Friday, April 12, 2013

This past Monday we took Drew back for another test at the Psychiatrist. Same deal as before. Take the meds, wait an hour, take the test, see if results are acceptable or not. Well, Drew showed he was done. He had a meltdown before the test. Then refused to take it. This is a boring computer test. It's not designed to be entertainment, but it's also painless. After 2-1/2 hours of trying to wait him out to calm down, regroup, etc. we decided to go back the next day and try again. When we discussed this with the Dr. his response was not expected! Instead of agreeing and trying to talk with Drew about it. He spoke gruffly to Drew about cooperation and involvement. Then closed the file folder and suggested strongly to us that we find an intensive 30-60 day residential treatment facility for him. WHOA! Initially while heartsick, I considered it. I mean, he is a doctor. We left, to do research on facilities, etc. I made phone calls. Initially looking for someplace that would take Drew. Not too many places accept kids under 16. Thanks to Sharon at St. Joseph's I was referred to UCI's Autism Center of Orange county. Well, they have a 4month wait list. That won't work. So, they sent me to Help Me Grow, a referral organization. After a 20 minute phone call I had several phone numbers. I called the first choice on the list. It's not a residential it's just a new Dr., but it's a group, the Psychiatrists work in tandem with therapists that do "talk therapy" and "behavior counselling", After a brief chat with them, confirming insurance contracts, and we are set with an appointment. The more I thought about the first Dr.'s response the more disturbed I was. Drew wasn't violent, his grumbled statement of wishing he could blow up the place than take another test fits a frustrated ADHD/ODD/Anxiety 10 year old boy. It was not said with intent to action, it was said with frustration. There is a difference! And as a Psychiatrist, isn' he supposed to HELP people through ALL the issues that are a part of this diagnosis? So, the adventure continues. In the meantime, I called the Pediatrician to let him know what's happening. He was shocked too.  I've also talked to Drew about Monday, and how the Dr behaved and how it made ME feel and asked him about his feelings and he doesn't like him. (DUH). So he's just as happy to not go back as anyone. Really hoping this next try is successful!!!!

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