Friday, August 5, 2005


Parts of the day didn't go as planned. First C. overslept so I was late getting to my internship.. then I was informed that it's over, since I can't go to DC. They send the local group to DC and the DC group here. I can't go, so I'm done. I did get some good experience. So I'm ok with it.  Then the computer I was using at the office crashed, well, that sent me home early. Can't work without the puter. Got home, hung out with C. and the kids, and we invited her guy to dinner, and to our delight he accepted, and brought dessert. We had a BLAST!!! I hope he stays around for the long haul, he's fun, funny, and sweet!!! My kids loved him, Katie says he's handsome Tori says he's funny and Drew just pounced him constantly, which is his way of showing approval and liking of someone.  They didn't go until nearly 11pm, so needless to say I'm moving slow today. But, it was totally worth it.


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