Monday, November 7, 2005

a little slump.

I'm in a little emotional slump.  My paper for tomorrow is done, so that's good. I've started the research for the paper due Thursday, so it's going well. I'll begin research for the big paper (due next Tuesday tomorrow at school)...  things are relatively good here.. I don't know.. I feel almost like I'm missing something.. I think it's more of someone, and more than one. 

While very blessed to have C. as a dear and close friend.. I don't have several girlfriends to do things with.. like girls' night out...the few friends I do have are either as busy as me, or  we live too far apart for those spur of the moment get togethers I love to do. 

I'm also seriously bummed out because Beth did not register for GS this year... we haven't heard word one from her leader, and cookie sales have already started.  That frustrates me, you'd think they'd want to keep girls in, and would at least give her a call or email to say what's up.  Tori's not in, but that's my doing... with the struggles in school, the added activity of GS would be too much. 

I'm also anxious about next quarter, my schedule changes and it's not a friendly change to our routine here.. then there's the added what AM I going to do when I graduate?!!?!!??  a real job... that's 9am-5pm  I'm not sure the mommy in me can handle that one!!! Tim is so excited to have me getting a "real income"  I hope I can handle the reality of it.

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