Friday, October 28, 2005

Tricks and Treats

Happy Halloween.. ok, I'm a couple days early.  This morning Drew and I attended the elem. school class parades. REALLY FUN! We were the tail of Katie's kindergarten class, Drew danced his way around the blacktop. It was a blast. we're just about to head back over, having eaten lunch to attend/help out with the class party.

It's cool here in So cal, I love it!!! Of course, it's going to be in the mid 80's Monday and Tuesday, but it's not going to stay warm. 

I have my "grad check" with the advisor at school on Tuesday.. I'm anxious. This is it.. they'll tell me what I've left to do, and that what I've done meets the requirements (which it will as I pretty much do advisement before each quarter registration). 

In other exciting "ME" news, I'm back at the gym. enough is enough, and I've had enough. I'm going M-W-F, Drew hangs out in the kids club, loves it.  I do 10mins of bike to warm up, stretch, weight circuit, then stretch again, then a 1-hour water aerobics class, 10mins. in the jacuzzi, shower and I'm done. It's 2 hours total.. I don't have to do that long.. I choose to. It's very worth it to me. On Wed. I'm going to try an Abs X-press class before the water aerobics, as abs is that which needs the most of my attention.  My goal is to wear a specific dress in June to graduation... it's a little too tight at the tummy right now.. I know the gym attendance will fix it.

OK, time to go party with the kids.

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