Wednesday, September 20, 2006

retail therapy

My mom and I did some shopping yesterday to prepare for our impending (and rapidly approaching) trip to Ireland.  I needed a new pair of jeans, She needed lots of stuff. I came home with the new jeans, and (thanks to mom) a new travel purse, new shoes, new gaucho pants (in black) a new black top, and 2 pairs of wool socks. (its going to be cold in Ireland). I am ready for Ireland. :o) 

We also got Beth her bday gift, but I'm not mentioning it here as I think she might read my blog.  But I will say I'm thrilled and cannot wait for her to open gifts on Saturday.

Today I got the car serviced, bought a new zipper foot for my sewing machine, to finish the dresses, and now I'm off to eat some lunch and collect my girls for the afternoons activities. :o)


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