Monday, April 24, 2006

Ren Faire

We went to Ren Faire on Saturday. We took my dad with us, to celebrate his birthday which was Friday. We had a lovely time. We were all in costume, which just makes it more fun!!!  We shopped, browsed, got ideas, the kids rode some rides, one was a swing, that two guys push to get going, it seats 6 adults I think it is. Well the one guy gets the kids loaded in and starts flirting with Beth. darnit if she didn't flirt back a bit <shiver> it was cute to watch, when I pulled myself back from being the mommy. hehe.   The two highlights for me though, were when we were given audience with the Queen, Drew went right up and hugged her. The girls all curtsied, and were cute, when it was time to leave, Drew gave her another hug and kissed her cheek, and so Tori and Katie went up and gave her a hug. I got a picture of the 4 kids with the Queen, I'll try and put it up in a bit.  The second highlight, was Drew's face when he was placed on the pony for the pony ride. OMG.. the child radiated happy kid!!! It was the coolest. I really had no idea something so simple would mean so much to him. So it was very cool that they got to do that.  In the end, the kids each got a stamped coin. Beth got a quill and ink, Tori and Katie got brooms the bristles are black, the broomhandles are cedar and plum respectively, Drew got a sword and shield. I got 10 sticks of lavendar incense, and something Tim bought me that I've not seen... don't know when I'm getting it either.  And a bunch of lovely memories!!! The weather was fantastic, cool, cloudy, and gorgeous!!! it spattered rain once right at the end of the day, but didn't last 5 minutes. So it was a GREAT day!

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