Thursday, May 25, 2006

Poof, it's gone...

again the time has slipped out from under my nose. It's the END OF MAY!!!!!! Mind you I'm thrilled, but wow it's going quickly.

The birthday party last weekend was fun! The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a blast. Sunday we went to Doheny Blues festival. MARVELOUS, as always.

This week has been pretty ordinary, just more of the same, me trying to get my butt in gear and working and Drew doing all he can to make sure whatever work I got done is undone as soon as I finish.

Tomorrow night begins the Scottish Festival and games, with a single-malt whiskey tasting. Saturday is a festival and games (like the caber toss, kilt run, etc) Tons of fun, yummy food and shopping!!! :o)  I'm on the hunt for a brooch for my current rosette (it's a sash w/ a "flower" folded in the middle) and a rosette in the tartan my brother is using for his wedding in October. :o)

After that's over on Saturday we're heading to the in-laws beach house for the remainder of the long weekend. Should be a blast!!! Hopefully the weather will warm up on sunday and Monday (it's supposed to cool off tomorrow and rain on Saturday!!! it was 80 yesterday!).

I have 7 class meetings left of school... YEEHAW!!! I'm so excited. My party invites should go out in either today or tomorrows mail.  My announcements will go out tomorrow as well. :o)


Ok. off to the gym. Gotta keep working, I'm still hoping to fit into "the" dress.

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