radio in the car.  BUT he reacts to the call of his name across the patio at church... so we'll see. I just want to know NOW!


Friday, February 10, 2006

And yet more not fun...

Drew's speech evaluation went well two weeks ago. Part of that process is a hearing screening by the district nurse. That was today. After the standard "raise your hand when you hear the beep with the head phones on" test she did a tympanograph test.. using pressure this shows the reactions which somehow indicates his ability to hear.. he should have scored close to 1.0 at all pressure levels. His highest score was a .02  I'm numb.. obviously he can hear SOME as he does TALK... so, we're going to go to our kid hosp. asap and have them do a full hearing exam to find out where we stand on this.  I called Tim to tell him about today and he sounded's so hard to hear him sound so sad. 

If you are the praying type, please say one for Drew, and us.. that whatever the tests show we can deal with it.  thanks~


Wednesday, February 8, 2006

ick ugh, and groan

C's X husband is being super evil.. he's got a lawyer and is taking her to court for many boring reasons, which I'll spare you from.. but the end result is going to be a nasty nasty court battle with the kids stuck in the is likely this will put the kids in a position of having to "choose" who to live with and in their father's eyes that will equal who they love.  I'm terribly stressed over this, and really really wish I could go hide under a rock!  And now I know why I've refused to ever give up on my marriage, even through those roughest patches. Of course it also has to do with the fact that while Tim isn't superman all the time, he does try and he does love me.  X either never loved C or lost it pretty quickly.

Monday, February 6, 2006

vanity pays off and other ramblings of the weekend

My hair looked marvelous, and that IS what life is all about when you have stick straight can't hold a curl hair!

We got my brother and girlfriend picked up and headed south, traffic bit so it took us 3 hours to get to moms' house. Went to eat and drink (margaritas!!) so we're just about done eating and a second round is ordered.. um, OK, move to the bar... now you must picture a dark, mexican, smoke filled bar with lots of really old Americans, and a live band (mexican, of course) playing cover tunes from the 50's and 60's.. it was great!!! an hour of that and my brother and M. were ready to go find something a little more "young".. so we grabbed id's and headed to town.. first stop Club tequilas.. Girls drink free... uh oh, so I danced in a "bird cage".. we had fun, I only had about 1/4 of the margarita there.. it was too strong!!!  Moved on to Papas and Beer, at this point I'm tired, I'm getting OLD.. I figured we'd hang out for a short while and head home as it "HAD to be getting late".. HA, not even 10pm.  BUT, P&B has fun things to do.. like limbo, and the every popular mechanical bull.. all it took was the "I can ride longer than you can" drunken slur from M. and I'm riding the damn bull.  Really, it was a blast! I stayed on for 8 seconds, at a medium hard ride.. not bad for an old mom-type.  Shortly after that we did go home.. we took the smart path, and grabbed a cab. :o)  I was tucked into bed by 11:30pm, yup, a wild night. LOL

Saturday day was sleeping, eating, and lounging.. then the girls went to the salon for foofoo'ing.  My hair was.. sculpted.. it took 45 minutes to do the up 'do.. it took an hour to comb it all out. OUCH!  BUT, beauty knows no pain.. and in the end, I'm very happy.. because, even if I do say myself, I was pretty pretty all fussed up and dressed and grown up looking. Tim, of course, looked fantastic in his suit. 

Then there's my mom... oh wow... she wore a red and white spaghetti strap dress that was just amazing!!! She looked soo beautiful.  She and dad danced quite a bit which was great to see.  :o)


The kids had a good time, and we got home early enough to shower before they arrived as well as watch a bit of the superbowl. :o)

Thursday, February 2, 2006


The vet didn't call until today.  It's a cancerous tumor on her stomach or bowels, they aren't sure which it's attached to.. we're going to just enjoy as much time as we can, when her life looses quality we'll take her to the vet. Could be weeks, could be a few months.  I'm hoping it's longer.

I didn't get my hair colored, and just realized if I don't do it now, 11:30pm, I won't get it done before I leave tomorrow for the ball.  UGH! SO, I'm going to go color my hair now, because I'm vain and refuse to go with mousy brown/faded colored hair.

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

A new month

I'm hoping for a fresh start.  As yesterday sucked the life out of me.. I'm treating myself gently today. 

I'm going to walk with Drew to get the kids from school. C's kids will be collected by their step-mother at 2pm for their weekly dinner with dad. Drew will be napped, and I'm going to 1. color my hair .. which leads directly to 2. SHOWER.

Mind you I took a very relaxing bath last night, so I'm not gross, but I am looking forward to the end result of it.. JAMMIES!

With Tori going back to school today,  after a 2 day absence. I've cancelled her VT for tonight, I'm guessing she'll be pooped and she's got make up homework to work on, etc.  So we're going to have a stay-in night.

Sasha headed for the u/s yesterday, they did biopsy the mass, we should get the results this afternoon.  I'm trying to be's not working well, but I am trying. she is doing the same, eating some and sleeping a lot.