Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day...

Good morning and happy flowers, cards, and cheap chocolate day!!!!  I hope you at least receive a hug from a friend today!!! I celebrated Sunday evening with my DH, by having a lovely dinner at Olive Garden, just the two of.  Oh I do love having an eldest child old enough to kid-sit.   We couldn't go today even if we wanted to.  I have class then dance with the girls, so I'll not be home til 8pm, and I'm NOT going to any restraunt at 8pm for dinner tonight.. ok, I'm not going near any restraunts today!!!

Last night was the blood drive at church, I was rejected... <gasp>  no major deal, just low iron. Something I've been fighting for years and mostly living with low levels.  Well, this was the last straw for me. I can't explain why but my ability to donate is important to me. It's that one good thing I CAN do for society.  So I stopped by Target and got some vitamins... ruh roh.  OK, You've all seen the size of a standard adult claratin tablet.. no big deal.. um, wrong. I've been known to gag on those... so when I opened the bottle of mulitvitamins I about died.. that thing is as big has the top of my thumb!!!! HOW?? swallow THAT THING WHOLE?!?!?!?!!   I poured a nice tall glass of milk, as that is a trick my Nana taught me, it coats the throat... I got it down with only a hiccup. YAY!   Hopefully I'll be able to get them down easier as time goes by.. of course, that means I have to REMEMBER to try!    I'm off to drop the kidlet at preschool, then to the gym, my treat to me, a good workout, then a dip in the jacuzzi!!! :oD

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