Sunday, September 21, 2008


So, I didn't really mention on here before, but in Feb/March of this year T and I separated. While we are still co-habitating with the kids and all that, we're done as a couple.  I filed for divorce in August, things will finalize in March of '09.

I mention that so as not to totally throw you all off when I say I had a "date" last night. A dear friend from church choir took me to dinner and to see Wicked. This was my 4th time seeing it. I'll confess now, I'd go another 4 times if I could, it's really that good. Dinner first we ate in Hollywood, just up the street from the theatre at the Pig & Whistle, or was it Whistle & Pig. anyways, CUTE little restaurant with an English pub feel. We sat on the patio and watched the oddness of Hollywood blvd. walk by. Truly amazing outfits and hair, and just wow. The food was yummy, fettucini alfredo, I added shrimp. We split a chocolate molten cake with vanilla ice cream. MMMM.  After dinner we headed to the theatre, we were way early, but just enjoyed that. We had about 10mins. to wait for the theatre to open doors to the lobby area, then another 15 before the theatre doors opened for seating. Plenty of time to use the ladies after those 2 glasses of wine with dinner, and shop the souveniers that you're not going to buy because they are WAY over priced..ok I confess C got me the witch hat keychain and a long sleeved t-shirt.  I'm going to try to pay him back, we'll see if he lets me. The show was awesome as always!!! Seriously if you live anywhere near the theatre when it comes to your area, GO!

After the show I was driven home safe, sound, and TIRED.  Thankfully it was before midnight, and so I was all snuggled into bed and rested for my Sunday. :o) A nice little evening out "date".  :o)

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