Monday, February 27, 2006

A REALLY real answer! and solution

ENT visit today.. love the doc.  He was very cool with Drew.  He got to know him a bit, and then checked his ears with his mega-powered ear scope, and voila, fluid behind both eardrums. We go on 3/27 for tubes.  I may sound nuts but I'm so damn glad it's fluid and not nerve damage or... My baby will be able to hear perfectly in just a few weeks. :oD

Speech therapy here we come, ready to go. The Doc figured it would take Drew about 2 months to catch up to his peers in his speech after tubes with therapy. :oD


THIS is a happy day!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I am *so* glad to hear that! Wonderful news and here's hoping the therapy goes quickly.

Anonymous said...

Awesome news! JBear
That's the best possible outcome of that whole thing!  I'm thrilled for you guys...and Drew!  : )  What a relief!