Tuesday, December 12, 2006

a quick catch up

I'm literally heading to bed, but had to stop to share that Drew did fantastic and looked beyond handsome.   The girls were awesome, Katie's solo was amazing, and Beth's delivery on her lines was fantastic and Tori, just made me cry seeing her so BIG next to the other littler kids. I'm a big ol' sappy mommy. I'm not sad they're growing, just nostalgic about it I guess.

Work is work, Tim is in agreement I need something else. I have an opportunity for another position, I've sent my resume, I'll fill out a formal application asap and they'll chose whom they choose in January. I just have to hang on til January!!! and continuously pray I get this position!!!

Several holiday parties have been attended, all have been a blast. More next weekend, looking forward to them all.

I'm off. I'm falling asleep while typing, that's bad.


Thursday, December 7, 2006


Ok, can I hate work but like the people, mostly. That's what it is. I dislike the 4:30am wake up and go. Ok, I REALLY REALLY dislike that.  I'm NOT a morning person, and I like to go out in the evenings when things are available, I'm toast by 8:30. Last night was a church women's dinner/ Christmas party. It ended at 8:30 I was nearly asleep before we got home (Mom drove).  I like my co-workers, as people, they are friendly, nice, etc.  But man are they negative about the job.  I really like the paycheck. I confess the money is good.  Not to die for, but it's the best I've ever made.

I miss my kids, my kids miss me. Same for the hubby. We all see eachother on the weekends, which is less and less with the holidays now here, we're all busy. Even the kids, with rehersals, etc. 

One more cool thing, today at work we had a giant meeting. THE head guy is going to speak.  Only one little problem. We have 2 deaf people in our group, and because our meeting was "impromptu" (only 6 hours notice) there wasn't time for an interpreter. After the information was given (mostly read from a letter) questions were being asked / answered. I could tell my co-workers were lost, and that bugged me. So I offered to sign to them, the best I could. Heide said I was a help as she has a hard time reading C's lips, and he was talking so fast it made it harder.  I'm so glad I could help, even a little.  And I made a new friend. :o)

Earlier this week there was a scare at work. One of my co-workers opened an envelope with white powder on blank papers. Turned out to be a prank, but it has made me nervous.  So much so that I've sent my resume out in search of a new position. Hopefully one with less chance of getting a "dirty envelope".  I am much more aware of how I open envelopes without a return address label though!!!

Tonight is Drew's preschool Christmas program. I'm taking tissues, and two cameras. He's supposed to sing with his class. He wants (WANTS) to wear his "fancy outfit" (shirt, tie, slacks and sweater vest).  Sunday is the program at church, where Beth has a named part, Tori has 2 lines, and Katie has a small solo. Break out the tissues (again).