Saturday, August 6, 2005

Quick brag

I did it. the closet and both dressers are cleaned out and all clothes that do not fit are bagged for good will or my girlfriends' daughter. YAY!!! I only found one kitchen bag worth to chuck, and a full grocery to give to F. But it was a very needed job, as Katie wears a 5 to 6 depending on the style of outfit...we had some 3T's still her shorts...and 2-4 shirts, when she's a 6-8.  Drew inherted some of the shirts but several were too girly, he has plenty already, and he's wearing 4/5 depending on the shirt/style. So there's not much point in loading him with stuff that will likely only fit for a few months.

Ok, Off to eat my dinner.. I dont want it, but I must eat. It's corndogs, generally OK, just not what I'm in the mood for tonight.

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