Tuesday, November 15, 2005


The research prospectus is done. printed and stapled. phew, that was almost painful.  I've reached that point in the quarter when I wonder the <bleep> I was thinking, taking on trying to finish a degree with 4 busy children, etc.  My house is trashed, my brain is fried, and I want to run away for a long weekend with my hubby, the kids (with a sitter, for those romantic late night walks) and a couple of just for the fun of it reading books.  The reality is it's midnight, I've just finished the paper that's due tomorrow, I have another paper due Thursday, the book for that I've read not quite 1/2 of. I must write that paper tomorrow as I'm out of house Wednesday night (YES! and escape, and for fun, HOCKEY!! GO DUCKS!). ok, breathe.. I can do this.. just 3 weeks left.  YAY! JUST 3 weeks left!!!! Next quarter will be better and worse, better as I'm only taking 2 classes, worse as one of them is art history. While I'm sure it's going to be at least a little interesting, I do enjoy art. It's going to be tough, because I do not do the "slide show testing" well, and that's what this class is.  The exams are slide shows where you ID the artist and give a paragraph biography on him/her.

Then there's the good news, first and foremost, is that I, in fact, and in writing, have 3 classes remaining to graduate. 2 in winter, 1 in spring. I'm beyond excited.. even in the midst of overwhelmed.   Second, my brother has a girlfriend...my brother has a girlfriend?!!?!! this is so different, and cool!!! he WANTS me to meet her. She's our age (30-something), a trial lawyer (smart), and enjoys hanging out at the Harp (she's got Irish in her blood somewhere)... She and brother spent the weekend with my mom and dad at the house in Mexico.. Mom and dad both like her. Hopefully I'll get to meet her Wednesday evening, she's supposed to go to the game with us. :o)  and finally,  I gave blood today, it's my "do good deed" it's easy, costs nothing, and I can.  Well, apparently I have a lot over the last few years.. I was given my 3 gallon pin today.  3 gallons!!! that is ALOT of blood. I feel very good for doing this.

ok, I'm off to sleep!!!!

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