Thursday, June 5, 2008

nothing amazing

I've been walking with Mom Tuesday and Thursday. Taking the kids to their various activities, keeping the house to it's usual not quite disaster state, and just hanging out. So life is nothing amazing right now.

My big excitement, I guess, is Sunday at church we're having our annual festival of choirs, it's the last Sunday where the choir(s) sing/ring, so we do the entire service. It's fun. This year is extra fun for me, as I joined the handbell choir and we're ringing on Sunday.  I'm hoping to have a couple friends of mine there too so I have my own "aundience" hehe. 

The kids are all good... Beth's done with school next week, the other 3 have 2 more weeks after that. I think the first day Beth's off we're going to Disneyland just the two of us. We've also got some movies to see.  I've started the annual plan the camps on the calendar for the's getting a little easier as the years go by, I don't know if that's just me getting better at it, or what.

Now I'm off to enjoy a lovely lunch with two very dear girlfriends. :o)