Monday, February 20, 2006

A fun weekend, and Drew update

First the Drew update,  the preschool for the hearing impared/deaf doesn't contract with our insurance for screenings. SO.. I had to find an audiologist that works with preschoolers and is in my "provider network".. turned out not to be that hard. We have an appt. tomorrow morning at 11am. This should bring us very close to the end of the road.

Now for the fun weekend. Our church goes to a local mountain camp every year for "winter camp" fun in the snow with church family.. This was the weekend. We took the kids up Saturday afternoon, hoping for a bit of snow with the storm that was blowing through.. we got our wish. We arrived to over 2 feet on the ground and it was snowing!! By Sunday morning we another 6 inches and it was STILL snowing. By mid-morning we had beauitful clear blue skies and fresh snow to play in.  Sledding or Saucering was the sport, and we all took a turn at it, having a glorious time with the powdery white stuff!!!  A few forgotten items were made due without or borrowed in kind from friends (thank goodness for friends...I forgot Drew's overnight Pull-ups!)  We got home in under 2 hours, a fun weekend, with no injuries and lots of family time!! :o)


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