Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Happy Merry

OK, got 2 of my 3 grades.. I did pass the dreaded upper division writing.. WHEW! I would've liked a slightly higher grade, but I'll take what I got. 

Now, someone tell me what I was thinking/smoking when I decided at 12noon on the Saturday before the actually holiday weekend, to take my 4 children to the mall.. without anyone to help me?? It took 20mins. to find a parking spot, and I take first available, we are all able-bodied walking persons.  Got in, and Santa was heading to lunch, ACK! so we did some shopping, browsing, and general nothingness. Then got back over there in time to line up before the big guy got back. Didn't take long after that. Great pictures, see below (if i can do it).

Today my dad and I met up after dropping Drew at preschool to go shopping for Kid TV (a dvd player in the van)  it's all purchased and will go under the tree..I can't wait for the kids to see that, they are gonna FLIP!!!!! :oD  we finished and I ran some errands all alone, picked up Drew, fed lunch, and tucked him in. Now I've eaten and must go clean and decorate... it never ends does it. :o)

Friday, December 16, 2005

Big Night tonight

Tonight is the Holiday Showcase for the Dance Studio that Beth and S. attend, Beth will be performing in a "scene" from the Nutcracker (ok, music is Nutcracker, choreography is Miss Kimberly), S. is doing a Jazz routine that I've never seen any of.. should be fun!!!

After that we'll come home and I'll anxiously help decorate until a little after 8pm when my grades will be posted. I'm nervous.. I'm always nervous, but that upper division writing class was a killer.. I pray I passed with an acceptable grade.

Tomorrow, we're <groan> going to the mall to see Santa, while the kidlets did get to see him at the polar express they've requested a re-visit, who am I to say no.  So we'll spiff 'em up (the kids that is) and head out early, hopefully missing the huge lines that way. I'm prepared with my $5.00 to use my own camera, and will have the batteries charged and memory card empty.  After that we'll get food, return home for a nap, and then go on our expotition (for all the pooh fans), to see the Nutcracker.  Pawpaw is making vegetable soup and MacNcheese for dinner, then we'll stop and drop off Drew (he's just not there yet!!) and head to the theatre, I'm so excited.  This ballet is what IS Christmas to me. 

I'll make the attempt to stick a photo in here after our Santa visit tomorrow, so you can see the kidlets with the bearded elf.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Happy Wednesday

I'm heading out in a minute here to grab a camera from dad to take pictures of the "Winter program" at the elementary school... should be adorable. 

cleaning is going ok, just a little slow. My ability is lacking due to spacial issues (in other words the shelves aren't up yet)... I'm going to gently nudge the hubby on that issue tomorrow.

Tonight we're having dinner guests. Unexpectedly. I'm glad though, as I love seeing my friends, sadly this visit is due to a family death. I'm hoping that a visit with us will help to brighten their spirits.

Tori has an ear infection, but with antibiotics in her system she's doing well.

  Katie made an online "paper" follow this link.. http://www.ringling.com/weekly/ezine314photo.htm

the rest of us are just hanging out...



Friday, December 9, 2005


I turned in my two papers and took my one final exam. I'm done! AHHHH.  Today I've cleaned a small area of the playroom, watched 1/2 a movie with Drew, slept through the other 1/2.  Fed him and N. lunch (N came home with a cough, he's fine, except for coughing up his lungs every 10mins.) Now I'm lazily enjoying some time to just "be" online. I don't have to rush, I don't have to study or research anything. AHHHH.  Now that my allergy med has kicked in I'm going to work some more on the family room. I'll hit the dining room after Drew gets up from his nap.

Tonight the hubby and I are meeting my parents, C and her guy, for dinner and frolicking at the Harp. It's gonna be great!!!!


Wednesday, December 7, 2005

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

And I'm very in the mood for the holidays. Tomorrow I turn in my final papers and take an exam. I'm so ready to be done, and finished, and take a break.. to find my house!!! to decorate, to sleep at night, like the rest of the world!!!!

Things are going well here, Tori started vision therapy today. It was very interesting watching her do the exercises.  they had me try one to see how it works, and I couldn't do it either.. guess we now know where Scooter gets the problem from. So, she's got 3 exercises to do, one time each day. We'll start tomorrow.

I "finally" had the parent/teacher conference with Katie's teacher. Basically miss-Bug is doing great. She needs to work on time management, and pouting (hehe, wonder where she gets that from?!!?, NOT!)  But she's at grade level on everything so that's great to hear.


I think that's it. I'm off to write some more of my paper.. Oh I can't wait for tomorrow night!!!! I'll be DONE!!!!(for a month)

Monday, November 28, 2005

Polar Express (and Baby update)

Received word that baby is doing ok. Lots of issues occured during the delivery, but it looks like things are moving forward. Phew! I cannot express the joy in typing that statement.

Now on to the fun of the weekend. Sunday, we drove Flimore, CA (just north of Valencia, then West).  To ride the train, which during the Holiday Season, the create into the Polar Express. We are read the story, have chocolate milk, cookies, and get to see Santa.  We had fun playing in the park and eating dinner with my in-laws before boarding. Upon departure our elves led us in carols with the aid of some of the children. My own Tori, Katie, and Drew helped with various songs. The children were given a sleigh bell after the book was read to us.We saw the Hobo outside the windows about 1/2 way.  Then we started seeing ice bergs.. At this point I've moved Drew and I to the appropriate side of the train, we jingled his bell (we do believe) and started looking.. There he was.. and I cannot describe Drews' face, I was darn near in tears watching him. He and Santa made eye contact, and Drew just about broke his face smiling. We then received the news that Santa would be boarding the train!!! OMG, you'd have thought we'd given my boy a puppy AND a house of toys. Santa came in through the back, and Drew almost patiently waited for him. When it was finally his turn he nearly lept into his arms. Giggles and smiles were all we heard and saw. Santa was most pleased. Drew accepted his candy cane politely, Santa moved on to the next car, and we settled in to finish the ride. After we got back to the station we went to the end of the train for pictures and a visit. At that point Drew was just overwhelmed. All he could do was smile, giggle, and say Santa. It was priceless. Tori and Katie were also all giggles but were no bones about what they wanted from Santa for Christmas...and I score, I've already gotten them both what they asked for!!! :oD    Pictures were taken by aunts, uncles, and grandparents.. I'll post a few to our family web-page asap. 

The holiday season has come back to life for me...I'm so very excited for Christmas this year.

Happy thought/ prayer request

I've no idea who reads this, how many people, etc. but  it's more than 2 I'm guessing.. so here's the deal. My friend K had a baby girl Wednesday, baby was born past due date emergency c-section, she's not doing well. Please, say a prayer, offer a blessing, or just think positive thoughts for Baby M.  

I'll share my adventures of riding "the Polar Express" this evening.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Delayed Holiday Greetings

I'm hoping all who read had a very happy Thanksgiving. Mine was.  Wednesday night Hubby and I went with mom, dad, brother, his GF, and C. to the Fenians pre-thanksgiving show. It was fun!!! We danced.. ok, Bill danced with GF, alot... Bill doesn't dance, didn't dance? She's a keeper, she's fun!! I really look forward to getting to know her better...so far, she's very shy and seems almost outright afraid of me. <shrug> I'm the last person I'd think of as being "scary"... but unbeknownst to me, my opinion ranks high in my brother's world.. so that has a lot to do with it.

Thursday we had a lovely mid-morning breakfast, then loaded up to visit MIL and family for the big feast. I made my pasta salad, I wanted to try a new dish, given to my by a vegetarian friend, but I couldn't find any of the ingredients, so my standby had to do. It's veggie too, so it worked. I'm not veggie, but like to serve it at "mostly meat meals" on holidays.   After stuffing ourselves I napped through a football game, played cards with the cousins, played strawberry shortcake with Katie and Tori, kicked the ball with Drew, and then settled in to create wish lists for my children to give to the family.  Top 5 items per kid. It didn't take too long, and nothing was over 20 dollars, so I'm content.  We left around 8pm, got home tucked the bodies of the littles into their beds. Beth, Tim and I then began a movie marathon. Star Wars, we started with Episode 1, and have worked our way through. yesterday all we did was S.W. 4 episodes. We have Return of the Jedi to watch tonight.  I noticed last night, though, that both S.W. and Empire Strikes Back, are VHS and the sound is going out on our copies.. I'm sure ROJ is the same so I'll be looking to replace those soon.

Today I've read for school, done some light house work, and generally lazied about the house while getting SOME stuff done. Tomorrow after church we're going to Filmore to ride the Polar Express. Should be a blast.

Again, I wish you all the best this Thanksgiving weekend, and throughout the year.

Friday, November 18, 2005


A good Friday and happy weekend to you. I wrote the paper for Thursday, Wednesday night after the Ducks game. The game was a blast, sadly our Duck's lost, but we still had fun. I did get to meet my brother's girlfriend. I like her. She's a little shy. Alot nervous about my approval, which seems odd to me, but also cool.  Overall, I told brother he could keep her, lol.

I have two more papers both due the 29th. then the last two papers, one of which is the final project for my writing class due 12/8, those are in place of finals. I'll have one final, also 12/8. and I'm DONE for the quarter!!! BIG sigh of relief.

In other news, I have an update on Victoria. My poor peanut. Tori has been struggling to read throughout school, she's now in 2nd grade with a 1st grade reading level. We kept trying to encourage reading and work with her, but it just wasn't helping. So Wednesday I took her for an eye exam, and explained to the Dr. some of the issues we're dealing with. Tori is getting reading glasses, as well as a referral for vision therapy screening. She has a visual convergence issue, no I don't really know what that means. What I can tell you is if you do the 'follow my finger' test on her, her eyes won't cross as you get closer to her nose.  AND when she gets close to an object instead of seeing 2 of them the one object goes 3D.  what this means for her schooling is she can't properly process from the board to a paper or even from book to paper.  She broke my heart when she told me she was relieved it was just her eyes not working properly and there was nothing wrong with her brain, she's not stupid. Poor girl, she's been trying so hard, but just can't see it properly. Why she didn't tell us I've no idea. Her reading glasses come Wednesday. They're cute. sort of a blue-green with glitter on the ear pieces, thin wire around the lenses. she goes for the formal Vision Therapy (VT) evaluation 11/30. Once they figure out what's up, they set up therapy sessions as needed to help her exercise the muscles, and teach her how to work around the problem(s) she has.

And finally, my big cool-mom moment for the month. I'm pulling Beth and C's eldest D. from school to go see Harry Potter this morning. I can't wait. I actually went out and let the air out D's front tire so they couldn't ride their bikes to school. hehe I'm such a dork. But, hey, it worked. :o)  Tickets are all purchased. My brother will be here around 10:30 towatch Drew for me, and collect the rest of the kids from school. What an uncle/brother!!!  I registered for next quarter. Now to finish this one, and rest.

that's it for now. Have a great weekend.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005


The research prospectus is done. printed and stapled. phew, that was almost painful.  I've reached that point in the quarter when I wonder the <bleep> I was thinking, taking on trying to finish a degree with 4 busy children, etc.  My house is trashed, my brain is fried, and I want to run away for a long weekend with my hubby, the kids (with a sitter, for those romantic late night walks) and a couple of just for the fun of it reading books.  The reality is it's midnight, I've just finished the paper that's due tomorrow, I have another paper due Thursday, the book for that I've read not quite 1/2 of. I must write that paper tomorrow as I'm out of house Wednesday night (YES! and escape, and for fun, HOCKEY!! GO DUCKS!). ok, breathe.. I can do this.. just 3 weeks left.  YAY! JUST 3 weeks left!!!! Next quarter will be better and worse, better as I'm only taking 2 classes, worse as one of them is art history. While I'm sure it's going to be at least a little interesting, I do enjoy art. It's going to be tough, because I do not do the "slide show testing" well, and that's what this class is.  The exams are slide shows where you ID the artist and give a paragraph biography on him/her.

Then there's the good news, first and foremost, is that I, in fact, and in writing, have 3 classes remaining to graduate. 2 in winter, 1 in spring. I'm beyond excited.. even in the midst of overwhelmed.   Second, my brother has a girlfriend...my brother has a girlfriend?!!?!! this is so different, and cool!!! he WANTS me to meet her. She's our age (30-something), a trial lawyer (smart), and enjoys hanging out at the Harp (she's got Irish in her blood somewhere)... She and brother spent the weekend with my mom and dad at the house in Mexico.. Mom and dad both like her. Hopefully I'll get to meet her Wednesday evening, she's supposed to go to the game with us. :o)  and finally,  I gave blood today, it's my "do good deed" it's easy, costs nothing, and I can.  Well, apparently I have a lot over the last few years.. I was given my 3 gallon pin today.  3 gallons!!! that is ALOT of blood. I feel very good for doing this.

ok, I'm off to sleep!!!!

Monday, November 7, 2005

a little slump.

I'm in a little emotional slump.  My paper for tomorrow is done, so that's good. I've started the research for the paper due Thursday, so it's going well. I'll begin research for the big paper (due next Tuesday tomorrow at school)...  things are relatively good here.. I don't know.. I feel almost like I'm missing something.. I think it's more of someone, and more than one. 

While very blessed to have C. as a dear and close friend.. I don't have several girlfriends to do things with.. like girls' night out...the few friends I do have are either as busy as me, or  we live too far apart for those spur of the moment get togethers I love to do. 

I'm also seriously bummed out because Beth did not register for GS this year... we haven't heard word one from her leader, and cookie sales have already started.  That frustrates me, you'd think they'd want to keep girls in, and would at least give her a call or email to say what's up.  Tori's not in, but that's my doing... with the struggles in school, the added activity of GS would be too much. 

I'm also anxious about next quarter, my schedule changes and it's not a friendly change to our routine here.. then there's the added what AM I going to do when I graduate?!!?!!??  a real job... that's 9am-5pm  I'm not sure the mommy in me can handle that one!!! Tim is so excited to have me getting a "real income"  I hope I can handle the reality of it.

Friday, November 4, 2005

updates, and stuff..

I met with the Ass. Principal at Beth's school. I think things will be ok now.  At least he's aware of the problem and so Beth knows she can go to him for help safely, without having to explain things, which can take too much time.

School is going well for everyone but Tori. I'm requesting testing through the district. There's something not clicking with her in class. She can DO the work, she's just not.  Her reading is behind where I'd like it, but not so much so that she should be doing so poorly.. and most of that is due to not listening/following directions/daydreaming... ugh! 

Beth started solo ballet lessons this week. She had a good 30mins. workout/class. I am certain this is going to give her a boost in confidence in dance, which will be a great thing! She sure does love it!!!

In other family news, my friend C's boyfriend is soon to become her fiance which of course will lead to husband... yup, it's that serious!! I'm thrilled for all of them, he's a great guy and loves the kids and C. It's ALL good!!  My brother seems to have found a young woman for himself as well. And here I thought he'd be a confirmed bachelor forever. I can't start picking out the dress to wear to THAT wedding, but it's fun to see him with a special person in his life!  My special person should be home soon, so I'd better be off. We're having dinner with my parents (No kids) and then off to the Mist for Whooligan's night!!! (DANCING!!! I'm ready to dance myself silly!!)

Oh, quick 'fore I forget, I've been back at the gym for 2 weeks now, 3 days a week!! 90mins. each. 2 days weights and a water aerobics, 1day a 30-min. abs class then wateraerobics!! I will lose the baby fat.. I will lose the baby fat!!! :oD


Tuesday, November 1, 2005

"Grad check"

It is pretty much what it sounds like.. you check with your advisor that you've cleared all that needs be done to graduate. Adding classes I'm currently enrolled in, I have 4, yes only 4 classes left.  2 next quarter and 2 in spring... I've done it.. I've really really done it. I AM graduating in June!!!!!!!!! I have floated most of the day today!! I'm so excited!!!!!

Monday, October 31, 2005

A new realm of mommy-ing.. and I'm lost!!!

My eldest is 12. She's not perfect (who is?) but she is generally polite, and has a fair number of friends... tonight as we trick or treated, it was me, Beth, Tori, and Katie.  We finished at a house, and words were exchanged between Beth and another Girl.  Beth ignored her and kept walking, the girl went ballistic shouting and screaming profanity. I asked her to watch the language around the littler kids, and she basically tried to bully me into hitting her.. and oh how I wanted to after what she'd called my daughter... I ignored her as well, and on we tricked and treated.  Got home and talked to Beth.. long story short, this girl and her boyfriend don't like Beth or her friends, it started out with snotty, snide comments. Now it's rude, derogitory, and profane remarks. I want to talk to the principal at the school to make him aware of the situation, just in case it gets violent physically, but I don't want to make ANYTHING worse for Beth... My dad was here passing out candy.. he and DH were LIVID.. dad the don't mess with my family guy, sat with Beth and taught her how to hit...I don't condone fighting, but if hit first, I will not have my child stand there and take it. She learned the techniques I learned, about the same age... I hope she never has to use them.  I also think that while this was a good way for both Dad and Beth to blow off some steam, it's time for Beth (and me) to take a self-defense class. Can't hurt!!!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Tricks and Treats

Happy Halloween.. ok, I'm a couple days early.  This morning Drew and I attended the elem. school class parades. REALLY FUN! We were the tail of Katie's kindergarten class, Drew danced his way around the blacktop. It was a blast. we're just about to head back over, having eaten lunch to attend/help out with the class party.

It's cool here in So cal, I love it!!! Of course, it's going to be in the mid 80's Monday and Tuesday, but it's not going to stay warm. 

I have my "grad check" with the advisor at school on Tuesday.. I'm anxious. This is it.. they'll tell me what I've left to do, and that what I've done meets the requirements (which it will as I pretty much do advisement before each quarter registration). 

In other exciting "ME" news, I'm back at the gym. enough is enough, and I've had enough. I'm going M-W-F, Drew hangs out in the kids club, loves it.  I do 10mins of bike to warm up, stretch, weight circuit, then stretch again, then a 1-hour water aerobics class, 10mins. in the jacuzzi, shower and I'm done. It's 2 hours total.. I don't have to do that long.. I choose to. It's very worth it to me. On Wed. I'm going to try an Abs X-press class before the water aerobics, as abs is that which needs the most of my attention.  My goal is to wear a specific dress in June to graduation... it's a little too tight at the tummy right now.. I know the gym attendance will fix it.

OK, time to go party with the kids.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Only one week later...

and I'm back. I'm ignoring the world for 15 minutes. Drew is watching a movie, the washer and dryer are both going. I've got tons to do but need just a minute. 

The weekend with Tim was glorious!!! We walked the beach to town Saturday morning, did some shopping, I got a new ring, chain for a pendant I already own, necklaces for the kids for Christmas, a ring for Beth for Christmas, and bobble-head turtles for some goofy gifts for our friends' kids.  Oh and 2 giant wine goblets, gorgeous!!! we had lobster for dinner sat. night.  we slept in both days, Sat. I slept to 10, Sunday to 8am, felt so wonderful to wake up when *I* woke up. No alarm!!! The drive home was fine until South SD, when the traffic backed up, our total drive home was 5 hours, only 1-1/2 of that was Mexcio/border crossing.  Usually the border takes long, the rest is easy. 

Drew's cut is fully healed, just a tiny scar, which we're keeping covered from sunlight to avoid it discoloring. Katie is just fine, and only has a little bruising on her gum now. Hopefully no more owies will happen here for a while!

Beth received an invitation yesterday to go to a science fair at a Jr. College near us, tonight. Her school is bussing kids over and back. She wants to go with 3 friends.. <gulp> I said yes.  The basic idea is a bunch of labs are set up to be done, the kids are given directions and then "set loose".. Beth loves this kind of thing. I'm glad she gets to go.  I'll drop her off for the bus, Tim will pick her up, as I will be on my way back to Mexico, My aunt's memorial / celebration of life/ whatever you call it, is tomorrow afternoon. Dad and Brother and I are driving down tonight.  Hopefully it will be an easy drive.

everyone else here is good. we just keep plugging along with our crazy schedule. :o)


Friday, October 14, 2005

busy busy busy

wow 2 weeks have gone by, in a blink.  I'm in school, darn near to mid-terms already. classes are going well.

In other news, Drew took a dive 2 weeks ago and got his second set of stitches. he's fine now. Hopefully there won't be too much of a scar, it's right at the end of his right eyebrow. yesterday Katie got attacked by the "trapieze bar" on our swingset. she's sporting a fat lip and bruised gum. applesauce is her friend right now!!!  Tori got sick wednesday, between that and being a general dinbgbat I totally forgot about a playdate.  I feel so aweful, it's so hard to polite;y explain that frustrating situation to a kid..and my friend and her daughter didn't need that!!!

Now I'm off to pack as my in-laws are taking my kidlets for the weekend while the hubby and I go to my mom's in Mexico while she's out of town w/ my dad. I have a paper and mid-term next week so I'll enjoy the beach while I read.

hopefully I'll get to check in again befor Christmas. LOL

Monday, October 3, 2005

Holy Coasters Batman!!!

I'm no longer as brave as I thought, but braver.  I rode rides I didn't think I could do, including the one I said I wouldn't (Superman the ride).. anyways, we had a blast!!!! we rode all the open roller coasters except GoldRush, as it was "older" and we were presssed for time, Beth chose to re-ride Riddlers Revenge (and take me, as I took a breather when they rode it the first time).  We rode the new X ride, all I can say is wow. Xtreme is true, I had the adrenaline shakes for quite a while afterwards.  We did have a great time, Beth LOVED them all. Her favorite though was Scream. It's great to be maybe 1/2 way through a ride and hear your child screaming "this is totally awesome!!!" from the seat behind you!

Yesterday after church and youth group, she and I hit Target to give her the chance to use her bday gift cards. She scored a new gameboy storage case, and bike helmet, coke and recess cups, hehe. I got her new bras(sigh), and me a pepsi and kitkat, then we hit payless, as some one grew again...she's now officially out of sharing mom's shoes. AH! take that you big footed child. She's an 8-1/2 womens a full size larger than her mama. She grows in to those feet she's gonna be tall!! That was our big out for yesterday, came home and I hit the books. Which is where I'm heading now.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

not much time...

I'm going to have to limit my time online, due to school. I'm already behind with the readings.  One of the classes has weekly writing assignments to go with the readings, so I have to keep up better.  Real quick though, two things, first an ego boost for this "ol' mommy person".. one of the guys in my humanities class told me I've got the "given deal" which was part of our discussion in class, basically it means I'm attractive to him. Now I don't think of myself as ugly, but I'm not gorgeous, I'm not especially tall, nor overly well blessed in the chest.. I am thin, and getting thinner, again, yay.. but I'm also not fooling myself, I'm 31. This guy was at the oldest maybe 21... EGO BOOST!

Second cool thing, as I may not get back until I tell you all about the day, is that Saturday My brother, DH, and I are taking Beth for her 3 year in the making date to Magic Mountain. She's 60inches tall, tall enough to ride ALL rides. I can't wait!!! we thoroughly checked the website last night, I discovered one ride I can't do. But she and her dad will, Uncle and I will have a lovely soda and relax!!! I am so excited to share this with my little coaster lover!


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The first day of the last year of school, for me.

I started classes yesterday. I'm excited to be back at it. And ready to get this year done with so I can graduate and move on!!  My classes this quarter are: Citizen Politics; an upper division writing course that will culminate with a 15page report(not too bad, considering I was prepared for a 30page report) Bonus, with all the writing there is no mid-term or final exam!  Ethinic/Racial Communities; this is my humanities requirement, and fit nicely into the schedule, the professor is way funny so I'm content. American Political Thought; generic upper division poli sci class, the prof. goofed though and didn't get the discussion sections in to the registrar in time to make them required, so we're off the hook, I don't HAVE to go. Bonus, I know the T/A, so I can make appts. for any clarifications needed, or to request to attend a discussion (which would mean me and Drew going). We've already talked, basically if I need the help, I can go, or email him. I think I'll be ok, over 1/2 of the reading material is previously read for me.

got all my books and supplies for the quarter, met Tim, my dad, brother, and Beth at the Harp for dinner (Beth ate my beans)and drinks, then Beth and I got S. from her dance class, and the girls had pizza for dinner, then Beth went to class. Got home and C. had fed, bathed, and jammied my kids. Tim was reading a story to Drew and N. and the dishes were done. I read for school until 9pm, when I quit to watch Commander in Chief, then I grabbed a shower, blew my hair dry and crashed.  I may do the night shower/ blow dry more often, as it ensures I get a shower and if I blow dry my hair I don't wake up with wierd waves...nor do I get cold!!!

Drew's napping, so I'm gonna go read.

Monday, September 26, 2005

The weekend.

The sleepover was quite fun, we had 4 girls total, with Beth.  They watched movies, and giggled at nothing quite a bit. I tucked them in to watch the last movie at 11:30pm.  We were all up by 7am. <yawn>  I'm a 9hr a night sleeper..at least that's what I WANT... anyways, the bounce arrived at 8:30am so the girls w/ my younger 3 bounced while Tim and I made breakfast, then they bounced some more. After getting my shower, and dressed, I ran to the store for the cake, ice, etc. Got home, and had a lovely party for my girl. All fun!!! She got some great gifts, but the highlight for her was 2 books on Dragonology.  Really cool books.

Saturday night was recovery. The last guest left at 10pm. I crashed shortly thereafter. Sunday was church, then the girls started choir practice, then lunch, then Beth had youth...I dropped her and her bike off for the bike to the beach. I went to C's house to go through clothes and magazines. We scored on clothes for all the kids, and got a huge stack of mags for Beth's reading teacher. Brought C's bike back to here so we can fix it up for her daughter, who is tall enough for an adult sized bike, ugh!  Then i got to go to Long Beach to visit with my friend from Az. before she goes on her cruise for her birthday... Tim made T-shirts for the cruise, she has about 18 people going with her. I hope they have tons of fun, but I do wish I could be with them!!! After that, I came home and crashed!!!!

Bug has ballet today, and that will be our big excitement.. oh I did get Tim's Christmas present from me. I can't say what in case he reads my blog.  But I know he'll like it. So that takes care of my dad and Tim. Only about 80billion people left. LOL.



Friday, September 23, 2005

Wild Morning.. and a special day

Today is my daughter Beth's 12th birthday. I can't believe 12 years have passed. We've had quite an adventure up to now... the party begins tonight with a sleepover for her girlfriends, tomorrow the family and friends join us for fun and cake. :o)

This morning, we had an adventure of the wild kind. An opussum was trapped on a fence, trapped by the dog inside the yard of the fence, and on the other side by all the students walking past to go to school. I called the city animal control and waited until the prinicpal came over to keep the kids away and be there for the city when they arrived. It was a young one, and he was scared, which is dangerous, as they will bite and claw.

The rest of the morning has been normal, Drew and I met my parents for breakfast. Came home and did some cleaning and laundry, watched at a movie with Drew, he watched I took a cat nap. It's lunch time and I'm totally not hungry! I'll feed Drew his lunch and tuck him in for his nap in just a second.

Have to order the cake and bounce house, and then I think we're all set for tonight.  :o)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Thunder storms...oh my!!

So Monday evening we were treated to a fireworks show by nature.  The lightning was beautiful, the kids and I watched it in the back yard for quite a while.. ok Katie stayed inside safe with Daddy. But still peeked out often.  Tim watched the last of the game, I crashed with Drew, then to my own bed.. ahhh, early to bed finally.  Dad called right after I got into bed. Talked to him a bit, then sleep!!!!  Then it started, about 2:30am... flash, boom! whimper claw.. (whimper claw?)  yup, that would by the dog trying to dig her way through the door to get to mommy... so I grabbed my blankie and went to sit with her.. after 45 minutes I laid down in a bean bag with one next to me for her.. nope, she laid on me. So I slept. About 4am a really close strike, she bolted to the studio and tried to dig under the boxes of t-shirts, well I gated the studio and got her back to the family room..where I went to the couch and she laid on the floor next to me, as long as I had my hand on her she was ok... poor puppers.

Shortly after my departure from the bed, Drew and Katie joined Tim for the night.... Tori slept through the entire storm...I don't know how. Beth said she woke a few times, when the thunder rattled the windows.. but she just snuggled under blankets and held tight to her bunny.

It rained off and on, with more lightning yesterday, so I never turned the puter on. But it was a fairly uneventful day.. we did stuff here and ran a few errands, then picked up the kids as it was raining. did homework, snack, and then C. took the gymnastics group to their classes, while I took the dancers to their classes.  Got home around 8:30 to find the kids were tucked in to bed, dishes were done and I could just relax. So I sent Beth to shower and watched a little TV. 

It's chilly this morning, but beautiful outside!!! Should be a great day!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Weekend review

Saturday was the bday party for N  it was a good party! after that Tim and I went with my parents and two friends to see the Rockits 30th reunion, it was fun! 50's and 60's rock n roll, I wanted to dance a lot more than we did, but noone in this group is a big dancer.. made me really miss C.

Sunday was church, the instrumental group played (including me), we did good. Lots of positive feedback from the congregation, which was very nice.  After we got home we lunched and then napped all of us. That was lovely!  My mom called in the afternoon, to let me know my great-aunt had passed away that morning. I'm sad, but I know it was best for her, she'd had a stroke many years ago and I know she wasn't happy not being able to care for herself. 

Today I'm hangin' with Drew.. gotta run to the post office and the grocery store, finish up the laundry and tidy the house from the weekend. We're leaving some stuff out, as Beth's party is next weekend. my baby is turning 12!!! :o) 

Friday, September 16, 2005

Poof, they're gone

Two days.. vanished.  Wednesday was a good day, I got stuff done with Drew helping me, including the front yard. Thursday Drew had preschool, he did much better with the potty-use. YAY.  Last night my friend C. and I went to choir, she's just starting. She was so nervous.. she's so shy, but loves to perform.. funny thing is I totaly get that.  Tim had the kids, all 7 of them. He did fantastic, everyone was tucked in by 9pm.

I'm so glad it's Friday, I already did my errands, paid my tuition for fall, and dropped off goodwill. Now I get to hang out here, clean, and just be. Drew's napping so I'm going to go re-clean the play area.. the damage one small person can do in just a couple of hours is amazing!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Tuesday...BIG DAY for Drew

Today was Mr. Boys' first day of preschool. I had no worries or fears regarding him going, except...potty usage. He's only about 98% trained... well, I'm glad I packed a change of clothes... 15minutes into the morning and he "oops'd"... but that was it. After that he stayed dry, and had a raring good time based on his reaction to it. :o)

Yesterday after I signed off, I cleaned up from being gone, got the kitchen clean, us unpacked and swept the dining room.. and thank goodness I did that, because after school and homework my kids and I loaded up and headed to the Aquarium to meet my in-laws for the last 2 hours of the day, we ended up coming back here, not planned, but WAY cool! Ordered pizza for dinner and had a lovely evening of visiting. Since the brother-in-law and wife and girls are leaving tomorrow I'm very excited they got to come over last night so we got more time!

Today I took full advantage of Drew being out of house, and cleaned the play area of the living room. the floor is now CLEAN!  The dogs' bed cover is in the washer the fluff part is in the dryer, and I'm a happy girl.  I hope to use my time alone to get lots of housework type stuff done, along with the odd errand. :o)

Now I'm off with the dancers to their classes. Ready.. set... run!


Monday, September 12, 2005

Ok, survived THAT weekend...

This weekend was BUSY! not that most aren't busy.. but this was double busy.  Friday after work, Tim finished tarring the roof, then we packed and loaded to go to MIL's house. Sat. we did family pictures, one of the 6 of us, one with the grandparents & their grandkids, and one (God help us), with ALL of us.. 15 people in that little tiny photo room.. we did it, MIL is happy that's what counts.. oh and the pics came out REALLY CUTE!!!!!!

After that we went back to their house to prepare house for the baptism the next day, I did sneak a 45min. nap, and then went to get my new van. Beth opted not to audition for The Nutcracker as she's dealing with a nasty cold/upper resp. infection.  Get van, go back to In-laws. finish prep and eat dinner with 24 other people.. phew!  Sunday morning we get up lazily (that was really nice).. do more prep. and then get dressed and ready for church. Baptism was at 3pm (catholic)... get there early to ensure seats, no need.  Now it begins, well, Drew isn't used to sitting still for an hour, or needing to be quiet.. I can neither hear nor understand the priest, and being that I'm not Catholic I have NO clue what's going on.  I was soooo done when it was over. At least I did receive compliments that my kids were good.. although I didn't think so, but I expect perfect and know that won't likely happen.  Got back to in-laws, changed (YAY, I dressed way too warm).. hung out and enjoyed seeing old faces, and munching on yummy food.. finally packed up and came home about 9:30pm.. loaded the bodies into their beds for sleep and CRASHED with the hubby!  We were ALL tired this morning!!!!

Now to finish unpacking and cleaning my house!

Thursday, September 8, 2005

things you learn

I need to learn patience. I was told to get the van deal done asap, today if possible. It didn't workout today, and I was VERY frustrated by that.  I need to learn to keep my temper and emotions in check. The deal fell through because of a policy the company has about payment options. I was all set to get the van, today, and we had to walk from it because of the payment option. UGH! Add to it that Drew CRIED when we had to put his car seat back into the old van.  BUT, the new van is coming, hopefully, if the above un-named company didn't sell it out from under me, I'll pick it up Saturday. Payment options have been arranged. PHEW!

In reading the blog of another person, I've learned things from this person, during her youth that I never knew...not totally startling, until you take in to account she is one of my best friends and we've been friends for (gasp) 18 years or so.  I hope that by knowing these things I can be a better friend...I can try.

this last "learn" may sound odd, but it's the truth of it, and so it goes... I learned today that I'm loved. Not by family, but by friends. My church choir began rehearsals this evening for the new season. Several of them commented on how happy they were that I was able to sing, even with my insanely busy schedule. Makes a shy girl, who often feels invisible, feel really good. :o)

Tomorrow we leave for MIL's house, Sat. am is family pic. all 18 of us, yehaw! Sun. pm is my niece and nephews' baptism and then the party.. YAY, family time!!!  Should be a fun weekend.

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Better days ahead

OK, my friend has been found. Phew! I hate being worried like that!

In other news, we got Tim a "new to us"  it's a 1995 Chrysler Cyrus. Nothing fancy, but way nicer than the Valiant..4 doors, a/c, and working power steering!!! All that makes it WAY WAY better than driving the Valiant. 

Next I'm replacing the van.. probably in the next week.  My friend C had a little accident, back in June, well  long story short her dad is getting us a "new to us" van, as repairing ours is more than the cost of getting a more recent lower mileage van.. I'm stunned. I'm so grateful... having a vehicle with two working headlights, turn signals, etc. is going to be marvelous!!! The best, and total frosting on the cake, if you will, is that after 1999 Ford started making Driver side sliding doors standard. Now THAT is going to be cool!!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

It's Tuesday 9/6

I couldn't come up with a good title, so you get the date.  The hurricane has taken a friend, and has one still missing. I'm sad, and feeling useless. Add to that, Sunday was the 8th anniversary of Alex's passing and forgetaboutit, I'm just in a funk. How can it be 8years!!!??? Time flies, even when you wish you could go backwards.

On the upside, we got teacher assignments today for Katie and Tori, Katie got the teacher I requested!! YAY!! I didn't request a teacher for Tori, all the 2nd grade teachers are really good, I think the one she got will do great for her.

Sunday after church, we packed up and went to the inlaws beach house, ahhh, peace, family, and fun. It was a good way to spend a tough day.  My mil and sil are fantastic people, who have always been there for me, and it was good to have them with me.  Got to spend an hour walking with hubby, always nice, but we got to go alone, kind of rare! We had a great walk up the beach to the craft fair, browsed, and fell in love with several items, but bought nothing.

Now, I'm off to dance class with Beth and C's Daughter S. It never slows down around here!!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2005

Erase one little...

I found the piglet watch.. I'm a lucky girl.. it went through the washer and dryer, undoubtedly in the pocket of Drews' shorts.  It still works!!!!!! YAY!!!

Big and little

Little,  my hubby's car died last week, long story short we asked my dad for help in buying a used vehicle to get him out of the 1964 Valiant that was my grandmother's and in asking him for that, set him off to get the Valiant fixed, and be pissed about it..UGH!!!!

Little,  I received a really great silver banded piglet watch for Christmas some year past. I unpacked it Monday afternoon.. looks like Drew found it, because I can't!!! Sniff. I loved that watch!!! I really hope I can find it.

BIG,  I have a dear friend from an email loop that resides in Diamond Head, MS.. we've not heard from her since Katrina, and we're all terrified she's gone. She never said anything about leaving...

BIG, My friend J's mom lived in New Orleans.. she too has not been heard from.  Seeing the news makes it surreal, you just can't believe it.. having people you know be part of it, brings it back to smack you in the face... I don't like this part of being a grown up.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I hope...

I did the right thing today.  Drew attended his first gymnastics class today.. he seemed nervous, and really not ok with me out of sight.. but if I was there, he just wanted to snuggle not DO.. dispite that he did participate and I signed him up.  I sure hope I did the right thing in signing him up.. my fear is that he really didn't like it. Though I don't think so. He'd gotten a 1hr nap, usually he get 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 hours...hopefully that was all it is.  We'll find out next week. The other thing is, I won't be there. C is taking the gymnasts, I'm taking C's daughter and Beth to ballet.  And so, it begins... I will try to keep up my journal, but with school starting next week for the kids, and in 3 weeks for me.. who knows how often I'll make it here.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Legoland, Mexico, and Thankfulness

Legoland was great, Drew was tall enough to ride all but 3 rides. VERY cool!!!  Katie rode the kid-roller coasters this year, and really enjoyed them!!!! My mom walked and walked (up hills and down) and never really got winded. She's not a "fast" walker, but she's WALKING!!! She rode 2 or 3 rides with us, and really enjoyed them.  We had a great day!!!

Mexico, it's been a year since I was there last. It's grown a lot. We arrived safely, but tired Wed. night about 11:30pm. Thursday was a do-nothing day. I only got dressed around 1pm because my pj's were too warm.  Each night Thurs. through Sunday my kids delighted us with giggles, squeals, and screams while watching the fireworks that people shoot off on the beach. Friday I took the girls horse back riding, one hour with a little fast walking, my butt still hurts, lol. We really enjoyed that though. Saturday we bbq'd and had friends over. It was awesome!!! Lots of fun and visiting. Sunday was the highlight for me, while it was our last day, we weren't scheduled to go home until 9pm. So after a lovely brunch, we went to the beach. The highlight? my mom went with us. She hasn't been to the beach since moving in to her place. She walked down, and kicked off her shoes and got her feet in the water with me and Katie. THAT was a magical moment.  the drive home was the best kind, boring.  I did have to drive through Centro Tijuana, but it's not much more difficult than taking Mex. 1D down to the border. the crossing took about 20mins. But that was becuase they closed 3 lanes (one of which I was in) right as I got there. Oh well, it still wasn't bad. 

Today I'm enjoying conveniences, like drinkable tap-water, toilets that you can flush after each use, and that accept TP,  my dishwasher, and just being home. :o)

I'm also very grateful to a dear friend of my family, M.  He came over yesterday morning and helped Tim, my dad, and brother, finish the re-roofing of the family room. With the use of his nail gun it's all finished. The roof is a story in itself, but suffice it to say, one joint was uneven, and instead of using plywood, the previous owners used particle board for sheething (just stick cardboard up there, @@)... so with all that taken care of we have the promise of no leaks this winter!!!!!!!!! Now to go clean up the dusty mess the work left.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

She did it!!!!

Victoria has been in gymnastics for nearly one year. Today she did a handstand, she held it for about 3 seconds. I was so excited for her the mom next to me commented on my reaction... hey I can't help it. I'm proud of my kids when they can do new things!!!

Tomorrow we're off to Legoland! A full day of fun and silliness with the ENTIRE family. Tim is taking a vacation day, my mom is meeting us there, my dad and brother are going as well. Should be a great day!! I've got the big memory stick for the camera emptied. I'll take lots of pictures to share on the family website. After our adventures there the kids and I are heading to Mexico to spend the weekend with my mom. My poor Hubby has agreed to stay home and re-roof the living room. I'm glad to see it get done, but wish he could come with us to play as well. Can't have everything. So, I'll take what I can get.. which is a weekend of beach play, horse back riding and relaxing! I can't wait.

Now in order to successfully complete this adventure I must go, and pack. hehe

Monday, August 22, 2005

Successful party and stuff

Drew's bday party was a success. While we were "low" on kids, we only had 2 guest children. We still had a blast.. but when you figure none of the adults are really "grown up" it's easy.  He got a really cool sandbox from my parents, it's a pirate treasure chest, looks COOL! He, and his sisters, love it. clothes, hotwheels and thomas the tank were the other items.. all very well received and all played with greatly through the day and rest of the weekend. Now to get the rest of the cake eaten, without doing most of the eating myself. hehehe.

My dad and brother surprised me Saturday morning with a new patio table. My old resin one had cracked and wasn't stable. I'm so excited, my brother and dad made this one, it's wood, with some high endurance polyeurothane legs, basically that means we can't kill it without burning it. It's 8ft. long, so it can seat up to 10 people. :o)

Took Drew to the Dr. this AM. 38-1/2 inches tall, 32-1/2 pounds. he's growing strong and healthy. He got one shot, cried a bit, but still gave the nurse a kiss before we left. :o)

And finally, I'm delighted to say my motivation is in high gear. Motivation to get Tori and Katie's room ready. Tim has agreed to pull up the carpet, and move the bookshelf into the family room. This is great news!!! I'll be spending a bit of time in there today and tomorrow. Hopefully getting a good start on it. I'm taking the kids to my moms on Wednesday after our trip to Legoland.  I hope to have a great day, my mom is meeting us at the park, Tim is taking a day of vacation, and both my dad and brother will be there.. that's a lot of adult kids for 4 little people. LOL.

Ok. Guess it's time to get going and use some of this motivation.


Friday, August 19, 2005

a must share moment

I'm quietly cleaning about the house.. when I hear a child barking like a dog.. I wander out toward the family room where Tori and Drew are on hands and knees barking in rhythm at which point she states loudly "who let the dogs out" again in rhythm. It's just too cute!


playdates playdates playdates!!!

We seemed to have had several, in reality it was only 2, formal, and 1 impomptu.  First Beth had a friend over Monday, worked out great for me, as both are certified sitters, and my brother began installation of a sprinkler timer.  We (brother and I) had to make several runs to Home Depo, to get stuff, it was really nice to do so without dragging any kids along.   Wednesday  we drove to my dear friend T's house for a lovely playdate, we hoped to have some water play, but dispite the fact that she lives in the warmer valley area, and it's August, it didn't get warm (never hot) until darn near time for us to come home. Oh well, all had fun!!!! They have the best playroom, and bedroom for their older child (playmate to my crew).. I need T to give me lessons on how to organize toys!!! After that the kids veg'd while I worked with brother to finish the sprinklers and clean my patio. It was a disaster. Truly the most unfriendly place... now it's an oasis, complete with umbrella covered table, park bench, fire bowl, and TWO bbq's (yay!!). We relocated the park bench so I can sit and read and see 85% of the back yard, for watching kids play!!  Today I'll do inside.

Thursday the kids and I headed to Atlantis Park, it's a gated park, admission is $1.00 for all over 3. No adults without a kid allowed, no kids allowed without an adult. No pets, except aid-dogs, they allow picnics, but have a food bar.  Restrooms are CLEAN, and work! including a changing station for babies, in both restrooms. We met our friends there at 11:30 for a picnic and playdate. The rules were easy, if you are going to be on the "whale" playground or "dragon slide" cool, wanna go anywhere else, come tell us first.  We had 8 kids ranging from 15mos. to nearly 12. We never lost anyone, noone got hurt, and all had a great time!!! It was the perfect way to celebrate Drew's really birthday!!! We got home and everyone CRASHED! I think maybe I wore them out... heehee.

My baby turned 3 yesterday.. my baby, youngest, last one, is 3!!!!!! It's soo cool, a little, not sad, but I dunno. I almost wish I could have more, but no way do I really WANT more... hard to explain!!! I have lots of babies in my life, and will have more, with friends and relatives lovingly having theirs.  So after a fun day at the park, finishing the patio and sprinklers (yes it took 3 days). We celebrated Drew's special day with Chinese for dinner. Tonight we're going out with my mom and dad, brother, and possibly C and her guy. :o)  Tomorrow is the party. Which I need to close now, so I can go clean my house in preparation for the masses.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

did it!!!

I finished tops and pants for the two girls. I'm going to make Beth a "scooter" skort out of the rest of the material. Tim is wearing a red polo shirt, the girls have red tops with flower print pants, Beth will have a red top with flower print skort/scooter, I'll have a red top with jeans, or my linen skirt, gotta pick. Drew red shirt kahki shorts/pants. :o)  We're set! I'm so pleased.  these outfits were EASY, quick, and CUTE!!! I'll be making more in other colors, and adding sleeves. I love being able to sew!!!!!

Monday, August 15, 2005

some thoughts and dreams

Thoughts, Brother came over today to install (or begin) the timer for our sprinkler system.. the relandscaping project is now in year 4.. I just go with the flow.. once sprinklers are timered, I will start selecting plants for the non-grass area.. and hope to have green stuff in it's area soon.  I sorted more stuff today. Found the headpiece/veil I wore in my wedding, it's still looking good. I'm going to bag it up and put it with the gown. One of my kids may want it.. who knows. I also sorted a bunch of papers, I'm feeling productive.  Tomorrow is pictures for our church directory.. I need to find cute, color coordinating outfits for all 6 of us, and I want to do this by rummaging through closets/drawers, not buying new. I may be up late tonight sewing.. we'll see. I have material. If I do this project it will cover Tori and Katie, Beth is set, Then we just need to find Me, Drew, and Tim... hmmmm

Dreams~ I've had a few odd ones lately, but I'm talking about day dreams, what if, like what if I won the lottery... well, how about when, when I'm working, which will likely be in about 12months from now... I'm figuring to have the ability to buy Tim a "real" commuter car, not my '64 valiant. And I'd really like to buy me (us) a really new car.. like current to the year I live in... I'm now looking at hybrid SUV's, toyota has one, the sequoia, don't know much about it, but Toyota has good feedback from lots of friends, who've driven their cars for miles and miles with no troubles...we'll see.

Got the pricing done for the roof, we're doing it. Tim will start on Sunday. I'm excited!!!!! I sure hope this does the trick!!!! For those who don't know, one room in our house leaks, the living room...last winter I had my loveseat covered in plastic for 3 weeks straight. It's NOT fun.

Beth opted to ditch ballet today.. I'm with her.. I don't want to go anywhere.. I'm thinking now that dinner is done a facial sounds lovely.. gotta put a couple munchkins to bed first though.

Saturday, August 13, 2005


What a week, we had a blast, but I'm TIRED!!!  After the week of classes, and other outings, like pictures for Grandma, we hadn't seen much of Tim, poor guy worked nearly 80hours last week!!! So, last night I made dinner in time for him to eat with us, the old fashioned way, all together, at the table. It was great!!!! Hopefully the hectic-ness of his work will settle as much as my schedule now that classes are over. After dinner we settled the kids with the sitter and met our friends at the pub for Irish dancing and fun. We had a great time. closed the pub, not too bad, this one closes at 1am. So we're home by 1:30am.  Slept til 7am when Drew needed help getting dressed, Tim made cheesy eggs and toast for breakfast, then I cleaned the kitchen, and dining table. I've run some errands, dropped Beth at her grandparents for a 2-night sleepover, and dropped her friend off after her sleep-over here last night. Got home, Tori and Katie are watching a kid-movie in my room, Drew JUST woke from his nap, Tim's watching Constantine, scary, and so I'm here... I think I'm going to go clean the floor in Beth/Drew's room and vacuum now that he's awake. :o) Tonight C and her guy are coming over for dinner, HE is making enchiladas, cheese and chicken..I'm soo excited!!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

a moment to gripe...

OK, I am not a perfect parent, nor are any of my children perfect... however, this is MY blog, and therefore I'm going to use this time to bitch about the idiot adults in the parent/me class I'm taking with Drew. First case, mommy w/2wk. old sibling and grandma are at the drop off /pick up area with kid. Kid refuses nametag, this isn't just for the heck of it, our teacher has 2 classes with 15kid each, he needs these to know who is who. Mom says,  It's ok, she doesn't need the nametag for this transition period. UM, ok, you just totally underminded the teacher...doofus!  Same kid, during story, during craft, ah pick anypoint in our 3 hr. class she's screaming, someone touched her magnifying glass, someone took the red crayon, someone breathed... @@ the grandmother uses a cane to walk, so obviously is very limited in her chasing ability, so today kid is running across the classroom, grandma keeps sitting there quietly asking the child to return to her seat. GET the child.. my own mom has had limited mobility for a great part of my lifetime, she'd have gotten up!!! 

Then there's the lovely girl and her dad. Her dad who looks at all of us mommies as if we're some lower life form. Obviously HE did not sign up for a parent/me class. So today after finishing our craft, Drew and I head to the books for a story. I'm reading when she joins us, in my lap next to Drew for the story. Dad has a small and very quiet COW!!! It was inappropriate for the girl to sit with me, as I'm a stranger...what was he doing you ask?? Reading the latest John Grisham, or somesuch book.. He asked his daughter one last time to move and get her own book, just as I finished the story to Drew.. I handed her the book and invited her to sit NEAR us, so her daddy could read the story to her... STUCK YOU BUTTHEAD! GRRR.  WHY do a class like that if you are going to look bored, frustrated, and uninterested in your kids' life.  What a waste!!!

Other than that, and really while I did bitch a great deal here, it wasn't overwhelming in my day, I had a great day.. even got Tori to gymnastics on time, though she was reported as being tired, um, ya think?? I know I should've let her skip, but she didn't want to!! She did the entire 90min. class without complaint she just didn't have her bubbly bouncy self there. EVERYONE understood and were impressed that she stuck it out and was there. :o)

Ok, the kids are killing eachother.. time to go help, I mean stop them. LOL

Monday, August 8, 2005

Fun and Frolic

So today started our classes at the museum. We got up, dressed, fed, and were out the door slightly behond my 8am hope.. but it was an easy drive, and we arrived at 8:55, no problem! But, why is the parking lot so very empty?? well, duh, that's because the classes don't start at 9, but rather 9:30!! Drat! Lost a good 30minutes of sleep!!  Oh well. We played a game in the car, and then headed over to check Beth in. The rest of us didn't start til after lunch so we went to the museum to look around. After checking out a new exhibit for me, I took the girls to the gems and mineral hall to find birthstones, then we went to the "kid room" and played in there. Lunch, and a quick walk through the butterfly pavillion and it was time for our classes to start. Checked in the girls and Drew and I headed over to our class. Mind you this is the 4th time I've taken this class, so the teacher smiles and says last time? I said yeah, he said good, one more and you'll be able to teach this class. hehe. After the first activity we went up to the African Mammal hall to find small creatures (our class is small wonders), so Drew wants carried, I do. I get about 1/2 way through the hall looking for small wonders and asking him questions when the answers are coming less and less.. yup, he fell asleep. He slept until we got back to the room, and it was time for story, at which point I woke him up. It was a great 15min. power nap!!! he really loved the rest of the class, and BONUS, he stayed DRY!!!!!! Came home, ate an early dinner, and I took Beth to her dad who took her to ballet, while I went to donate blood.. one more donation and I've got 3gallons!!! It's silly to be boastful about it, but I do feel good about doing this. After that, feeling good, I went shopping. Ikea, for a curtain wire for Tori and Katie's room, Wal-mart for a new purse for Beth (bday gift), bubble bath for kids, and other stuff, then the grocery store for lunches and dinner the rest of the week. I realize that's not exactly fun shopping, but when you get to go alone with no particular time clock ticking at you to hurry, it's nice!!! Now I'm off to bed....

Saturday, August 6, 2005

Quick brag

I did it. the closet and both dressers are cleaned out and all clothes that do not fit are bagged for good will or my girlfriends' daughter. YAY!!! I only found one kitchen bag worth to chuck, and a full grocery to give to F. But it was a very needed job, as Katie wears a 5 to 6 depending on the style of outfit...we had some 3T's still her shorts...and 2-4 shirts, when she's a 6-8.  Drew inherted some of the shirts but several were too girly, he has plenty already, and he's wearing 4/5 depending on the shirt/style. So there's not much point in loading him with stuff that will likely only fit for a few months.

Ok, Off to eat my dinner.. I dont want it, but I must eat. It's corndogs, generally OK, just not what I'm in the mood for tonight.

Circus Fun

We had a blast. Got there for the animal meet/greet.. saw the tigers hanging out, and playing ball with eachother, no joke, they have a couple of soccer ball sized solid rubber balls and these cats are batting it around at eachother and growling.. it was really neat. One tiger was sitting in their "tub" cooling off. He looked like the "dad in the jacuzzi, watching his kids playing".  the show itself was fantastic.  Lots of acrobatics and clowns being silly. Some horses, zebras, llamas, dogs, Elephants and Tigers of course.  Some of the acrobats were incredible!!!!  during the preshow I obtained clown noses for each of the family. We are now full-fledged clowns in training. hehe.  Drew and Katie have to grow a little, as their noses aren't big enough for the clown nose to grab on to good. We also got two that light up, we're so cool now!!!

This morning I was lazy, as always, I finished Pride & prejudice. Gawd I could live in that time period as it is romantically portrayed in these movies. The gorgeous dresses, yummy foods, and the etiquette of the men/women.. <sigh> I'm such a goober.   Now I'm off to finish the ugly task of my darling daughters' closet. Tori and Katie have far too many clothes, and I just know they don't all fit.. and ugh! I just don't WANT to do this.. but it MUST be done.

Friday, August 5, 2005


Parts of the day didn't go as planned. First C. overslept so I was late getting to my internship.. then I was informed that it's over, since I can't go to DC. They send the local group to DC and the DC group here. I can't go, so I'm done. I did get some good experience. So I'm ok with it.  Then the computer I was using at the office crashed, well, that sent me home early. Can't work without the puter. Got home, hung out with C. and the kids, and we invited her guy to dinner, and to our delight he accepted, and brought dessert. We had a BLAST!!! I hope he stays around for the long haul, he's fun, funny, and sweet!!! My kids loved him, Katie says he's handsome Tori says he's funny and Drew just pounced him constantly, which is his way of showing approval and liking of someone.  They didn't go until nearly 11pm, so needless to say I'm moving slow today. But, it was totally worth it.


Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Almost forgot...

Two cool things happened on Sunday. First I received notice that I have been given a scholarship from my church!!! Needless to say I was emotional over it, I wish I had the writing skills of several friends, so that I could properly pen my thanks.

Second thing, is just total fun. We got an email months ago letting us know about Mars being closest to earth it will be for the next several hundred years. The peak is mid-August, but being that C's kids were outta here Sunday night, we opted to drive out to the desert and use the eldest's telescope to get a good look.  We bbq'd for dinner, then for stalling tactics, we did a fire in the fire bowl, and roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. YUMMERS! At about 9:30pm we loaded cars and headed North/East.. got to our spot, set up the telescope and discovered it has a stability issue. So we ate cookies (second dessert), and farewelled to Tim and our kids, and C and I drove her kids to their dad's.. then home. It was great fun!!!!

Monday, August 1, 2005

surprise fun

So I am en route to ballet and get the wild idea to call my dad: wanna go to the Harp with me and the littles while Beth is in ballet.. to my amazement he says YES! So we grab him, drive through McD's for dinner, and head to ballet. About 1/2 way there Tim calls.. are you going to the Harp?? Yes, gotta drop kid off first.. why? I'm on my way!

so, totally cool, I got to spend an hour with Dad and Tim sipping pints in my favorite pub, with 3 of my 4 kids.. Drew needed a sedative, but really he was fine. I'm just ultra sensitive about behaviour in public places.  He was no louder than several of the adults there. Tori and Katie thought it was OK, but were really bummed to find out there would be no live music. I'll have to take them sometime when they have a Session.

Ok, gotta go watch The Incredibles with my youngin's.



That's how many years we've been married now. Today is our anniversary!!! I look back on the last 13 years and am totally amazed at all we've done/survived/avoided...There's very little I'd like to take back/do over, mostly I look back with fondness, and wonder.  Now to look forward...I asked Tim where he saw us in 13 years from now? He thinks he'll be a signing architect, in his own/co-owned 3 - 5 man firm.  I'll likely be elected or appointed in some really great office doing "all that government stuff" .  Then we really thought about it.. in 13 years Beth will be 25, Tori 20, Katie 18, and my not quite 3 year old will be not quite 16... I look forward to watching them reach for their goals and dreams over these coming years.

To celebrate, we went to Olive Garden for dinner, one of our favorite restraunts. Then to see the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith.  We both really liked the movie, so that was good!!!  My in-laws watched the kids, and had a marvelous time doing so. :o)

Today Tim of course is working, I had a playdate this morning with one of Katie's friends. After it was over we lunched, and the littles are now resting. Beth went to see her friend. She has ballet tonight, so dinner will be early, and quick.  I still can't believe it's been 13 years.... :oD



Saturday, July 30, 2005

two cool things

Looks like C's guy is going to stick. We went out the four of us last night.. Tim and I are sarcastic smart-asses and throw shit at friends in fun and good humor. C matches us perfectly.. and dishes it right back. Well, as it turns out, her guy is the same!!!! we laughed so hard on the way to the pub C and I had tears. It was great!!!

C's daughter purchased a kid-pool and asked to put it up in my backyard, to which I said yes, but made it clear I wouldn't be responsible for the dog killing it. She was ok with that.  The dog has totally left the pool alone, aside from stealing a drink out of it.  The kids have LOVED having it here, the owner said we can keep it up while she's at her dad's if we'd like.. I think I just might for a few days, anyways.. pool play wears the kids out, so they can play in the AM, then lunch, and take a good long nap!!!! :o)


Friday, July 29, 2005

random stuff

C's car is GORGEOUS!! I'm so excited for her!!! I know this is going to make traveling for work an easy task!!

Tori loved camp, and wants to go back now!!! LOL

I received word from two good friends that they are expecting, one is the 2nd child, the other their first. They are brothers..so this is REALLY cool. I'm very excited for both families.

We're going to the circus, a week from today. I've not been since taking Beth and Alex the summer before we lost him. I'm sure this will be a bit hard, but I'm still excited to share the magic of it with my other kids. I hope they enjoy it.

and finally, bonus points to my hubby. He loves to take me out, but always leaves childcare provisions for me to find. Well, our anniversary is Monday, and he's made all the plans for us including child care. I'm so excited.  It's nothing fancy, just dinner at Olive Garden and a movie. I get to pick the movie. :o)  Should be a great way to celebrate 13 years. WOW!! We've sure survived enough stuff in that time period. Hopefully the next 13 will bring more laughs, and love. :o)


Thursday, July 28, 2005

My Pixie girl is home

Tori arrived home, hot, tired, and a little dirty (not near as bad as it could've been) today. I picked her up from the bus around 3pm. Got home, bathed her, unpacked her bag and washed all her stuff. She's playing with her sister, brother, and C's kids.  It's so good to have her back. She had a FANTASTIC SUPER TIME! (her words), and will definately go next year!!!  I'm glad she got to go, more so that she had fun, but it's so good to have her home. Now to wait patiently for Sunday afternoon when Beth gets home.

C. is off buying her car, I sure hope it goes well!! Silver Toyota Camry LS(?), A/C!!(her's has been out for a year), power windows (old one didn't have 'em), power door locks(again not in the old one)..and if all that isn't enough fun, an AM/FM CDplayer stereo(old car had am/fm). I'm thrilled for her!! A little jealous I'm not getting my burb sooner, but it will come. Patience is that which I need more work on, this is a good time for me to practice.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

gotta figure this out...

I need to replace the van. It's almost 10 years old, had over 60K miles when we bought it (7 years ago)... and needs more repairs than is worth it.   I called a few dealerships, the best I can get from them is a 2000 Suburban for about $20,000.  Factoring in taxes, lisencing, and the extra ins. we'll need we can't afford it.  I really don't want another minivan, it's fine, but I need the cargo space with the kids and they're activities I just have too much STUFF to drag along.

I checked out Ebay, there's one I'm watching for just under $15,000. 60Kmiles.  There's another one but for some reason they're only asking $2500 for the car. Makes me nervous when they low-ball the price like that. There has to be something wrong.

Sure wish I could win the lottery!!! And yes, I know in order to win, one must first buy a ticket.


Some fun stuff

So my girlfriend C. is a divorced mom with 3 kids. Her X is unmentionable. I'll be polite and leave it at that.  She's been dating off and on over the last 3 years, but never found a guy who could wrap his brain around 3 kids AND the fact that she's not Christian. She finally found him. He's handsome, polite, and seems to be falling in love with her as fast as she is with him.  Me, I'm having a blast playing the teasing little sister type. She'll make a comment and I'll respond with something to do with their relationship, only to make her blush and giggle like a schoolgirl. :o)  This is fun!

Monday, July 25, 2005

a few thoughts before bed

First things first, I just have to say how fun it is to have my children (including my friends' kids that I watch) as enamored and addicted to Little House on the Prarie as I was/am.  I own seasons 1-8 on DVD. and am watching them in order. I'm now on season 3, and am enjoying it all over again with these kids who know nothing of the stories... Beth of course excluded as she's read teh books. It's just too fun.

My evening was slightly spoiled, Tim had to go up to the valley to pick up art work. So after shucking C's kids to her, and tucking my two in to bed. I'm alone. I've goofed off on the puter here, and am now ready to go unwind. I have to decide if it's going to be a movie or HP 6 I bought the book last week, Beth's already read it. I've started it, but am not yet "IN" to it. My hubby, dad, brother, mom, and two friends are on the "read Jen's copy list" LOL.  Or I may just take my most recent issue of BH&G to the bath and rejuvinate in some cool bubbly water.. nah. I think I'm in the mood for more little house.

Overall today was a good day, minu Drew pee-ing on Tori's bed (thankfully she's not needing it tonight).. and me having no OOMPh to get anything truly productive done.  The kids stayed out of trouble and my hair, dinner was good, and everyone is asleep before 9pm. :o) Even I got a nap today. :oD



True Love~

You know it's true when 10mins. into a movie your guy lets you switch movies.

And if that weren't enough, Tim shaved this morning. Mond you I don't mind the beard/mustache look, except for two things, it tickles when kissing, and in most men makes them look older.  So, my hubby is again clean shaven, and though I told him NOT to do it FOR me, but FOR himself, I'm glad he did it.

Sundays events

It's 7:30am, this is really unfair. The upside to be "forced" out of bed at 6:30 is that by 2pm, when it's hot I should have my "heavy" work done.  

Yesterday was a good day. We got up and delivered the two girls to camp pick up, we stayed to wave to the busses.  I had nervous times but I know Tori is having fun, and will be just fine.  After church Tim and I with the two littles went to Target he wanted to pick up a movie and I managed to get one I wanted as well.. we ended up with 3 movies. National Treasure (two thumbs up from me, funny, action, romance for the heart and mush in us all), Constantine (I will get through it, we watched 10mins. of it last night, but I got scared so we switched). Terminal (can't revue it I've never seen it).  We stopped at Subway for lunch, ate while watching the first of Nat'l Treasure, then put Drew and Katie down for naps and finished the movie. After that Tim worked in the front yard and I played with Drew and cleaned the kitchen (my cabinet doors are CLEAN!)... our weed eater died, so Drew and Tim went to Home Deep and got a new one, my Dad came and picked up Katie for a sleepover and I did more cabinet cleaning. Then C. came by to visit and joined us for dinner (Chinese YUMMY!)... after she left we put Drew down and then Tim and I watched those 10mins. of Constantine, I thought it was a war movie in Rennaisance time period...it's not. It's modern time, Keanu Reeves playes Constantine, it's all about exorcisms deamons and other icky creatures like that. I don't do that well, and WON'T do it at night. So instead we watched A Walk in the Clouds, I've seen it before and still love it.   Drew was a good boy and went down easily and stayed so Tim and I enjoyed our evening together...I'm hoping we can do more of those throughout the summer.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

late night ramblings

First an AHA and YAY moment.  I spent the 2nd week of July re-organizing my filing system, getting rid of old files, and putting the current files into a system I can manage.  Tonight it was "tested" I needed two of my girls' immunization records for GS camp paperwork. Found both in 2 seconds flat!! I'm so proud/excited!!! It was soooo nice to see I needed them and not have that moment of panic wondering if I'd find them before 2am.

Having gotten the patio cleaned up I'm spending more time outside with the kids, YAY! That means we're all spending less time in front of the TV. AND  having oiled the piano and music cabinet I'm now inspired to clean off the desk and get it all purty too. My house WILL be clean, someday, SOON!  Housework has never been one of my golden points in life, I wasn't pushed to do ANY as a child, and married a packrat, whose father is a packrat (sorry dad), so there's always been piles and stacks.  I'm just tired of it. I want my home to be welcoming to anyone who gives the effort to come over and give their time to me.. now that I'm making it about that and not about doing it for Tim, the kids, my mother, pick a person...but I'm doing it for me, so *I* feel good about my home, it's not the burden it was.  Hope this motivation sticks!!!

got the two girls 98% packed, Beth has some clean laundry in my room, which I didn't realize until after Tim went to bed, so that has to be put in her bag in the am, along with both girls toothbrushes. At least the paperwork is all done!!! Now to get myself over the anxiety I'm feeling about letting Tori go to camp...she's thrilled, I'm thrilled for her. I'm just nervous about her being away from all of us (family) for 4 days! That's a long time. Beth did it, I did it, hopefully she'll love it as much as I did, and Beth has.

Ok, 6 am is going to come too darned early, I'm going to bed now.


At least it ended well

So last night we had dinner guests, nothing fancy, just my parents and brother. I grilled salmon, YUMM. even my anti-fish eating hubby ate some, with no tartar sauce and no complaints. :o)  Family left around 11pm, Tim tucked Drew in, my brother was "chosen" to tuck the girls in. I crashed after they left. All was good, my house was clean, including patio! and I was content.  Awoke this am to a cranky husband who upon his waking discovered that Tori had thrown up in the night, but didn't wake (HOW?!!) so he bathed her, and stripped the bed, I got the other 2 small ones up and kept them out of harms way. I then got the room wiped down and airing out while Tim made a yummy breakfast. scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and mimosas for he and I. MMMMmmmmMMMM.  Tori declared she was hungry and felt fine. So we let her eat. She ate an entire egg burrito no bacon. Who knows what made her sick, only once. But it's over.  After giving breakfast a chance to come back to get us, and knowing it wouldn't, we dressed and went to the Aquarium of the Pacific, our favorite local "hangout" other than the parks in our city.  Katie was whiney from the start! UGH!  we did sharks and rays(Tori, Beth, Drew, and Tim touched Katie couldn't get herself to do it), seals and sea lions,  california reef, then ICE CREAM to celebrate Tori's bday in June (she got a card from the fish which included a free ice cream). That was an adventure and a half. Drew did ok with my help (I held it for him), Katie needed help, but wasn't up for listening to directions, the other two were fine. After wearing/eating our treat we went to the outside viewing of the seals and sea lions then headed home.  I've finished laundry and packed Tori for camp, now I'm off to make her and Katie's beds and then help Beth pack. Both girls leave tomorrow at 9am for GS camp. Tori for 4 days, Beth for 8. I'm gonna miss them!!! But am sooo excited for them!!!  Well, the beds won't make themselves...darn it.

Friday, July 22, 2005

short and sweet

I have Tim, Tori, Katie, and Drew in here with me. Tim is printing t-shirts, Tori and Katie are waiting impatiently for a turn on the computer. Drew is climbing in and out of empty boxes.  Yesterday evening the heat caught up with me, I finally did what needed to be done all darn day, just hadn't thought of it... I drank water... 3- 32 oz. cups of ice water.  Today I'm starting earlier with the water!!! hopefully it will help me avoid getting so sick. Now, before it gets too hot today I'm going to go pick up and vacuum the family room, sweep the dining room, and dust/oil the piano and music cabinet.  My parents are coming for dinner tongiht, grilled salmon, salad, green beans, and garlic cheese bread. They're bringing dessert, likely pudding. :o) should be great!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

AHHHH evening~

It's finally cooled off. Maybe I won't melt!! Tim made chicken salad for dinner tonight, romaine lettuce, baby spinach, and chicken chunks. It was nummy. Especially since required no cooking, and I didn't cook it. The dishes are loaded into the washer, the kids are watching Care Bears, except Beth who's reading the newest HP book, purchased last night for her(and us). Drew is currently annoying Tim, hehe, I'm evil, I'm enjoying him (Tim) getting a moment of what I get all day. I'll finish this and put the boy down for bed.

Today was interesting, this morning, Drew climbed a bar stool, stood on top of the stool to get into our cabinet above the fridge, we keep meds and scissors up there. All of mine and Tori's asthma meds.. not stuff I want Drew getting (why it's up so high).  My brother will be putting in key-use cabinet locks tomorrow and Friday. Whew! I was ready to get chain and padlock!

Tim notified me tonight that he has 2 weeks vacation time. We have no money for a vacation, BUT, we've found a great comprimise. San Diego, close enough to zoo for 1/2 a day, tall ship 1/2 a day (or other) and come home, take the in between days to rest and maybe go to the beach locally and we've got a great vacation. The 2nd week I think he's going to stay home while the kids and I go to museum classes, he'll work on stuff around the house, mainly getting the studio cleaned up/organized. YAY!!!

OK, I'm off to tuck in my monster, I mean son. Truly I do love him, but oh is he bilergent sometimes.

too HOT!

It is too damn hot to do ANYTHING.  I soaked the 3 little kids heads in the shower, then my own. I did manage to run a couple loads of laundry, but I can't fold or put away. I'm melting. It's about 85* inside my dining room right now. I think I'm going to grab a sarong to cover my legs, a book and my sunglasses and go sit outside where it's actually a little cooler right now.

My younger kids are driving me BATS! too, and i know most of it is the heat. I'm putting everyone under 10 to nap, that way Beth and I can hang out. She's not whiney, so she can stay up.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

First time

Greetings, this is my first try at blogging, it will be random thoughts and activities of me and my family throughout our days.  For my friends reading this, note that I will never use more than first name initials and will never post pictures of you (or children) without permission.  Let the journal begin.

Today was kind of crazy, I got up twice, once at 4:30am with hubby as he had me set my alarm as well as his to ensure he got up. Got back to sleep a bit later sunggled with Drew beside me. Got up for the day around 8am. showered, threw Beth into the shower right after breakfast. Then started the last minute cleaning for a playdate I had scheduled. My friends arrived right on time.. and just before I finished vacuuming. UGH! I never did get the vacuum put away. I'll vacuum the other 1/2 of the living room tonight.  So Friends leave and Drew goes down for his nap with a loud but thankfully short protest. The girls and I enjoy lunch, and my mom arrives for a visit.  During her visit Drew wakes, and then she runs with Beth to the needlepoint store by us, while they're gone I decide to be useful and put away laundry, which means I'm not sitting "on" Drew... next thing I know I smell burning plastic. Run to the kitchen there's Drew on a stool, "cooking" a stuffed cat in the toaster oven. The oven is fine, the stuffed cat is dead, and gone.  I burned two fingers because I wasn't smart enough fast enough to realize it's HOT! The toaster oven is now unplugged, and I think I scared Drew enough with the firm (quiet), NO TOUCH, regarding the oven. I hope I did. 

After that Drew and I took Tori to Gymnastics, she just went up an age level and just when I'm concerned she's struggling, she starts doing something better than other kids that are 2-3 years older than she is.  The highlights were watching her do front pike rolls, and seeing a mommy friend I thought I'd "lost" due to changing days. Got home, and now I'm off to negotiate dinner, tonight is mandatory leftovers, as there is no more room to store leftovers. Thankfully my kids aren't overly picky about food!!!