Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy 2009!!

Well, since I last posted; we celebrated Thanksgiving, I went to Mexico as the kids were with their dad. It was very relaxing for me. We celebrated Christmas at the new apartment. It was a little cramped, but lots and lots of fun!!! I got a new camera. I'll be sharing pictures soon. Over the holiday break we spent several days at Disney Resort, loving disney! The kids spent the week after Christmas through the Friday after New Year's with their Dad, I ran off to Vegas! WHAT fun!!! I rode the roller coaster in the New York New York hotel. Saw Barry Manilow in concert, and Cirque Du Solie's Zumanity (definately R rated!!) but fun.

The house closed escrow on 12/31. Wohoo. I'm all moved into my apartment and am working on getting settled. There's a difference between moved in and settled! I'll get settled soon. Hopefully not too long as I'd like to move into my house soon. But first I have to find it.

The kids continue to do well. We've had to make some adjustments with the smaller living spaces, but we're all learning to keep things picked up a lot better!

I'll try to come back soon.

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