Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Highland Games :o)

Being of Scottish / Irish lineage we take every opportunity to enjoy our heritage. And we get lots of chances here.  Saturday we did a first, we took the train to the games that are a 2 hour drive. It took longer, but was far more fun.


The Train Station, hard to see but Drew's in his kilt



 Here's Drew learning how to toss a caber. My "big strong man" used a  15 pound caber!! (sorry it's sideways)   


The winning toss.  :o)  Beth competed in the 12-17 yr old caber toss. She won 1st place with a 2.8 meter throw with full roll over (it went end over end). 

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Glasses, eye patches, and fevers

Oh My.  So Monday morning I went to meet my friend who was visiting from AZ.  Got to her hotel and the school called me to get Drew. He had a fever. I had a short visit with P and headed to the school.  Drew was OBVIOUSLY not feeling well as he was laying down and wanted to lay down at home.  His fever was gone this morning but, due to a classmate on chemo. he stayed home an extra day to be safe.

On our way to pick up Katie, we stopped and got Drew's glasses as they were ready.  Yes, I took my feverish child to pick them up, I suck.  Anyways, he looks quite handsome in his new glasses and aside from the usual adjustment to wearing them all the time, he's doing fantastic with them. :o)

This morning the school called for me to get Katie, fever. They're dropping like flies.  Bug walked in the house grabbed H.S. Musical and went to bed.  I expect to find her asleep before the 1/2 way point.

Hopefully Tori and Beth will be able to bypass this virus. At least it seems to be short lived. 

In other news, Tori signed up for an afterschool program called PRIDE, she wanted to be with her friends and it's supervised so why not.  She has 1 hour of homework time, with help, then they do activities.  Tori chose the performing arts group.  The December play is The Grinch that stole Christmas. And our Tori is playing the part of Cindy Lou Who.  :o)  I can't wait to watch it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I'm not sure what happened.

But after all the going to prepare for the party, I just kept going. 

 The party was great, 50 people approximately.  Bbq, HUGS bounce with a slide (it was great fun).   Monday after the party my dad and I took his saws all and "ate" the swing set and tower in the backyard. It was rotted wood and HAD to be taken down. This project was work, but it was FUN. I do love power tools.

Tuesday I cleaned up the rest of the inside from the party. Wednesday I gardened and Thursday I went errand running with my Mom. Which included a stop at a new store we've found. It's 2 wharehouses of plants!!! I got Beth a begonia and me a fern. 

The rest of the week and weekend is a blur. Oh Sunday the last day of September was the baptism of our friends' daughter. So we went to brunch after service with them.

This week has been organizing and decorating for Halloween. one of my favorite holidays. So monday and yesterday I picked a room and got in it and got it picked up and vaccuumed.  This encited Tim to clean out his closet, I don't know why. But it did. So he did. YAY! more room for him and his stuff.  Tomorrow is the big day. I decorate. Yes it took me 2-1/2 days to prepare to do so. But I like to have the house picked up and "organized" before adding anything in. It gets too cluttered otherwise. It's still too cluttered, but this is better.

Tim took Drew and himself for eye exams. Both are coming home with new glasses on order. Lord help me. Drew's now going to be wearing glasses full time, and has to wear an eye patch on his "tired" eye for specific times during the day. Wish us luck. Hopefully he'll cooperate.

Time for dessert for the girls (and me).