Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bad Mommy.

Poor Katie. Yesterday Katie received her trophy for 2nd place in her grade spelling bee.  I suck, I missed the assembly.  If that's not bad enough, she then fell and twisted her ankle. She had ice put on it, but then went back to class, walked to the car, through a store with me, and finally at a friends' birthday party I observe a "naked" ankle and see how swollen it is. It's sprained.  I feel badly that I had her walking through the store with me. I could've stuck her in a cart. Grr, me.

So send quick to heal thoughts...

Her ballet recital is Monday. It's not about the dancing, or the costume.  I care that she is allowed to be on stage. She loves this, and has been talking about it for months. She likely won't dance, but she can go sit and "play" squirrel on the side of the stage when her class is dancing.  That's what I'm hoping for and since her teacher is the coolest it shouldn't be too hard for this to happen.

The birthday party was mostly fun for her. But the concert in the park (riding in the wagon with pillows for head and foot) was fun. She said she felt very princess-y being wheeled around in her "chariot" .. at least I got that part.


Beth "graduates" from 8th grade today.  I'm excited for her!  I'll take pictures.... and post them asap (figure a month with me).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about the ankle!!  Sounds like exciting things are happening... and yay, Summer!!! Hugs,