Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Two yays and a two grrrrsss

Katie received an award at school today. Teachers' choice award for Excellence in story writing. :o)  I ditched school so I could attend the assembly and take the appropriately obnoxious number of pictures of the kid. :o)

Then I pick the kids up after school to discover that Victoria received her white ribbon for reading... um, WHY did her teacher not let me know??? I could have easily made my schedule to include both assembies. GRRR. Victoria has worked rather hard to get this ribbon, she had to read 750 pages throughout the year, while that's not much to some, when you've got a kid who spent the first 1/2 of the year not able to read "go dog go" pull off 750 pages and be READING books, YAY!!!

The second Grrr, is that when I picked up Beth she informed me that she had no lunch today. Due to some idiot student pulling the fire alarm. They had to evacuate the building, reset the alarm, and then restart the food-line. Beth got to the half way point to the door when they closed the line, out of food. WTF!? I've written an email to the prinicipal. Hopefully I'll get a satisfactory response. In the meantime I fed my kid a double meat / cheese sandwhich and then she ate the leftover 1/2 of my moms' cheeseburger from lunch, and her cookie for snack. I don't think she'll starve to death.

Other than that, my life is's all about cleaning, and a little studying for school.  BUT, I must tell T. that your youngest must have mind-linked with my youngest, as Drew took ALL the books out of the bookshelf in my living room as well. LOL.. took us 30mins. to get them all back, but we had him help. hehe

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