Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Countdown to party

So with just 2 days left for party preparations. I'm running. But first, let me say Thursday night was LOVELY, I read 5 chapters in my current book, and enjoyed the band a lot! Friday I worked in the house.  Now to the countdown.

Saturday I ran errands with my younger 3 as Beth was camping with her field hockey team, and Tim was golfing.  After dropping Tori off at my parents for her sleepover  I came home with the other two munchkins and had lunch and hung out. Tim joined us around 3:30 and we went Mini-golfing and to dinner.  Miniature golf with kids is FUN. Katie got it, and tried really hard, and loved it when she made good shots. Drew's goal was to hit the ball to the hole without hitting anyone nearby. HE succeeded, barely.  Dinner was Macaroni grill,  I think I'm just an Olive Garden junkie, because other than the paper tablecover for coloring I wasn't overwhelmed with YAY-ness. I like O.G. better, it's just that simple.

Sunday, picked up Tori then church, Tim had to go to work after, so the 3 littles and I went to lunch with church friends. Then came home, shortly after getting home we had to go get Beth. Dinner, baths, bed.

Monday & Tuesday this week I did gardening, ok I got the string trimmer out and whacked the weeds in what should be my gorgeous backyard.  It'll be presentable for the party Saturday. Today thanks Dad, I got the wild idea to pull up the carpet from the hallway. I've wanted to do this for a while.. but today turned into the perfect day. So it's done.  My back is TIRED. I'M TIRED. But I'm quite happy with the results.  We have wood floor throughout, and it's covered by carpet in all bedrooms, and used to be, hallway. We'll de-carpet Katie/Tori's room over Christmas break. :o)

Tomorrow I attack the inside for the party. Tomorrow night choir and perhaps another stop at the pub. After working this hard I kind of feel like I deserve a little treat.

Speaking of treats.. I'm off to bed. A great treat, sleep.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Busy busy busy

As usual, I'm running like mad.  Today I dropped the kids off and picked up my mom who had her gallbladder out last week, we had breakfast, then went to her 10 day post-op check-up. She's all clear. YAY!  After the dr. we hit the mall, ok that sounds BIG, we hit two stores in the mall. Disney store, of course, I can't go into the mall without going in. And Borders as they carry the books my daughter "needed".   Disney was cool. Mom got Tori a Tinkerbell jean jacket, all 3 little kids jammies, and pre-ordered Jungle Books 40th anniversary edition. Merry Christmas!!!!! :o)

I got home did house work, started working on the invites to Beth's bday bash, and had lunch with Dad. I picked up the kids, and fed them a snack. In a few we're off to Katie's ballet and to watch the last bit of Beth's game and pick her up.

Tim has been busier than me (yes that's possible) so he's been out most nights this week. Tonight it's my turn to be out. I'm off to choir and then to my favorite Pub for some reading with music and general being out time. I won't be late Mom I promise, just a little time to sit and not do anything important.

That's my world, how's yours?

Sunday, September 9, 2007

I never thought I'd see this.

When I describe  my daughter Beth, nearly 14, to my friends I'll say she's an avid reader, loves music of all varieties, enjoys dressing up for occassions. Dances ballet, and generally tolerates school as the average school attending child seems to be. In fact she enjoys 99% of school. She does love to learn and is fascinated by science and math, odd child.

But in all my years until now, I never thought I'd be sharing this picture.  See the girl on the right in the red jersey with a t-shirt underneath.. THAT is Beth.  She is playing Girls FIELD HOCKEY for her high school. HOLY COW. We had to get cleats, and a mouth gaurd, she also has shin guards. I'm excited for her, but a little part of me is dying. My notreallyintosports daughter is playing on  team sport?!!  It's great though, as it's given her about 45 girls she automatically knows on campus!!! And a team big sister. :o)

I'm still not a soccer mom, now it's CHICKS WITH STICKS, I'm a Field hockey mom... who knew??!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

A few pictures

Here's one of my favorite pictures  from the trip to Tennessee.

Great Grandmother Anne, with Drew, Katie, Tori Lynn (mine) and Tori Anne (my 2nd cousin).

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

It's finally happened.

All 4 of my kids are in school. Some of me is doing the finally, about time, some of me is doing the finally? really? WOW!

Beth actually started last week, but I've been lacking in freetime / energy to blog. It's been REALLY hot here, and we're in a non-airconditioned home. which 99% of the time is fine. It's that 1 or 2 weeks when it's 100+ degrees where I live that makes it nasty.

Beth also is a part of the field hockey team at her school, YAY!!! Her first game was a scrimage (non-league) yesterday. She did very well, and we're all way excited.

Tori now 4th grade, Katie now 2nd grade, and Drew now Kinder all started today. My house was creepy quiet today. I finally turned the radio on for company.  I didn't get tons done, but I planned not to stress out this week, it's 3 days. I can sloth my way through these 3 days and then get to some doing stuff next week.

In other news, since my last visit, we got all 4 kids back in the house ;o)  then promptly left. We, the 6 of us and my Mom flew to Tennessee to visit my family there. AMAZING trip!!! It was totally awesome all the way around. Getting to show off the sights to my kids was so fun. Seeing my grandmother was just fantastic, and reconnecting with my cousin (and now his family) was truly wonderful. I'm so excited to have made this trip. We're hoping Joe and family will come visit us next summer.

I'm off time to get Beth, and get my littles ready for bed.