Wednesday, January 4, 2006

What day is it?

Oh yes, Wednesday... had a great playdate.  Tori and Katie seemed to really enjoy.  Drew was hungry when our guests arrived, so I went ahead and fed him lunch and put him down for a nap. That turned out to be a great plan, as it allowed the girls to play, and my friend and I to visit. I got some pointers for stores for age appropriate, trendy kid clothes for Tori and Katie! We enjoyed lunch and hung out.  After they left we loaded into the van to make a last minute trip to the aquarium to meet another friend and her kids. Without Beth we had 7 kids aging from 7-1/2 to 2yrs. It was fun.  Now dinner is sizzling and as I'm starving, I'm avoiding the kitchen lest I try to serve the food 1/2 cooked.

Tomorrow, I'll be 32, and I'm spending the day one of the best ways I know how... with my family. Skiing.  Tori, Katie and Drew will be in classes for most of the day, but we can visit them, and get pictures (which we'll do).  Beth will just ski with us. I can't wait... we got about 4" of fresh snow Monday... conditions should be glorious!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday!  I bet skiing was so much fun!  I hope you had an enjoyable day.  Many happy days ahead!