Monday, December 17, 2007

well... um. sorry

So it's been nearly 2 months. Part of that is my busy schedule.. part of that is my phone company deciding to turn off my dsl.  I'm still working on getting them to fix their error. In the meantime my dad has lent me use of his desktop. So here's a VERY short update.

The week before Thanksgiving my Mom had her long awaited tummy tuck. She's now in the last stages of recover, and looks amazing!! She's now a size 12. I'm jealous of how incredible she looks.Thanksgiving was good, fun had by all. We hit the in-laws feasting then headed to Mexico to be with my parents.

December came and the "season" hit with a vengence of parties and fun stuff.  One of the highlights was Tim's company party which was held at the Queen Mary ship not too far from us. We splurged and spent the night in the hotel. WOW! what a night. Tim was the chair of the committee of the "fun club" for the party. He outdid himself. His boss was so pleased we received a lovely "gift" of points on an onlne shopping/rewards program.. our new HD flat screen tv should arrive Friday with a few other smaller "toys". I'm thrilled.

The kids are all good. School, ballet, and gymnastics continue to keep me driving and them busy.  It's all good.

I'll try to post some recent pictures as soon as my dsl is back. :o)

I hope you are all well, and enjoying the fun and chaos this season brings.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Highland Games :o)

Being of Scottish / Irish lineage we take every opportunity to enjoy our heritage. And we get lots of chances here.  Saturday we did a first, we took the train to the games that are a 2 hour drive. It took longer, but was far more fun.


The Train Station, hard to see but Drew's in his kilt



 Here's Drew learning how to toss a caber. My "big strong man" used a  15 pound caber!! (sorry it's sideways)   


The winning toss.  :o)  Beth competed in the 12-17 yr old caber toss. She won 1st place with a 2.8 meter throw with full roll over (it went end over end). 

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Glasses, eye patches, and fevers

Oh My.  So Monday morning I went to meet my friend who was visiting from AZ.  Got to her hotel and the school called me to get Drew. He had a fever. I had a short visit with P and headed to the school.  Drew was OBVIOUSLY not feeling well as he was laying down and wanted to lay down at home.  His fever was gone this morning but, due to a classmate on chemo. he stayed home an extra day to be safe.

On our way to pick up Katie, we stopped and got Drew's glasses as they were ready.  Yes, I took my feverish child to pick them up, I suck.  Anyways, he looks quite handsome in his new glasses and aside from the usual adjustment to wearing them all the time, he's doing fantastic with them. :o)

This morning the school called for me to get Katie, fever. They're dropping like flies.  Bug walked in the house grabbed H.S. Musical and went to bed.  I expect to find her asleep before the 1/2 way point.

Hopefully Tori and Beth will be able to bypass this virus. At least it seems to be short lived. 

In other news, Tori signed up for an afterschool program called PRIDE, she wanted to be with her friends and it's supervised so why not.  She has 1 hour of homework time, with help, then they do activities.  Tori chose the performing arts group.  The December play is The Grinch that stole Christmas. And our Tori is playing the part of Cindy Lou Who.  :o)  I can't wait to watch it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I'm not sure what happened.

But after all the going to prepare for the party, I just kept going. 

 The party was great, 50 people approximately.  Bbq, HUGS bounce with a slide (it was great fun).   Monday after the party my dad and I took his saws all and "ate" the swing set and tower in the backyard. It was rotted wood and HAD to be taken down. This project was work, but it was FUN. I do love power tools.

Tuesday I cleaned up the rest of the inside from the party. Wednesday I gardened and Thursday I went errand running with my Mom. Which included a stop at a new store we've found. It's 2 wharehouses of plants!!! I got Beth a begonia and me a fern. 

The rest of the week and weekend is a blur. Oh Sunday the last day of September was the baptism of our friends' daughter. So we went to brunch after service with them.

This week has been organizing and decorating for Halloween. one of my favorite holidays. So monday and yesterday I picked a room and got in it and got it picked up and vaccuumed.  This encited Tim to clean out his closet, I don't know why. But it did. So he did. YAY! more room for him and his stuff.  Tomorrow is the big day. I decorate. Yes it took me 2-1/2 days to prepare to do so. But I like to have the house picked up and "organized" before adding anything in. It gets too cluttered otherwise. It's still too cluttered, but this is better.

Tim took Drew and himself for eye exams. Both are coming home with new glasses on order. Lord help me. Drew's now going to be wearing glasses full time, and has to wear an eye patch on his "tired" eye for specific times during the day. Wish us luck. Hopefully he'll cooperate.

Time for dessert for the girls (and me).


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Countdown to party

So with just 2 days left for party preparations. I'm running. But first, let me say Thursday night was LOVELY, I read 5 chapters in my current book, and enjoyed the band a lot! Friday I worked in the house.  Now to the countdown.

Saturday I ran errands with my younger 3 as Beth was camping with her field hockey team, and Tim was golfing.  After dropping Tori off at my parents for her sleepover  I came home with the other two munchkins and had lunch and hung out. Tim joined us around 3:30 and we went Mini-golfing and to dinner.  Miniature golf with kids is FUN. Katie got it, and tried really hard, and loved it when she made good shots. Drew's goal was to hit the ball to the hole without hitting anyone nearby. HE succeeded, barely.  Dinner was Macaroni grill,  I think I'm just an Olive Garden junkie, because other than the paper tablecover for coloring I wasn't overwhelmed with YAY-ness. I like O.G. better, it's just that simple.

Sunday, picked up Tori then church, Tim had to go to work after, so the 3 littles and I went to lunch with church friends. Then came home, shortly after getting home we had to go get Beth. Dinner, baths, bed.

Monday & Tuesday this week I did gardening, ok I got the string trimmer out and whacked the weeds in what should be my gorgeous backyard.  It'll be presentable for the party Saturday. Today thanks Dad, I got the wild idea to pull up the carpet from the hallway. I've wanted to do this for a while.. but today turned into the perfect day. So it's done.  My back is TIRED. I'M TIRED. But I'm quite happy with the results.  We have wood floor throughout, and it's covered by carpet in all bedrooms, and used to be, hallway. We'll de-carpet Katie/Tori's room over Christmas break. :o)

Tomorrow I attack the inside for the party. Tomorrow night choir and perhaps another stop at the pub. After working this hard I kind of feel like I deserve a little treat.

Speaking of treats.. I'm off to bed. A great treat, sleep.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Busy busy busy

As usual, I'm running like mad.  Today I dropped the kids off and picked up my mom who had her gallbladder out last week, we had breakfast, then went to her 10 day post-op check-up. She's all clear. YAY!  After the dr. we hit the mall, ok that sounds BIG, we hit two stores in the mall. Disney store, of course, I can't go into the mall without going in. And Borders as they carry the books my daughter "needed".   Disney was cool. Mom got Tori a Tinkerbell jean jacket, all 3 little kids jammies, and pre-ordered Jungle Books 40th anniversary edition. Merry Christmas!!!!! :o)

I got home did house work, started working on the invites to Beth's bday bash, and had lunch with Dad. I picked up the kids, and fed them a snack. In a few we're off to Katie's ballet and to watch the last bit of Beth's game and pick her up.

Tim has been busier than me (yes that's possible) so he's been out most nights this week. Tonight it's my turn to be out. I'm off to choir and then to my favorite Pub for some reading with music and general being out time. I won't be late Mom I promise, just a little time to sit and not do anything important.

That's my world, how's yours?

Sunday, September 9, 2007

I never thought I'd see this.

When I describe  my daughter Beth, nearly 14, to my friends I'll say she's an avid reader, loves music of all varieties, enjoys dressing up for occassions. Dances ballet, and generally tolerates school as the average school attending child seems to be. In fact she enjoys 99% of school. She does love to learn and is fascinated by science and math, odd child.

But in all my years until now, I never thought I'd be sharing this picture.  See the girl on the right in the red jersey with a t-shirt underneath.. THAT is Beth.  She is playing Girls FIELD HOCKEY for her high school. HOLY COW. We had to get cleats, and a mouth gaurd, she also has shin guards. I'm excited for her, but a little part of me is dying. My notreallyintosports daughter is playing on  team sport?!!  It's great though, as it's given her about 45 girls she automatically knows on campus!!! And a team big sister. :o)

I'm still not a soccer mom, now it's CHICKS WITH STICKS, I'm a Field hockey mom... who knew??!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

A few pictures

Here's one of my favorite pictures  from the trip to Tennessee.

Great Grandmother Anne, with Drew, Katie, Tori Lynn (mine) and Tori Anne (my 2nd cousin).

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

It's finally happened.

All 4 of my kids are in school. Some of me is doing the finally, about time, some of me is doing the finally? really? WOW!

Beth actually started last week, but I've been lacking in freetime / energy to blog. It's been REALLY hot here, and we're in a non-airconditioned home. which 99% of the time is fine. It's that 1 or 2 weeks when it's 100+ degrees where I live that makes it nasty.

Beth also is a part of the field hockey team at her school, YAY!!! Her first game was a scrimage (non-league) yesterday. She did very well, and we're all way excited.

Tori now 4th grade, Katie now 2nd grade, and Drew now Kinder all started today. My house was creepy quiet today. I finally turned the radio on for company.  I didn't get tons done, but I planned not to stress out this week, it's 3 days. I can sloth my way through these 3 days and then get to some doing stuff next week.

In other news, since my last visit, we got all 4 kids back in the house ;o)  then promptly left. We, the 6 of us and my Mom flew to Tennessee to visit my family there. AMAZING trip!!! It was totally awesome all the way around. Getting to show off the sights to my kids was so fun. Seeing my grandmother was just fantastic, and reconnecting with my cousin (and now his family) was truly wonderful. I'm so excited to have made this trip. We're hoping Joe and family will come visit us next summer.

I'm off time to get Beth, and get my littles ready for bed.


Monday, August 13, 2007

Up to TWO

kids that is.  Katie returned to us Friday afternoon. She was tired, but a very happy girl. She had a great time. She loved all of it, except canoeing (they're tippy and she's not a great swimmer).

Drew spent the weekend with Tim's parents, so it was just us and Katie. Which was fun for her return.  They came yesterday to drop Drew off and have dinner with us. Quite a lovely visit.

Salvation Army called Thursday morning, I got bumped to Saturday morning. No problem. Just meant more stuff for them to take. The playroom is done, girls room 2/3 done.   This is just toys. I still have to do clothes. Which I must start asap (today?) as we leave soon for our vacation to visit my Grandmother. My Beth and Tori met her 8 years ago. I can't wait for her to meet the rest of my crew.


I'm off. I will get more work done. oh yeah, and PACK

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Where I've been

Tim and I went away last weekend to celebrate our anniversary. We headed to Solvang, just north of Santa Barbara. We went to several wine tastings, wandered the town, shopped in the funnest little shops, and just hung out together. It was wonderful. We stayed at the Peterson Inn, which is a really lovely hotel, with an amazing dining room! Dinners were to die for.

We got home Sunday around 7pm, and got the 3girls packed and ready to leave for Camp Monday morning. Safely on the bus, Katie looked a little nervous, but Smiled HUGE when they were pulling out. She returns Friday, I cannot wait to hear her adventures. Tori and Beth will return the following Wednesday.

It's been odd, but very fun having only one child. Yesterday Drew and I had brunch with Nana Kay,  played legos, then played with the Thomas set he has, then hotwheels cars, then watched a movie.  After dinner he took a bath, and then watched another movie with Dad before crashing.  Today he went to a half day, day camp at the gymnastics gym, he loved it, and behaved superiorly well. So the rest of the week, behavior appropriate he goes all day, and gets to do the extra activities. Tomorrow after lunch they'll walk to the park to play on the equipment there, and play ball. Friday they'll go swimming at the nearby HS. I'm going to meet them there to supervise him. Not withstanding the abilities of the coaches and staff. My son is fearless, and a rock in water. He sinks. I'll go and swim with him.

He is now watching Lady and the Tramp II while I finish up here. I'll go throw dinner together for us in a minute. DH is out tonight, so I'm just cooking for two. ;oD   Early to bed, for a fun day tomorrow.


While Drew was playing today I cleaned out the playroom, I called Salvation Army, they are coming Thursday to pick up my stuff. YAY! I've already got 3 big bags filled up. The play room is half done. After the playroom, I'm attacking the girls' room, then Drew and Beth's room. Clean house here I come!


Thursday, August 2, 2007

A few photos from recent events.

      One elephant ride for 5 please.  We rode Kitty at the County Fair. Her skin was much softer than I expected, but her hair prickled.                 

 Here the kids are watching Circus performers during the preshow "show".                                                

  Baby Jack  with Mom, Dad, Me, Tim, and A and N the other two God-parents. :o) A magical day!!!!


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Another "typical" weekend.

Friday I ended up going with Tim and the kids to the museum. TIm, Beth, and I wandered about. It was fun to lead Tim around to the places he wanted to see. He was amazed at my knowledge of the layout of the museum. hehe. We had lunch at the Science Centers food court, then wandered inside, Beth, Katie, and I saw chicks hatch from eggs, and played with some other cool stuff in the life works room. The littles, Tim and I watched the show for Tess a 50-foot body simulator. Ok, I confess, I slept through it. But I've seen it at least 2x's every week for the last 8 summers.

Home after that, a quick nap, and off to dinner and the circus with my parents. I took Katie around for pictures with clowns, as that's her favorite thing. After the show we, the 6 of us, had a photo taken with a tiger (model). It's a cool picture, I need to get a frame for it so I can put it on our wall.

Saturday Tim and I went to the gym again, and then we left for his company's summer party. A harbor cruise. It was lovely. We had a blast!!!!!!! I got to meet a few people that weren't at the Holiday party, and actually visit with people. Which is harder to do at the bigger parties. We went out with a smaller group after the cruise to a couple of pubs near the harbor. Had a great time, but we were up way too late.

Sunday we were up and out the door to be at my brother, and sis-in-law's church for a 9am service. It was time to baptize my nephew. Much to my delight and honor, Tim and I were asked to be Godparents. A brunch, pool party following, made for a fun time!  We came home about 3:30 and all crashed. I slept til 6pm. Nope not tired at all. We had dinner and crazily enough got ready for bed, as everyone was still tired! :o)

My van had a problem so it's went to the "car doctor" Sunday night. It'll hopefully be ready today. Due to that and a sadly thin looking piggy bank The trips I  planned  for San Diego zoo, etc. are postponed. Thankfully I didn't tell the kids about anything. :o)  We're just hanging out instead.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

It's turning in to a weekly thing

One week later.  Beth has returned from her camp, she too had a grand time. thursday night, I went to the Harp Inn with my mom to see who was playing, nice jazz/blues band. REALLY didn't want to leave at 11pm. Friday night I went to the Irish Mist with Tim and Mom to see the Whooligans. MUCH Fun! We were good kids and left at midnight. Tim was um, giggly. Saturday after doing house stuff, we went to (repetative aren't we) the Harp Inn, where the knights were dueling for championship. This event was all-ages, so we took the munchkins with us. What a blast. Almost all furniture is removed, and the knights, in full armor, battle in the center of the room. The swords are dull, but the hits are real. It was amazing, cool, and LOUD. The kids loved it, Drew was awestruck, Tori thought it was COOL, and Katie wanted to check on each knight after battle to ensure they weren't hurt. Saturday night, I returned to the Harp to meet my mom, brother and sis-in-law (and friends) to hear the Fenians. I left later than I wanted, but was still in bed by midnight. Sang Sunday at both services. A Lovely duet with my friend. Then the girls and I went to (snicker) the Harp for Gypsys Kiss, an almost all female Irish group that plays more folk than rock. We love them, and I am thrilled that our friendship is blossoming.

Monday started Museum classes, and the littles are having a blast. Drew is doing well in class without me!!! I'm thoroughly enjoying reading in the rose garden, wandering the museum without anyone needing me to hurry up. Tomorrow is MY last day as Friday Tim will take the kids. We'll celebrate with a picnic with friends after our class.

I'm off, all these fun things have left me little time for necessary chores, like laundry.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

hormonal, why yes I am..

Thankfully I know I'm not pregnant.  I couldn't find the checkbook.  I was running late getting Katie and Drew to camp, Tori was picked up to go to a free 1/2 day gymnastics camp.  Katie got sunblock in her eye.  I rinse the eye. She's fine. We leave. Drop Drew off, get Katie to the sign in and she says she doesn't want to stay.  I convinced her to stay (stooopid me).. no sooner than I get home (to find the checkbook) they call, she's in tears. I go get Katie. Come home flush her eye again, she really is OK now. I think a good deal of today was more overly tired than the eye, though I don't deny it hurt.

Found the checkbook, went and picked up Tori (my Mom got Drew) stopped and got dinner food, milk and snacks. and came home to oh yeah, EAT.. I hadn't eaten anything yet that day. Not even a glass of water. No wonder I was cranky. But the nearly falling to tears driving to get Katie was hormones. I'll be fine, PMS is over. I'm not liking my cycle as I'm getting older. It's taking more of a toll on me.

Pass the cookie dough please~

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

crazy busy

Yes we are.  We've sent Tori to camp, had her return, she had a blast! Cannot wait for next year. While she was gone Katie and Drew attended VBS, Beth and I were staffers.  Beth left for camp sunday. Katie is in surf camp, Drew is in sports clinic, and Tori is vegetating with me. HA, we're driving a lot. Shopping some, and napping daily.

today is Wednesday, the week is gloriously half over. hehe, No next week is not a rest week. It's classes at the Museum, the bonus there is that I get to meander the museum sans kids while they are in classes, I can read each and every single placard I want to.  I am really quite excited by this. My only goal will be to never be late picking up my babes. hehe.

Time to go again, Tori has Gymnastics today. :o)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


It's HERE.  So far we've enjoyed a pool party at my brother/sis-in-law's, a playdate with friends, VBS at our church is this week, while Tori is at our church's district camp. I'll pick her up Friday, and cannot wait to see my pixie!

Saturday- no plans, as of yet, though I'm thinking if I can talk a family member in to sitting my younger 3 kids, Tim, Beth, and I might go see Harry Potter. Though I confess I'm nervous that this movie might be too suspenseful for ME. I'm such a whimp.

I'm a "floater" at VBS, which means I help whomever needs it. So far that's been the preschool class 7 - 3&4 year olds.  I'm having a blast. today was what used to be water day, this year we got a bounce house. I bounced with our peanut crew, and had a marvelous time. I spent most of it, crawling through the bounce growling pretending to grab feet to eat them.  Lots of giggles and screams of happiness. 

After VBS is over we either go to lunch or come home for lunch  and then veg out.  The kids are tired, I'M tired. So it's just kickback afternoons. :o)

Next week is Beth's church camp, and Katie and Drew's day camps. Katie returns to surf camp, and Drew returns to a 3-sport techniques camp. They focus on soccer, basketball and baseball. All the equipment is smaller for the kids. It's totally fun.

I'm hoping for one more beach day, and a few park trips. Most of the latter will be Drew and myself while the girls are at Girl Scout camp in August. :o)

Friday, June 29, 2007

going back a bit, for a picture

I downloaded my MIL's camera memory stick to my computer, and found this picture, taken at C's wedding June 10th. I couldn't resist showing off my handsome Irish lad.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

mudslides and rafting

So yesterday after dropping Drew at school, I took Tori and Katie to a playground near us that we've never been to. I wanted to check it out before taking Drew. It's labelled 6-11yrs. I see why, BUT, Drew would have a blast.

There's an 18inch deep pond  with wood planks and poles for the kids to raft on. A rope bridge. A mudslide, and a building area (this is what creates the 6yr lower limit). In this area kids can hammer, and over 7 can saw wood. They have forts built, and you can add on to them at will.  I could totally see Tori and Katie spending hours there, adding to the existing forts.  We spent about 2-1/2 hours and had a GRAND time.

Today we've vegged. :o)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Suirrels and shopping

That's the forest creature Katie's class was for ballet recital '07. The production was Peter Pan. It was ADORABLE!  My dad had the camera, as Beth has mine in DC. So pictures will come when he uploads them and gives me the cd.

So, we did dress rehearsal, then had roughly 3 hours to kill, which from 3-6 on a week night living where I do doesn't allow me to go home. So we did the only reasonable thing. We went to a mall.  This mall is cool, it has a limited too, Hannah Anderson, and JJill. All 3 were having sales. My poor piggy bank.  Katie and Tori are loved, and I got me another pair of "real" shorts. Sorry but 33, mom of 4 does not need to wear daisy duke style shorts, thankyouverymuch.  We walked slowly and just enjoyed, we also hit Barnes and Noble and Katie got two chapter books, I got Drew a Kinder workbook. I looked for Tori, but she owned all of the Fairy books they had in stock. The cool sunglasses for Katie needed a place to be kept so she now has a cool Hello Kitty purse, and I got my 3rd hole in my right ear. I've been lopsided for years and years and it's bugged me, so I fixed it. Dinner at Coco's and back to the theatre.


Today I mostly finished the girls' summer wardrobe with a visit to (thanks T, I'm officially in love).   All they really need now are jean shorts / capris for camp, which we'll pick up at Target, tomorrow, I think.


Monday, June 25, 2007

a graduate and a birthday girl

Thursday Beth graduated. Cool ceremony, but LONG. 


Friday night - Saturday mid-morning was Tori's 9th birthday party, sleepover. 

Saturday afternoon was Beth's grad. party / Tori's family party.

I'm pooped. Here's a picture of our graduate, and our birthday pixie.            

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bad Mommy.

Poor Katie. Yesterday Katie received her trophy for 2nd place in her grade spelling bee.  I suck, I missed the assembly.  If that's not bad enough, she then fell and twisted her ankle. She had ice put on it, but then went back to class, walked to the car, through a store with me, and finally at a friends' birthday party I observe a "naked" ankle and see how swollen it is. It's sprained.  I feel badly that I had her walking through the store with me. I could've stuck her in a cart. Grr, me.

So send quick to heal thoughts...

Her ballet recital is Monday. It's not about the dancing, or the costume.  I care that she is allowed to be on stage. She loves this, and has been talking about it for months. She likely won't dance, but she can go sit and "play" squirrel on the side of the stage when her class is dancing.  That's what I'm hoping for and since her teacher is the coolest it shouldn't be too hard for this to happen.

The birthday party was mostly fun for her. But the concert in the park (riding in the wagon with pillows for head and foot) was fun. She said she felt very princess-y being wheeled around in her "chariot" .. at least I got that part.


Beth "graduates" from 8th grade today.  I'm excited for her!  I'll take pictures.... and post them asap (figure a month with me).

Thursday, June 14, 2007

One great wedding

Sunday evening my dear friend C. was married.  I think, now 4 days later, I'm nearly recovered from it all.  What a blur of frenzied activity.  I'll post pictures soon.

I feel another nap coming on. hehe

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

This week

Thankfully this week has been more fun, as I thought it would be.  The weekend was moderately low-key for us. Nothing on Saturday and Sunday after church the girls and I attended a birthday party.  Monday morning was the spelling bee competitions at our elementary school where Katie-bug  competed for 1st grade. She took 2nd place!!!!!!! I was impressed with her spelling ability!  But oh I am so not a competitive mom-observer. I was sooooo nervous for her.  I rooted for her, but anytime she had to spell a word I sat on my hands, so as not to wring them and make her nervous, which she never was.

The rest of the week has been normal, boring stuff. C's wedding is Sunday so I'm not in full sewing mode to get my mom's jacket finished.  We got Drew's kilt at the Scottish fest a couple weeks ago. I have to go today, I think, to get him and the girls shoes for the wedding. 

Friday is Drew's promotion night at preschool. His class will sing a couple songs after dinner, then receive a certificate, then dessert. Should be a blast.

The weekend is wedding. I'll tell ya all about it when we get back Monday afternoon.

Friday, June 1, 2007

A day of adventure?

First Happy Birthday (yesterday) to my dear friend T.  I hope you had a magical day!

Yesterday, for me, for parts, sucked. First it's my son's birthday. No not Drew. Alex, he would have been 11 years old yesterday.  It's been nearly 10 years since he got his angel wings, and it's still as sucky now as the first year.   Then to add to the "fun" I found out Beth did not get the transfer we wanted, so as of now she's going to WHS. ICK! in the last 3 weeks they've had 4 bomb threats. I'm so not pleased! I'm going to contact the other HS to see if their band director can help us at all as Beth is accomplished on the violin.  Then There's N. my darling next door neighbor "girl" she's a jr at WHS, and is taking child development. I allowed Drfew to go as a "guinea pig" for a class. Of course my plan to stay with him was foiled when Tori needed me to pick her up as her allergies were bothering her. So I get Tori, get her meds, go get Katie, go back to get Drew and yep, you guessed it. Lock down due to bomb threat. I finally did the only "rational" thing. I parked without permit in the student lot and walked through the receiving gates onto campus (no locked gates) and went and got Drew. I was stopped by one adult who wanted to know where I was going. I gave a classroom number.. that was it! NOT safe to my mind.  I called and spoke to the principal after I got home. She sounded very embarassed.

To compensate for the crummy afternoon I thought it would be fun to have dinner at the Pub. WRONG. Drew didn't get a nap, and was therefore WILDMAN.  We ended up coming home just after DH and Beth arrived (from Ballet) and having leftovers.  Then I went to choir and back to the pub to meet mom to hear a new band (to us) who are very good heavy metal/punk. The Vindakits. Mom was enjoying them, and truly surprised most of the other patrons.  It was the one main point of fun in the day.


Today promises to be much better. I'm now off to eat disgustingly bad for you food too early in the day, while watching a movie with my daughter before taking her to meet her youth group for a weekend at the lake.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Another weekend, More Fun

Memorial Weekend,  is a weekend of family fun. This year Friday evening was quiet. Which was a nice thing for all of us. Saturday we loaded up tartans on (in kilt for Tim) and headed to the Scottish Society Highland games and festival. Drew received his first kilt. He's THRILLED!  Beth received her rosette tartan sash. She's beyond excited! 

We got to see several bands including Stuart Martz, Bad Haggis, Alex Beaton and Alistair Frasier (the best Scottish fiddler ever!).  We also got to see the Scotch ponies do a demonstration, amazing. Oh were they beautiful! The riders we found out later were an incredibly nice bunch. As several of them joined Dad, Tim, and I for the single malt tasting and Cailee (party).  A fine time!!!

Sunday - church, the girls had rehersals, then we headed to the Family Beach house. After a yummy sandwhich lunch we suited up and headed to the ocean. Sandcastles were built, motes for them were dug, books were read, waves were splashed in. It was perfect, and bonus, noone got burned. YAY! We stayed through dinner Monday evening. Came home and crashed.

Catching up on laundry from being gone was yesterdays adventure, along with picking up my shoes for C's wedding which is in 2 short weeks. ACK! and lunch with Nana at the Harp. :o)

Today I've nearly finished finding Beth and Drew's room. Neither will be speaking to me for a while when they get home as I've thrown out some stuff.. but it's been buried far too long to be of use now!  I'm off to finish it up and strip the beds.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Yeah.. I got busy

So after chopping my hair off Thursday, I went on the first grade field trip to the cabrillo beach aquarium on Friday.  FUN! 80 first graders. I'm the bestest mom though I PLAYED duck duck goose with the kids. Hey it's fun! No I won't grow up.

Friday night our thought to be lost pub re-opened, and our friends played. So of course we were there to dance!

Saturday and Sunday was Doheny Blues festival. 10th anniversary. We've gone for 9 years. YAY!  This year the top fav's were  Al Green,  The Blind Boys from Alabama (OMG so good) and John Fogerty.  An AWESOME weekend was had by all (this is a family affair for us! There is nothing cuter than Drew gettin' down to some blues!)

Monday I don't remember much of.. go figure. Tuesday Tori's class had a field trip, which I went with. We went to a local nature Center. More fun!! I signed Tori and Katie out when we got back, then went and got Beth, and came home. Why? Because I was exhausted and needed a nap for more than 45mins.  Worked out well!

Today has been pretty ordinary. Laundry, house-stuff, a couple errands, a bit of reading. Tonight I get to have dinner with my girlfriend. It's a nice highlight for me!

I'm off, the dryer will buzz soon, and the previous basket is not yet put away. I will NOT fall behind again.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Before and After

Here's the before and after from the great hair cut.  I'm pleased with the results, 24 hours later. Which is key, because in 24 hours (and a shower) a lot happens to hair after having 14 inches lobbed off. I think the difference in looks is kind of cool.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

hair. It's about darn time, hip hip hooray

I've been telling family and friends for months I want to chop my hair off. Short. I've procrastinated, for various stupid reasons. It's all over now, tomorrow morning at 11am My mom and I are going to the studio were a friends' hair dresser works to chop it off. YAY!!!!!!! I'm soooooo excited.

I've web searched hairstyles and have 6 pictures printed up to show M.  My mom will take before, during, and after photos which I will share.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mother's Day, awards, and sigh a baby.

Mother's day was a good day. I was tired, having gone to bed so late/early... I woke up to my shock and a wee bit of sadness, at 8am. I wanted more sleep, but I was AWAKE.  I came out and puttered on some games, then hung out with the kids while DH made breakfast.  Our bachelorette girls slept over so they joined us for breakfast. Then DH finished making up deviled eggs while I showered and we headed to MIL's for the afternoon. It was nice to see everyone. The the Surprise, DH called a couple of our friends and let them know I'd be there to see. They live near MIL/FIL which is about 45mins. away and between schedules we NEVER see eachother.  We finally left MIL's around 8:30, much later than I'd figured. Straight to bed when we got home.

Monday, was the awards assembly at our elementary school. Usually it's on Wednesday.  I do not know why they changed it.  So I picked up Katie and Tori and am handed a ribbon for reading, and certificate for Citizen of the Month from Katie. I'm not pleased as I always attend when the girls get an award.  Katie said her teacher called, so I checked messages. Yes, she did, at 8:15 THAT FREAKING morning. GRRR. I'm not a happy mommy.  I sent a note the next morning giving my cell phone number, and especially requesting 24hours notice whenever possible. We had sundaes for dessert last night to celebrate Katie's awards. She said she didn't mind that we weren't there.. but I DO.

And then today, my SIL called late last week to see what I was up to this morning. Nothing. So I got to watch my 4 week old nephew!!  I only had him for about a 1/2 hour, but it was a blast. I got to hold him, rock him, hold him, love him, and settle him to sleep in his carrier.  He was a great baby, and I look forward to watching him again soon!!!


Monday, May 14, 2007

One Bachelorette/bachlore night out

Saturday evening DH took the boys (C's fiance, and friends) to a nearby steakhouse for dinner, pool, and jazz/blues music.  This was the requested activity of the groom-to-be. FUN!

The girls' was my party planning. We did a Pub Crawl, starting with traditional Irish faire for dinner at one of our fav. pubs, stayed through the first set of music by a great top 40's cover band. We danced a lot!!!!!  Then we moved to the second pub of the evening. Where due to C wearing a bridal veil much attention was lavished upon her. PERFECT!  We danced much much more.. and were a tiny bit shocked when the band said good night, and the lights came on, that meant it was after 2am. We headed to home, and DH calls me.. we chat, and our plans are made.

We ended our separate evenings out with breakfast for all still standing at Denny's. I went to bed at 4am Mother's day morning. ROFL.



Thursday, May 3, 2007

It's MAY????

Ok.. I'm not one to sadly dwell on the past.. I don't look at my kids and sigh wondering where the time went, and how could they be so big, etc.  BUT, But.. it's MAY? I'm astonished. Didn't we JUST celebrate Christmas and New Years'???? Holy Cow!

Ok.. enough of that,  Things have been busy, and good here.  the Shower for my friends' was grand, we had roughly 30 people from 2 weeks to 60+ yrs old here. AWESOME!

The rest of the time has been pretty mundane, laundry, house work, life.  Yesterday had a highlight. My longtime friend T. and her two daughters came for a playdate. We set the older girls loose in Tori and Katie's room and the little one played in the room with T. and myself.  We had a lovely visit, and set up a dinner date for later in the month. YAY!!!


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Singing and tumbling

I'll be doing lots of the singing. It was also suggested I list myself on for weddings and other special events, so I've done that. 

It's funny, I never would have thought I'd do something like this. I've always thought I'd panic at the time. Now I feel so right. I just know it's going to be a positive experience all the way around.  I'm not looking to become rich and famous, just to help pay some bills and have a bit of fun while earning the money. Can't beat that!!!

Now to brag, as only a mommy can. Yesterday Tori had gymnastics class. It's a group class her crew has about 6-8 girls, generally all are about the same level. Well, yesterday Miss Tori excelled.  She takes private lessons on Fridays, and has been working on things with her coach. Yesterday showed her improvement. She did shooting stars on the uneven bars, flat back flips, and forward dive-rolls. At our gym anytime a child does a new task exceptionally well they get to ring a bell, announce the task and the room applauds. Sounds cheesy, but it's an acknowledgement of acccomplishment without a "reward" like candy. I like it.  Tori got to ring the bell 3 separate times.  It was a very cool day!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

13 + years and a golf ball

and My vaccuum died.  It did give a long life, of LOTS of work.  So today I "got" to go purchase a new "toy". Yes it is a bit sad that something like a vaccuum cleaner makes me excited. Oh well. I'm old and boring.  My new vaccuum is nice, very light weight, less than 20 pounds. THAT is amazingly cool compared to the old beast that weighed in at nearly 45pounds.  The hoses are attached to the vaccuum, I don't have to remover a piece to add the hoses to do the couches, or blinds. YAY!!!   And it's bagless. So I can 'suck and dump' (get your mind out of the gutter).. this will actually save us for those missed polly pocket items I tend to vaccuum.

In other news, the couples shower I'm throwing for my girlfriend and fiance is coming together nicely.  All I really need to get done besides totally cleaning the house, again (why do kids need to play? stop you know I'm joking), is to mow the front and back yards.   For those of you who actually KNOW me, you know our yards are not green grass or pretty. This is soon to change. My neighbor gave me the secret to green lawn. I'm taking it and running with it. I'll post before and after pictures when I get the after effect.

Lastly, I had an impromtu audition Thursday evening for the lead vocalist for a local band. I've no idea if they'll hire me. But today I had lunch with a friend who manages another band, and knows LOTS of others, my name will be getting out there... I should be singing soon. I'm excited!!! It's a totally unplanned turn of events, but feels so very right.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Did you know???

Ice Tea has caffiene, even if it's not listed as a main ingredient??  Tis true. Drew was allotted some ice tea,  both for after school snack, and dinner. So that explains why it was midnight before the poor lad was able to settle down and sleep. <yawn>


So, now I'm on the look-out for non-caffienated ice tea. 

Friday, April 13, 2007

Auntie Jenn, AGAIN!

My brother and his wife are the proud first-time parents to William Jack M.  I'm the very excited Auntie Jen.  Jack as he will be called arrived via C-section around 9:30 Thursday April 12th. He weighed a svelte (hehe) 9pounds 5.8 ozs, and measured 21inches long.  As you can see below he has gorgeous dark brown hair, and cutest eyes. Everyone is happy and healthy!


Monday, April 9, 2007

Easter Beagles!!!!!!!!!!!

Today was our annual trek to Knotts Berry farm.  We had 5 kids, my 4 plus a friend of Beth's. My parents, and me.  All 5 kids got their photo taken with Snoopy wearing bunny ears. I'll scan that photo and put it up later.  After that they rode a few rides and then Beth and her friend left us for roller coasters.  We hit camp Snoopy. Airmail again, red baron airplanes, the Charlie Brown Safari show (what do you get when you cross an elephant with a fish??  hehe.. Swim Trunks. Get it?  No the jokes didn't get any better. We all laughed though)  Then the Timberline Twiseter, a jr. roller coaster, which Drew LOVED, the school bus, tugboat, and maze.

Beth and her friend and I met up then. My parents kept the 3 littles to ride the trucks and jump in the bouncy, while I rode Silver Bullet with Beth. Then the 5 of us girls rode Jaguar 3 times.  The stagecoach, Main Train, Mystery Lodge, Merry-go-round, and finally... heaven help us all, and please forgive me. I let Tori and Katie ride Ghost Rider. A full-size, level 4 roller coaster. The catch was I can't ride it, it's too jerky for my back. Beth rode with her girlfriend who is also  nervous on coasters.  Poor girls. Katie was pretty ok, but cried when she got to me. Tori was sobbing off the ride and didn't stop for nearly half an hour. Though what really "got me" was her statement, at least I tried it, maybe in a couple years when I'm really big I'll try it again. We got our goodies and left after that. In the end, everyone is pleased with their day. Whew, I was afraid that that coaster was going to dampen the day for those two.

Here's a few pictures.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

10 + 11 is

a lot of fun!!!!  11 kids ranging from 13- 2yrs. with 10 adults was our Easter gathering this year. Much fun. My in-laws did nicely giving little candy and lots of other goodies. Each child was given a tote bag, hand-made by my Grandmother-in-law. Drew was given a cool lava-lamp that is auto-shutoff and changes colors while the sparkly goo swims around. and some Trucks to add to his hotwheels/assorted small automobile collection.  The girls all got colored pencils, markers, plain paper tablets, and hair stuff.

This easter bunny helper gave the kids eggs with stickers, a stuffed bunny, an egg with candy, and the movie Happy Feet for the family to share. My parents gave them the movie It's the Easter Beagle Charlie Brown.

We all ate until our pants threatened to pop open, then we chatted while the kids played. Then some of the brave, and faster metabolism had dessert. More chatting and playing and then they all departed.  It was the perfect holiday. Good food, Good friends/Family, and lots of Fun. :o)

Tomorrow we begin Spring Break with our annual trek to Knotts Berry Farm. :o)

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Saturday is it?

Well I only get to enjoy the last half. I slept this morning... all of the AM. hehe.  Last night was church, I sang, I guess I did well. I can't think of any major "oh no" moments in the song. I didn't get any feedback, as the service is somber and we leave in silence.

After that I met my parents, C, Tim, and 30-someodd friends at the pub for an evening of fun. It was just that! Lots of dancing for C and I.  Lots of fun for all. I took 2 giant chocolate chip cookies to share with the crowd as Wednesday last was Mom's bday and the 21st is Dad's bday.  Dad was surprised to get his own cookie!! that was cool!

Today is final preperations for tomorrow. I've got the "last minute" grocery store run to do in a minute, and then tonight I'll wipe down the bathroom counter and mirrors. No point doing it now, a kid will use the bathroom and slime it, LOL.

It's not likely I'll get online tomorrow so I wish you all a very happy day, weather you celebrate the religious part of the holiday or just the big bunny's visit.


Friday, April 6, 2007

It's FRIDAY!!!!

HAPPY TGIF.  After a couple phone chats with girlfriends I feel better about things with the job. I'll keep looking, a good job for me is out there. I just have to let it find me.

In the meantime, I'll keep doing all the other things I do, which include this mornings' "fun".  I took Drew to the dentist, poor kid has to have crowns on his 2yr molars. The upper molars were done a while ago. Now the left molar on bottom is done. The right molar will be going to a pediatric dentist to be done. He was just too squirmy today. Poor kid, apparently the reflux he dealt with so severely during infancy damaged these teeth.  Hopefully now that we have that mostly under control it won't damage any of his permanent teeth.

Not much else to report here... life conitnues in the same fashion as usual. Overly busy and mostly fun.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Well, darn it.

I got the phone call from the church lettine me know about the job. Obviously, due to the title, I did not get hired.

I'll keep looking for something.. but today I'm just going to be bummed. I really wanted this position.

um... who's coming for Easter????????

Oh yeah, half of the state.  So first we had us (6) and my parents, that's 8. No biggie. With the very maybe of my brother and sis-in-law, as she's due to pop my niece or nephew out any minute. so maybe 10. Not a big deal. We've now added, C. and her kids, VERY COOL! I'm excited to spend the afternoon with her, and have the kids here to play, it's been too long. So that's 14.  And Tim's parents, sister, brother-in-law, and our nephew. 19.  Two friend, 21.  Do you see where this is going??

I've done the final tally. We're up to 25 confirmed, possibly 30.  I'm fine <twitch> no really. I LOVE having gatherings like this. The more the merrier (and the less it's noticed when I escape to the swings for a breathe of fresh air, hehe).

The house is coming along nicely, I should be all done by this afternoon.  Now to keep it looking "company clean" for a couple weeks! We're having a couples bridal shower for C. and her fiance on the 28th. I know I CAN, it's just a matter of putting forth the daily effort, and that is where I'm seriously, sadly, lacking.

OK.. Time to take Drew to speech and then start cleaning (again).


Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Holy week

or should that be wholly ?  Because I'm wholly convinced I'm not going to be ready for the arrival of the family to arrive at 2pm Sunday.  I did get some good start-work done today.  The family room WAS ready for vacuuming before I got the kids home (he he). I did find the kitchen, we all knew it was under the clutter from last weekend. It's now clean enough to eat out of. I started the menu. And cleaned the main bathroom, which I'll be re-cleaning tomorrow as Tori and Katie played in the grass today and have a serious need for a bath tonight. Oh well.

I also practiced my solo for Friday evenings church service. I'm singing a gospel-ish version of Were You There only 2 verses though. It's a gorgeous arrangement, and I think I'm sounding pretty good.  I'll get the service tape copied for the family to see. Tim's staying home with the kids, Mom and Dad will be at the pub having dinner/waiting for the rest of us to come in later, my two invited friends both have other commitments.  Hopefully one of my 3 dear friends from the congregation will be there for me to focus on while I sing.  How can I love it so much, and yet, be so afraid. I'm a nutcase, I know. Oh well.

Tim is at golf practice tonight, so I'm on my own with the kids for dinner, bath, bed. The upside to that is we get to have whatever we (I) want for dinner. So Beth and I are having broiled Salmon with homemade mac N cheese, and salad. The girls and Drew will have the mac n cheese and salad. :o)  Everyone is happy.

Oh and I called the church I interviewed with for the part time administrative assistants job, they have not yet made their decision. Don't these people know I'm NOT a patient person... sigh.

ok.. I think the noodles are boiling, time to go finish cooking dinner.


Saturday, March 31, 2007

We have gas. hehehe

Oh stop it, it was too funny.  I have kids, one is boy, anything having to do with burping or farting is funny.

ANYWAYS, the gas company man arrived at 7:45. I was not up, or dressed, but he graciously acknowledged my sad jammied self and got clearance to enter the side yard. I got dressed. He restarted us, lit all pilot lights, and went on his merry way by 8:30am. WOHOO. Beth and I went for donuts, and wal-mart for stuff. Now she's finishing the movie she started this morning and then will shower for her afternoon of playing with friends. My mom will pick us both up, we'll drop Beth and then head to the bridal store to get my dress for my girlfriends wedding in June. (Please let me NOT look 5months pregnant!!!).

Not too much else, I was sadly disappointed with the Easter dress selection at Wal-mart so I'll hit Target and Khols Monday, if nothing strikes my fancy I'll go get material and make the girls their dresses. I have the patterns already to go. :o)

Friday, March 30, 2007

Two cools and an aww shit with lesson learned

Unpleasant first.  I goofed. I didn't pay the gas bill. We got shut off this morning. I went and paid the gas bill. I didn't know I had to call them to restart service, so I got home from the day and no gas. Called,  at first it would be Monday. I burst into tears. No heat, no dryer (hello, 6 people no laundry for 2 days ACK!), no hot water (see laundry whine), no food-can't cook on a gas stove or in a gas oven with no gas.   So sometime tomorrow my gas will be turned back on.  I told Tim.. he took the "you get a cold shower in the morning" as well as can be expected.  Lesson learned... the gas company is NOT the utility to let run to shut-off.

So my day was spent shuttling Drew to the dentist, x-rays and an exam later, and we go back next Friday for (poor boy) 2 root canals and crowns.  His primary molars are degenerative. There was nothing to them, and they are gone. My poor baby. He was great today. Next week we're using nitrous, and I'll be praying a lot that he does well. We're hoping to do both teeth at once. We'll see. Dr. Hannah is AMAZING so I know she'll stop with one if he's not doing well.

After that was done I went to Beth's school as I signed up to chaperone the string orchestra to festival. Deja Vu for me, while not a string orchestra, I did festival for our concert band when I was in jr. High and Sr. High.  I arrived at the appointed hour, to discover a totally stressed out director.  The busses weren't coming. After much work on his part, we had 1 bus coming.  30+ kids 1 bus, with 8 basses, 12 cellos, etc... not going to fit.  So I volunteered immediatly to help drive instruments. I stashed the car seats for the littles in the Principals office dropped the seats and loaded the basses first. Thanks to the many months of playing dishwasher tetris with my friend C. I've gotten good at putting many things into a confined space.  I got 4 basses and 6 cellos into my minivan. We were on our way.

The kids were AWESOME! They received an Excellent rating, only one stop above that (Superior) which I believe they would have gotten, but the violins went out of tune waiting for their turn to go into the theatre to play. These things happen. 

We're home, the gas drama is dealt with, and I'm off to figure out what I can serve for dinner that doesn't require my normal use appliances.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Open House

Tonight was Open House at the elementary school my daughters attend.  The first 30mins. is supposed to be a PTA/ informational meeting.  I've been PTA president twice.  This was the worst organized "presentation"  I've EVER attended, and I've attended a lot. @@  I was not pleased.

But finally, it ended, and off we went to the classrooms. YAY. Tori first,  she had her stuffed cat on the wall, her picture and autobiography, and a VICTORIA- V is for vigor, etc.   Cool stuff. Then her class gave a short presentation. It was basically a long poem broken into smaller parts for the kids to recite. But there weren't enough parts for each child, so Tori was the Roar of the Lion. She Roared very well. :o)

Katie's class was pretty awesome. She made a large tarantula out of paper, and painted with sponge stamps. Above that she wrote a short report about them. It was quite good. Her science notebook looked awesome, and her flower in the "garden" had 4 ladybugs on it, hehe.  She's the only kid in her class to have NOT lost a tooth, and that is a big problem for her. :o(   But she's the tallest in her class at 49-3/4 inches tall. Her soybean plant didn't grow as fast as the other kids, and not even Mrs. H. knows why. But it's OK, as I explained to Katie, as we as a family have a track record for killing plants the quickest. She laughed at me (as usual).

After that we hit the kindergarten room where I am hopeful Drew will attend next year. I have to register him this coming week, and I will request Mrs. G and hope for the best. She's an awesome teacher, and I know Drew will do well with her. HE had a blast looking at all the cool stuff, and pointing to things he recognized. He threw us all off when he exclaimed something about the cool groundhogs. None of knew he knew what a groundhog was. Surprise.

Beth is now as tall as both Mrs. H and Mrs. G. which makes all of us feel older. She was in reading in Mrs. G's kindergarten so many years ago. It was fun for her to get to see her teachers from the past.

The only problem to the event was that I didn't realize that with sunset the temperature would drop another 15 degrees.. add a windchill, and i was literally freezing.  But I'm the dork that wore the long skirt, shoes with no socks, and only a light sweater, so it was a deserved frozen-ness.

I'm off.. We have a fire in the fireplace, and I have about 60bazillion books to clean up from our afternoon of reading, as noone had homework.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Back again, so soon

Don't fall over dead. It's just my boredom kicking in. Actually it's not, I'm waiting for a kid to finish her homework project so I can finish my skirt.  Yes, I'm sewing again.  No making a billion dresses for a wedding a mere 4 months ago doesn't count any longer. Besides there's no "set" timeline. It's MY skirt, I want to wear it tomorrow so I'll work tonight to finish it, but if it's not done, it's not like the day will be ruined. :o)

A fun tidbit, most of you know I've been working (sort of ) hard to lose the last baby weight, since the last baby is now 4-1/2 seems time. Well I'm pleased to announce real progress. Attending a party for a friends' one-year old this past weekend I discovered my one-piece swimsuit is too big.  It's a small. That means I must move to (gasp) the juniors section for a suit. (insert wild happy dancing here).

The above gives me hope that I will not look competely foolish in June when I wear a gorgeous but unforgiving dress to my dear friends wedding. I am a bridesmaid/ matron? I hate matron, I'm not old enough. I'm sticking with maid. :o)  Picturs will follow, eventually.


I hear papers shuffling, as if going into a folder... if the skirt is finished for tomorrow I will photograph. It's going to be beautiful, but what a pita to make! 10 tiers, with gathers. @@ What was I thinking????


Sunday, March 25, 2007


Some days I think I should just give this up, I'm not here anymore. But I can't. It's good for me to have this place to come throw my random thoughts. Here's another update.

My birthday was fantastic.  33 is no different than 23 was, but for the extra kids I have now. :)

Katie turned 7 in February, and had a BLAST at her party at Pump it up. I can't believe my little Bug is 7, I don't wish her smaller, it's just an awe to me how quickly the time has gone.

My brother and his wife are due to have baby 1  ANY day now. I'm going to be an Auntie, again. I'm very excited.

and <drum roll> the biggest news, I quit the icky job. The people I worked with are amazing! The hours were killer, and the stress of the policies of attendance, and such were literally driving me insane.  My last day was 3/16. Yes I partied well on Saint Patrick's day to celebrate.

I interviewed with the church on Thursday. They started with 39 applications, did 12 interviews. We'll see if I make "call-backs" if they do them, or get hired. I'm staying hopeful.

There's more, but of course, I can't remember any of it now.  I'll be back though with more update, maybe even some pictures. :o)


Thursday, January 4, 2007

Miss Me???

I miss me too.. I wish I could say I'll be around more often, but sadly, it's not likely until I'm out of this @#$@#$Ing job.  Say lots of prayers/dance to your goddesses/ whatever it is you do... my church is looking for an admin. assistant. Not a glamour job, BUT Tuesday through Friday 9-3pm.. 45mins. closer to home, more money than the current job!!! I'm soooooo  ready. I'll quit tomorrow and start there Monday, if only they'd hire me.  Patience is not a virtue of mine.

We all shared a stomach bug the week and weekend before Christmas. I missed Seeing the Nutcracker, sniff.  Drew got to go, he said it was "totally awesome, the guy did this (insert Drew spinning)".. too fun!  The kids go back to school Monday. I'm ready, and I'm not even home all day. God bless my Beth, she's been babysitter for the 3 littles (with inserted help from Nana, Thank you) for their break. I did get Tuesday off, but now we get to pay the piper, I have to work Saturday.

Tomorrow is my birthday. Yup, I'm working. But I'm going dancing after so hopefully, I'm sure, it'll still be a good day. I'm looking forward to having some fun with lots of friends!!!!!


Ok, time to shower and head to bed.