Saturday, November 26, 2005

Delayed Holiday Greetings

I'm hoping all who read had a very happy Thanksgiving. Mine was.  Wednesday night Hubby and I went with mom, dad, brother, his GF, and C. to the Fenians pre-thanksgiving show. It was fun!!! We danced.. ok, Bill danced with GF, alot... Bill doesn't dance, didn't dance? She's a keeper, she's fun!! I really look forward to getting to know her far, she's very shy and seems almost outright afraid of me. <shrug> I'm the last person I'd think of as being "scary"... but unbeknownst to me, my opinion ranks high in my brother's world.. so that has a lot to do with it.

Thursday we had a lovely mid-morning breakfast, then loaded up to visit MIL and family for the big feast. I made my pasta salad, I wanted to try a new dish, given to my by a vegetarian friend, but I couldn't find any of the ingredients, so my standby had to do. It's veggie too, so it worked. I'm not veggie, but like to serve it at "mostly meat meals" on holidays.   After stuffing ourselves I napped through a football game, played cards with the cousins, played strawberry shortcake with Katie and Tori, kicked the ball with Drew, and then settled in to create wish lists for my children to give to the family.  Top 5 items per kid. It didn't take too long, and nothing was over 20 dollars, so I'm content.  We left around 8pm, got home tucked the bodies of the littles into their beds. Beth, Tim and I then began a movie marathon. Star Wars, we started with Episode 1, and have worked our way through. yesterday all we did was S.W. 4 episodes. We have Return of the Jedi to watch tonight.  I noticed last night, though, that both S.W. and Empire Strikes Back, are VHS and the sound is going out on our copies.. I'm sure ROJ is the same so I'll be looking to replace those soon.

Today I've read for school, done some light house work, and generally lazied about the house while getting SOME stuff done. Tomorrow after church we're going to Filmore to ride the Polar Express. Should be a blast.

Again, I wish you all the best this Thanksgiving weekend, and throughout the year.

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