Sunday, June 25, 2006

a complete Success!!!!

Tori's party was a ball. The girls had tons of fun on the boat. I heard from a few girls the it was the best Party they'd ever been to.  We got there a bit late, so extended our time to a 90min. ride. The girls fired pretend cannons at passing boats and we "overtook" several other boats that surrenedered to the Pink Pixie Pirates. hehe.

Then we came home for a follow the clues that lead to the pinata (it almost worked), they got through the clues faster than the pinata got up, but it was good enough.  They enjoyed it. The pinata was fun, (a treasure chest) the kids each got a turn, then Tori took a second try, and then Tim tore it open. :o)

We had cake and ice cream, and Tori opened her presents and the kids started going home. It was a marvelous day for our Pixie. 

After the bbq-ing was done we gave the kids a bathes, and tucked them in, and I went and took a lovely hot bath, and crashed!!!! Today we're going to the pub to hear Gypsies Kiss with the kids. Mom and Dad are bringing cupcakes. Should be a second half of a super celebration!!!


and for the record, that interview I did, turned out to be rather interesting. If the offer comes through I just might take it. :o)

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