Wednesday, May 10, 2006


So I was given a workout program on the elliptical at the gym.. it's like cross country skiing.. pretty good machine, as it doesn't rattle my knees like the treadmill would.  So I did my workout at level 4 last time, and really didn't feel much from it. So yesterday I decided to up to 6, why I didn't just go to 5 I don't know... guess I was feeling superwoman-ish.  So I'm going along and about 15mins. into my 30minutes, my trainer and another trainer come over. They have a cold towel, which they drape over my neck, and a water bottle, which I'm ordered to start drinking once I've stopped and gotten off.  According to J my trainer, I was RED and my eyes were unfocused. The machine takes your heart rate through your hands, it registered my HR at 189. My normal puttering around the house rate is about 70, so that's pretty fast.  I got off the machine and worked hard to not pass out while walking with J and T who focused on holding me up while I tried to walk myself back to a reasonable heartrate.         OOPSIE.

Guess I'll go back to doing level 5 for a while. But hey, at least I know the trainers are watching while we work out!!!!

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