Thursday, April 26, 2007

Singing and tumbling

I'll be doing lots of the singing. It was also suggested I list myself on for weddings and other special events, so I've done that. 

It's funny, I never would have thought I'd do something like this. I've always thought I'd panic at the time. Now I feel so right. I just know it's going to be a positive experience all the way around.  I'm not looking to become rich and famous, just to help pay some bills and have a bit of fun while earning the money. Can't beat that!!!

Now to brag, as only a mommy can. Yesterday Tori had gymnastics class. It's a group class her crew has about 6-8 girls, generally all are about the same level. Well, yesterday Miss Tori excelled.  She takes private lessons on Fridays, and has been working on things with her coach. Yesterday showed her improvement. She did shooting stars on the uneven bars, flat back flips, and forward dive-rolls. At our gym anytime a child does a new task exceptionally well they get to ring a bell, announce the task and the room applauds. Sounds cheesy, but it's an acknowledgement of acccomplishment without a "reward" like candy. I like it.  Tori got to ring the bell 3 separate times.  It was a very cool day!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

13 + years and a golf ball

and My vaccuum died.  It did give a long life, of LOTS of work.  So today I "got" to go purchase a new "toy". Yes it is a bit sad that something like a vaccuum cleaner makes me excited. Oh well. I'm old and boring.  My new vaccuum is nice, very light weight, less than 20 pounds. THAT is amazingly cool compared to the old beast that weighed in at nearly 45pounds.  The hoses are attached to the vaccuum, I don't have to remover a piece to add the hoses to do the couches, or blinds. YAY!!!   And it's bagless. So I can 'suck and dump' (get your mind out of the gutter).. this will actually save us for those missed polly pocket items I tend to vaccuum.

In other news, the couples shower I'm throwing for my girlfriend and fiance is coming together nicely.  All I really need to get done besides totally cleaning the house, again (why do kids need to play? stop you know I'm joking), is to mow the front and back yards.   For those of you who actually KNOW me, you know our yards are not green grass or pretty. This is soon to change. My neighbor gave me the secret to green lawn. I'm taking it and running with it. I'll post before and after pictures when I get the after effect.

Lastly, I had an impromtu audition Thursday evening for the lead vocalist for a local band. I've no idea if they'll hire me. But today I had lunch with a friend who manages another band, and knows LOTS of others, my name will be getting out there... I should be singing soon. I'm excited!!! It's a totally unplanned turn of events, but feels so very right.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Did you know???

Ice Tea has caffiene, even if it's not listed as a main ingredient??  Tis true. Drew was allotted some ice tea,  both for after school snack, and dinner. So that explains why it was midnight before the poor lad was able to settle down and sleep. <yawn>


So, now I'm on the look-out for non-caffienated ice tea. 

Friday, April 13, 2007

Auntie Jenn, AGAIN!

My brother and his wife are the proud first-time parents to William Jack M.  I'm the very excited Auntie Jen.  Jack as he will be called arrived via C-section around 9:30 Thursday April 12th. He weighed a svelte (hehe) 9pounds 5.8 ozs, and measured 21inches long.  As you can see below he has gorgeous dark brown hair, and cutest eyes. Everyone is happy and healthy!


Monday, April 9, 2007

Easter Beagles!!!!!!!!!!!

Today was our annual trek to Knotts Berry farm.  We had 5 kids, my 4 plus a friend of Beth's. My parents, and me.  All 5 kids got their photo taken with Snoopy wearing bunny ears. I'll scan that photo and put it up later.  After that they rode a few rides and then Beth and her friend left us for roller coasters.  We hit camp Snoopy. Airmail again, red baron airplanes, the Charlie Brown Safari show (what do you get when you cross an elephant with a fish??  hehe.. Swim Trunks. Get it?  No the jokes didn't get any better. We all laughed though)  Then the Timberline Twiseter, a jr. roller coaster, which Drew LOVED, the school bus, tugboat, and maze.

Beth and her friend and I met up then. My parents kept the 3 littles to ride the trucks and jump in the bouncy, while I rode Silver Bullet with Beth. Then the 5 of us girls rode Jaguar 3 times.  The stagecoach, Main Train, Mystery Lodge, Merry-go-round, and finally... heaven help us all, and please forgive me. I let Tori and Katie ride Ghost Rider. A full-size, level 4 roller coaster. The catch was I can't ride it, it's too jerky for my back. Beth rode with her girlfriend who is also  nervous on coasters.  Poor girls. Katie was pretty ok, but cried when she got to me. Tori was sobbing off the ride and didn't stop for nearly half an hour. Though what really "got me" was her statement, at least I tried it, maybe in a couple years when I'm really big I'll try it again. We got our goodies and left after that. In the end, everyone is pleased with their day. Whew, I was afraid that that coaster was going to dampen the day for those two.

Here's a few pictures.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

10 + 11 is

a lot of fun!!!!  11 kids ranging from 13- 2yrs. with 10 adults was our Easter gathering this year. Much fun. My in-laws did nicely giving little candy and lots of other goodies. Each child was given a tote bag, hand-made by my Grandmother-in-law. Drew was given a cool lava-lamp that is auto-shutoff and changes colors while the sparkly goo swims around. and some Trucks to add to his hotwheels/assorted small automobile collection.  The girls all got colored pencils, markers, plain paper tablets, and hair stuff.

This easter bunny helper gave the kids eggs with stickers, a stuffed bunny, an egg with candy, and the movie Happy Feet for the family to share. My parents gave them the movie It's the Easter Beagle Charlie Brown.

We all ate until our pants threatened to pop open, then we chatted while the kids played. Then some of the brave, and faster metabolism had dessert. More chatting and playing and then they all departed.  It was the perfect holiday. Good food, Good friends/Family, and lots of Fun. :o)

Tomorrow we begin Spring Break with our annual trek to Knotts Berry Farm. :o)

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Saturday is it?

Well I only get to enjoy the last half. I slept this morning... all of the AM. hehe.  Last night was church, I sang, I guess I did well. I can't think of any major "oh no" moments in the song. I didn't get any feedback, as the service is somber and we leave in silence.

After that I met my parents, C, Tim, and 30-someodd friends at the pub for an evening of fun. It was just that! Lots of dancing for C and I.  Lots of fun for all. I took 2 giant chocolate chip cookies to share with the crowd as Wednesday last was Mom's bday and the 21st is Dad's bday.  Dad was surprised to get his own cookie!! that was cool!

Today is final preperations for tomorrow. I've got the "last minute" grocery store run to do in a minute, and then tonight I'll wipe down the bathroom counter and mirrors. No point doing it now, a kid will use the bathroom and slime it, LOL.

It's not likely I'll get online tomorrow so I wish you all a very happy day, weather you celebrate the religious part of the holiday or just the big bunny's visit.


Friday, April 6, 2007

It's FRIDAY!!!!

HAPPY TGIF.  After a couple phone chats with girlfriends I feel better about things with the job. I'll keep looking, a good job for me is out there. I just have to let it find me.

In the meantime, I'll keep doing all the other things I do, which include this mornings' "fun".  I took Drew to the dentist, poor kid has to have crowns on his 2yr molars. The upper molars were done a while ago. Now the left molar on bottom is done. The right molar will be going to a pediatric dentist to be done. He was just too squirmy today. Poor kid, apparently the reflux he dealt with so severely during infancy damaged these teeth.  Hopefully now that we have that mostly under control it won't damage any of his permanent teeth.

Not much else to report here... life conitnues in the same fashion as usual. Overly busy and mostly fun.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Well, darn it.

I got the phone call from the church lettine me know about the job. Obviously, due to the title, I did not get hired.

I'll keep looking for something.. but today I'm just going to be bummed. I really wanted this position.

um... who's coming for Easter????????

Oh yeah, half of the state.  So first we had us (6) and my parents, that's 8. No biggie. With the very maybe of my brother and sis-in-law, as she's due to pop my niece or nephew out any minute. so maybe 10. Not a big deal. We've now added, C. and her kids, VERY COOL! I'm excited to spend the afternoon with her, and have the kids here to play, it's been too long. So that's 14.  And Tim's parents, sister, brother-in-law, and our nephew. 19.  Two friend, 21.  Do you see where this is going??

I've done the final tally. We're up to 25 confirmed, possibly 30.  I'm fine <twitch> no really. I LOVE having gatherings like this. The more the merrier (and the less it's noticed when I escape to the swings for a breathe of fresh air, hehe).

The house is coming along nicely, I should be all done by this afternoon.  Now to keep it looking "company clean" for a couple weeks! We're having a couples bridal shower for C. and her fiance on the 28th. I know I CAN, it's just a matter of putting forth the daily effort, and that is where I'm seriously, sadly, lacking.

OK.. Time to take Drew to speech and then start cleaning (again).


Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Holy week

or should that be wholly ?  Because I'm wholly convinced I'm not going to be ready for the arrival of the family to arrive at 2pm Sunday.  I did get some good start-work done today.  The family room WAS ready for vacuuming before I got the kids home (he he). I did find the kitchen, we all knew it was under the clutter from last weekend. It's now clean enough to eat out of. I started the menu. And cleaned the main bathroom, which I'll be re-cleaning tomorrow as Tori and Katie played in the grass today and have a serious need for a bath tonight. Oh well.

I also practiced my solo for Friday evenings church service. I'm singing a gospel-ish version of Were You There only 2 verses though. It's a gorgeous arrangement, and I think I'm sounding pretty good.  I'll get the service tape copied for the family to see. Tim's staying home with the kids, Mom and Dad will be at the pub having dinner/waiting for the rest of us to come in later, my two invited friends both have other commitments.  Hopefully one of my 3 dear friends from the congregation will be there for me to focus on while I sing.  How can I love it so much, and yet, be so afraid. I'm a nutcase, I know. Oh well.

Tim is at golf practice tonight, so I'm on my own with the kids for dinner, bath, bed. The upside to that is we get to have whatever we (I) want for dinner. So Beth and I are having broiled Salmon with homemade mac N cheese, and salad. The girls and Drew will have the mac n cheese and salad. :o)  Everyone is happy.

Oh and I called the church I interviewed with for the part time administrative assistants job, they have not yet made their decision. Don't these people know I'm NOT a patient person... sigh.

ok.. I think the noodles are boiling, time to go finish cooking dinner.