Friday, November 18, 2005


A good Friday and happy weekend to you. I wrote the paper for Thursday, Wednesday night after the Ducks game. The game was a blast, sadly our Duck's lost, but we still had fun. I did get to meet my brother's girlfriend. I like her. She's a little shy. Alot nervous about my approval, which seems odd to me, but also cool.  Overall, I told brother he could keep her, lol.

I have two more papers both due the 29th. then the last two papers, one of which is the final project for my writing class due 12/8, those are in place of finals. I'll have one final, also 12/8. and I'm DONE for the quarter!!! BIG sigh of relief.

In other news, I have an update on Victoria. My poor peanut. Tori has been struggling to read throughout school, she's now in 2nd grade with a 1st grade reading level. We kept trying to encourage reading and work with her, but it just wasn't helping. So Wednesday I took her for an eye exam, and explained to the Dr. some of the issues we're dealing with. Tori is getting reading glasses, as well as a referral for vision therapy screening. She has a visual convergence issue, no I don't really know what that means. What I can tell you is if you do the 'follow my finger' test on her, her eyes won't cross as you get closer to her nose.  AND when she gets close to an object instead of seeing 2 of them the one object goes 3D.  what this means for her schooling is she can't properly process from the board to a paper or even from book to paper.  She broke my heart when she told me she was relieved it was just her eyes not working properly and there was nothing wrong with her brain, she's not stupid. Poor girl, she's been trying so hard, but just can't see it properly. Why she didn't tell us I've no idea. Her reading glasses come Wednesday. They're cute. sort of a blue-green with glitter on the ear pieces, thin wire around the lenses. she goes for the formal Vision Therapy (VT) evaluation 11/30. Once they figure out what's up, they set up therapy sessions as needed to help her exercise the muscles, and teach her how to work around the problem(s) she has.

And finally, my big cool-mom moment for the month. I'm pulling Beth and C's eldest D. from school to go see Harry Potter this morning. I can't wait. I actually went out and let the air out D's front tire so they couldn't ride their bikes to school. hehe I'm such a dork. But, hey, it worked. :o)  Tickets are all purchased. My brother will be here around 10:30 towatch Drew for me, and collect the rest of the kids from school. What an uncle/brother!!!  I registered for next quarter. Now to finish this one, and rest.

that's it for now. Have a great weekend.


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