Thursday, September 21, 2006

A good morning...

So I had planned to mow the yard, trim, edge, weed, and plant my allysum. BUT I'm an idiot and turned the sprinklers on as I left to take the girls and Drew to school. DUH.

So after dropping all off at the appropriate spots, I came home to wet grass..I choose not to mow wet grass.  And mine is only 1/4 grass it's 3/4 weed. So I got the string trimmer (weed eater in my family) out and used it to edge the yard area. Then I pulled the remaining crabgrass and planted the allysum where I want it. Mom gave me a break by visiting, then as she left I saw them.. the training wheels for the bike for Katie, the ones I PROMISED I would put on the bike today before getting her. So I got the bike, it's Beth's old bike (really old), hosed it off, wiped it down, and proceeded to attach the training wheels. Dispite one very stubborn nut it's done. I'm thrilled!!! Katie will still think I'm a good mommy.

My Dad called to let me know that HRServices from Virginia called to verify my employment. So that clues us that my application for THE job is still in the works. YAY!!!!! I really want this position, and I REALLY want to start working soon!!!

Time to go get my girls. See Ya

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey JBear.  : )  I don't know anyone who mows their lawn when it's wet.  
I loved what you did in your yard.  'Made me feel like going outside and doing something, myself.  
'Love that you don't wait for your DH to get home to do something like the training wheels.... and there's always one stubborn nut, isn't there?!  'Nice hearing from you.  
Awesome about the job application!  Of course if you get this job, that will mean less time sewing.  : )