I'll be doing lots of the singing. It was also suggested I list myself on Craigslist.com for weddings and other special events, so I've done that.
It's funny, I never would have thought I'd do something like this. I've always thought I'd panic at the time. Now I feel so right. I just know it's going to be a positive experience all the way around. I'm not looking to become rich and famous, just to help pay some bills and have a bit of fun while earning the money. Can't beat that!!!
Now to brag, as only a mommy can. Yesterday Tori had gymnastics class. It's a group class her crew has about 6-8 girls, generally all are about the same level. Well, yesterday Miss Tori excelled. She takes private lessons on Fridays, and has been working on things with her coach. Yesterday showed her improvement. She did shooting stars on the uneven bars, flat back flips, and forward dive-rolls. At our gym anytime a child does a new task exceptionally well they get to ring a bell, announce the task and the room applauds. Sounds cheesy, but it's an acknowledgement of acccomplishment without a "reward" like candy. I like it. Tori got to ring the bell 3 separate times. It was a very cool day!