Wednesday, May 31, 2006

May 31st

First off.. a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear friend T..I hope you have a magical day!!!

Found the gym card,etc. So worked out yesterday. YAY.

The weekend was great, friday night we went to a single-malt scotch whiskey tasting. Saturday was the Scottish festival and games, fun!!! After that we loaded up and headed to my in-laws beach house. Fun in the sun, with some waves. I didn't go in the water, but I did get my nervous Bug in to her ankles, and Drew to his calfs.  :)

Monday came all too soon, after a yummy bbq lunch we came home. Where I started in earnest to clean my house for my graduation party in 3 weeks!! ;o)

Now, I'm off to class... I've no interest in going today. Today is also my Son Alex's birthday.he would be 10 years old today...happy birthday Angel Boy~



Thursday, May 25, 2006


Drew confisticated my lock and gym-card, so no gym. darn it. I'll be using the time to get my house in better order, so not a total loss. But I would've liked the workout.

In other news, it's soon to be official, but I'll unofficially announce it here.. LOL.  

I'm going to run for my City School board.  I'm really excited, and hopeful to get elected. One of the incumbants is up for re-election and she is not well-liked due to a previous issue. Wish me luck, my political career begins. :o)


Poof, it's gone...

again the time has slipped out from under my nose. It's the END OF MAY!!!!!! Mind you I'm thrilled, but wow it's going quickly.

The birthday party last weekend was fun! The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a blast. Sunday we went to Doheny Blues festival. MARVELOUS, as always.

This week has been pretty ordinary, just more of the same, me trying to get my butt in gear and working and Drew doing all he can to make sure whatever work I got done is undone as soon as I finish.

Tomorrow night begins the Scottish Festival and games, with a single-malt whiskey tasting. Saturday is a festival and games (like the caber toss, kilt run, etc) Tons of fun, yummy food and shopping!!! :o)  I'm on the hunt for a brooch for my current rosette (it's a sash w/ a "flower" folded in the middle) and a rosette in the tartan my brother is using for his wedding in October. :o)

After that's over on Saturday we're heading to the in-laws beach house for the remainder of the long weekend. Should be a blast!!! Hopefully the weather will warm up on sunday and Monday (it's supposed to cool off tomorrow and rain on Saturday!!! it was 80 yesterday!).

I have 7 class meetings left of school... YEEHAW!!! I'm so excited. My party invites should go out in either today or tomorrows mail.  My announcements will go out tomorrow as well. :o)


Ok. off to the gym. Gotta keep working, I'm still hoping to fit into "the" dress.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Happy Birthday~

Happy Birthday to my DH.. we had dinner at Olive Garden, then off to the movies to see DaVinci code. It was fantastic. After that we hit downtown HB to see who was "rockin" our local pubs. One had a dj that was thumping.. not working.  The second had a band, better.. until we realized what kind of band. Actually I say that sarcastically.. it was a metal/punk band. Now I'm a fan of Heavy Metal.. Metallica is one of my fav's.  This group made Metallica sound like classic rock though!!  We did enjoy,  who can't enjoy a drink and people watching?!!? :o) 

Now we're off to a birthday party and then home to clean up before going to a wedding. :o)



Thursday, May 18, 2006

Katie Bug, the Tiger.

The Bug's kindergarten circus was Tuesday.. she was a Tiger.. here's her cuteness!!! ;o)



Tuesday, May 16, 2006

a few things

First I had a lovely Mother's day. I was treated to a yummy breakfast, and a delicious lunch which I did not cook. Lunch was at MIL's FIL bbq'd ribs. mmmm.  the in-laws gave me a candle and a gift card to Kohl's for some ME shopping. :o)  DH gave me a bouquet of roses and took  me to see a play Saturday night. 

Monday afternoon Drew got his left middle and ring fingers caught in my pampered chef mandolin slicer/grater. OUCH is right.. he's all bandaged up and both nails should grow back. <shiver>. 

Today was my Bug's kindergarten Circus, she was a Tiger.. TOO cute!!! The entire thing is just way too fun!! The teachers totally get in to it, costumes included!!! 

Finally, the sad news. Sasha-dog has declined severely since Sunday evening. She's not walking and is struggling to breathe... so tonight after Beth's dance class we'll tell the kids, giving them time to say good-byes.. then tomorrow Tim, my Dad, and I are going to take her to the Vet to have her put to sleep...she's enjoyed a full life, loving us, as we've added "puppies" to our pack, she's been a faithful and loyal friend to us all.. and I'm going to miss her terribly.  Think happy thoughts for us tonight... tomorrow is going to be a rough day.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006


So I was given a workout program on the elliptical at the gym.. it's like cross country skiing.. pretty good machine, as it doesn't rattle my knees like the treadmill would.  So I did my workout at level 4 last time, and really didn't feel much from it. So yesterday I decided to up to 6, why I didn't just go to 5 I don't know... guess I was feeling superwoman-ish.  So I'm going along and about 15mins. into my 30minutes, my trainer and another trainer come over. They have a cold towel, which they drape over my neck, and a water bottle, which I'm ordered to start drinking once I've stopped and gotten off.  According to J my trainer, I was RED and my eyes were unfocused. The machine takes your heart rate through your hands, it registered my HR at 189. My normal puttering around the house rate is about 70, so that's pretty fast.  I got off the machine and worked hard to not pass out while walking with J and T who focused on holding me up while I tried to walk myself back to a reasonable heartrate.         OOPSIE.

Guess I'll go back to doing level 5 for a while. But hey, at least I know the trainers are watching while we work out!!!!

Monday, May 8, 2006

What happened to "do nothing"??

I thought I had pretty much a do-nothing weekend. WHAT was I thinking?? Obviously I should have checked the calendar. Thursday after choir I stopped at the pub(for a pint of diet coke), and a bit of the Lakers/Suns game. Poor Lakers lost, oh well.  Friday night was our monthly dance til we drop at another pub with our friends the Whooligans. I do love these guys they are just too much fun! Saturday night was another friend's bday party, Sunday was my girlfriends daughter's first communion then I sang in a concert. WHEW. Sadly the next three or four weekends look as busy if not moreso.  I need a nap now. LOL

All was fun though, so that was good, I did snooze most of Saturday morning away, thank you Hubby!!

Now I'm off, if I don't get my grad. party invite created I cannot get them printed, and mailed.. :o)

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

I do love Tuesday and Wednesday

On Tuesday I get to have dinner with my both or one of my parents while C's daughter is at dance, Beth joins us for a soda, then walks over to the studio. It's lovely.  I also get lots done on Tuesdays, as they are busy days and somehow that triggers my "move it" switch.  Case in point, I got 3 loads of laundry done and the dining room swept, my bed made, and laundry put away. Monday, I got a load washed.  Tuesday also includes Drew's speech therapy, which he's doing fanatastic!! He's starting to add middle K sounds.. so instead of cra-er, it's craCKer. :o)  ok, back to the day, speech, my gym workout, Drew goes to gymnastics, I pick up the kids, homework/snack, Tori and C's son go to gymnastics, I take the girls to dance... dinner, then wait for them to finish class.  HOW I manage to fit all the other in there as well I just don't know.. but I do. 

Today... is Wednesday. which means C's kids spend the afternoon with their father/stepmother.  I'm evil, I'm sure, but I really enjoy this mid-week day off.  I can spend time with just my crew, I'm home the whole time so we can do whatever we we're finishing a project for Tori's class, and then playing!!! I'm in need of some good playtime with my kidlets.  If all goes well we'll have the project/homework done before Beth is finished at school (honor roll dance today)  so we can go pick her up and go frolic somewhere for a short while. 


Ok.. I'm off to class. I don't want to be late...

Monday, May 1, 2006

Mexico and Monday

Had fun south of the border, I took the girls on a horseback ride after breakfast and some visits.  Then came home to a lovely siesta. :o)  I do love that house, it's good for napping on couches like a cat.  Amazingly, mom's fish were still alive. We added water and fed them, then gave them 2 feeder discs to last them until mom gets back down, hopefully the end of the week.

Sunday was church, the girls all did great!!! It's so fun to watch them sing!!! Tori and Katie really got into their song. Beth didn't sing this time, she played (with Tori) in the hand chime choir. I got to help another child, and so didn't get to watch. But we were told we sounded good. :o)   After church we went to lunch with my parents and friends from church then came home to nap. Ahhhhh~ what can I say I love to nap.  As is obvious when you find I didn't wake for 3 hours. Guess I was tired.

Today was back to the regular week schedule. With a moment of YAY. I turned in my paper for school.. my LAST paper for my undergraduate degree.. I'm soooo close!!!! :oD

Now I'm off to do some cleaning and hmmm.. maybe take a nap. I was up late writing. hehe