Monday, August 29, 2005

Legoland, Mexico, and Thankfulness

Legoland was great, Drew was tall enough to ride all but 3 rides. VERY cool!!!  Katie rode the kid-roller coasters this year, and really enjoyed them!!!! My mom walked and walked (up hills and down) and never really got winded. She's not a "fast" walker, but she's WALKING!!! She rode 2 or 3 rides with us, and really enjoyed them.  We had a great day!!!

Mexico, it's been a year since I was there last. It's grown a lot. We arrived safely, but tired Wed. night about 11:30pm. Thursday was a do-nothing day. I only got dressed around 1pm because my pj's were too warm.  Each night Thurs. through Sunday my kids delighted us with giggles, squeals, and screams while watching the fireworks that people shoot off on the beach. Friday I took the girls horse back riding, one hour with a little fast walking, my butt still hurts, lol. We really enjoyed that though. Saturday we bbq'd and had friends over. It was awesome!!! Lots of fun and visiting. Sunday was the highlight for me, while it was our last day, we weren't scheduled to go home until 9pm. So after a lovely brunch, we went to the beach. The highlight? my mom went with us. She hasn't been to the beach since moving in to her place. She walked down, and kicked off her shoes and got her feet in the water with me and Katie. THAT was a magical moment.  the drive home was the best kind, boring.  I did have to drive through Centro Tijuana, but it's not much more difficult than taking Mex. 1D down to the border. the crossing took about 20mins. But that was becuase they closed 3 lanes (one of which I was in) right as I got there. Oh well, it still wasn't bad. 

Today I'm enjoying conveniences, like drinkable tap-water, toilets that you can flush after each use, and that accept TP,  my dishwasher, and just being home. :o)

I'm also very grateful to a dear friend of my family, M.  He came over yesterday morning and helped Tim, my dad, and brother, finish the re-roofing of the family room. With the use of his nail gun it's all finished. The roof is a story in itself, but suffice it to say, one joint was uneven, and instead of using plywood, the previous owners used particle board for sheething (just stick cardboard up there, @@)... so with all that taken care of we have the promise of no leaks this winter!!!!!!!!! Now to go clean up the dusty mess the work left.

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