Thursday, March 30, 2006

a nice way to "end" a short week

The kids don't have school today is 'friday take 1' hehe.   I took the kids to school, then came home and puttered about, then went to the gym where my trainer Jeremiah introduced me to several muscles I didn't know I had. Now they are a bit pissed at me for being USED. hmmm... on the bright side I'm seeing some results with all this abuse.. I mean exercise. so I'm not going to complain too much (more).  AFter the gym Drew and I dropped off lots of things to Salvation Army, and then a drop at the library to donate some no longer watched videos, and a few books noone reads anymore.  As we were leaving I told Drew we'd come home and eat lunch together.. he melted.  He wants his Nana. So I did the only reasonable thing, I called her. WE all had a YUMMY lunch at a local restraunt called the Lazy Dog. Funny name, but REALLY good food!!! After that Drew and I went to pick up the kids from school. Got home, fed snack, and tucked them all to nap. I got an hour. Then the big kids got home, they did just what I said to do in my note. YAY!!!  Now I'm waiting for C. to get her kids, and then I think I'll check with Beth and either leave Drew sleeping with her or wake him and take him with me to get Tim from the car repair shop... oh you didn't hear about that.

So Tim's car has been running really crappy for a while now, not shifting and needing a 20min. warm up before going. Rather annoying.. finally figured it out. Poor Tim... he put brake fluid in the transmission, and transmission fluid in the brakes.. so the car is going to the "trans. doctor" for a flush and adjustment, if any is needed.  I teased him, mercilessly, for 5 seconds, really he's just sooo glad he didn't totally kill his car (yet).

Ok.. I'm off to do ... something.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Wednesday Wonderings

AFter driving the kidlets to school with Drew we returned to have breakfast with C. which was a pleasant change as, the last time we had bkfst together and chatted was before my finals. Then time to go, but the neighbors dogs were out, and Lucky, the mean one decided our leaving wasn't a nice thing.. so I called the police, and we waited.. then the dogs left, so did C.  I called the police to tell them to nevermind, and left to go to get mom for a shopping trip. As I'm buckling Drew in, there comes Lucky, growling... I shut the door of the van with me and Drew inside and finished buckling him and got me in my right seat and off we went. I'll talk to the neighbor about the dogs in a little bit. 

Mom and I had a successful trip, we found patterns for both the younger girls and Beth for my brothers wedding. I'm sewing the dresses for the junior bridesmaids, mom of the groom and myself.  It's easier than trying to find the perfect dress.  We stopped for brunch then dropped mom off, and Drew and I picked up orchid food for Tim's cymbidium orchid. Now I'm known for having a black thumb, so this was an adventure!!! Finally found the right one, and hope to feed the plant in a bit without killing it. I'm nervous!!!  Got home with enough time to do nothing before going to pick the girls up. Drew and I used our nothing time to play kick ball in the front yard, fun!!!!

Beth had an orthodontist appointment today so after snack, and the appropriate brushing of teeth we went off to that. She got the bottom expander off (YAY) and on April 3rd, that's Monday, She'll get her bottom braces put on. Wohoo!!! she's over 1/2 done now.  While I was there I set up the consultation appt. for Victoria. I can already see the crowding and narrow bite problems Beth had in Tori... so we'll see if there's anything to do now, while we wait for the rest of her premanent teeth to come in. 

And now with a 60% chance for rain on Saturday and a friends bday party here, I'm off to research fun INSIDE things to do with 6-8 girls from 6yrs to 12yrs old. :o)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

First day of MY spring break

I spent it the only way a mommy could. At the hospital with my youngest, Drew, and DH, as Drew had tubes placed in his ears. We're hopeful this will be the major step in helping his speech. Though I don't see the OMG difference in him I had hoped for, I am not ruling out that the kid is just bizzare and refuses to be dramatic like his sisters. And don't give me the "he's a boy".. this is a boy with THREE older sisters, the kid thinks playing dress up in ballet clothes (pink, no less) is the coolest thing to do.  And Yes, I do have "boy" stuff available, including a top hat and cape, and train engineer wear. No use. He's still sad I won't paint his nails fire engine red.

Starting last Friday I am working hard (was working hard) on my front yard. I'm waylaid. 1 my trash can is STUFFED to the overfill, and 2, it's raining.  I don't mind doing some stuff in the rain, but tearing out dead rose bushes and the evil vine that killed them isn't on the do in the rain list.  So today I am inside cleaning.  So far all 4 kids (and Dh and I ) have clean sheets and vacuumed bedroom floors.  During the end of last weeks "rampage" I washed the windows in the front room, and the screens. Now I can SEE out front.. wohoo!!  I also got an underbed storage for the girls room for Polly Pocket. I like this unit so much I'm getting two more to replace the WAY Too small drawers for My little Ponies and Little People. IF it works right and all pieces fit I should be able to get the monster green rubbermaid tub out of the girls room, opening up some good floor/play space.   Now to get the courage and motivation to attack the studio.. my little corner here is functional (barely) but this room is our catch-all storage room, and it's pathetic, and makes me feel out of joint all the time. Plus, stuff from here filters into the entry way and that just makes the whole house feel squished.  Lots to do. 

First thing, though is a me thing.. I'm off to the gym. :o)

Saturday, March 18, 2006

That was an adventure!!!!

We celebrated St. Patti's day this year with a Corned beef dinner, complete with green mashed potatoes.  AFter dinner we settled the kids with the sitter and went to one of our favorite pubs to see the Whooligans. OMG!! It's usually crowded there on a Whooligans night, but not anything at all like this.  Thankfully knowing the band we didn't wait as long, nor did we have to pay the cover. Whew.   We even managed to find a place by the band to stuff our jackets as it was 50-something outside and 80 something inside!!!  About 2 hours in another regular to this establishment tries to dance... mind you there's NO room.. now picture a 5'7 or so well blessed in the chest 20-something year old  being thrown about swing style by a not quite 4-5"  70-80 yr old troll... that was our regular trying to dance. I've danced with him before, he's all paws and no manners..Tim got the troll all riled up by asking him to settle down I thought there was going to be a fight, thankfully the bouncer finally came in and took him out. I was relieved as I pictured him throwing his partner into the band, or into someone in front of the band. We left before the bar closed, in fact we were home about the time the band was to be finishing up.. which for us, made it an early night.. but I'm glad. While it was fun, it was also INSANE.. I'm not sure we'll go next year or do something else... we'll have to wait and see.  this evening we're going to a party at a friend's house, THAT will be tons of fun!!!

OK.. I'm off to shower, one major negative of last night was the patio doors were open for circulation which allowed the smoke to come inside and I reek of cigarette smoke.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Updates on Drew and Victoria

Drew's IEP was today, he'll be going to speech therapy 2 days a week for a total of 60mins. a week.  After his tubes are in the Occupational therapist will re-evaluate him to see if there are still OT issues to be addressed.  He starts tomorrow!!! I'm thrilled to be at the "do something to FIX it" point!  Tubes go in a week from Monday, while I'm anxious about the gen. anesthesia I'm really excited to give my boy the chance to hear for real!!!


Victoria has been struggling with school and her teacher. Months ago I requested she be tested for auditory processing delay and mild ADD-inattentive, long story short the school refused and said I had to wait and allow them interventions for 2 years.. I'm not waiting,  I've had the first of 2 tests for the ADD done, the second is next week, her audiologist appt is also next week.  We have what is called a teacher panel, meeting on 3/31,  I aim to go in with the results of the tests I've provided for and go from there. If there are issues I can fight for her assisstance, if not then we know and can work on other ways to help her with her slow progress.


I am nearly done with the quarter... finals are next week. I'm ready to be done!!! Next quarter = ONE class.. I'm thrilled to be down to ONE class.  I've just started shopping for the party. :o) If you live near me (T)  mark your calendar for June 17th (yes the day before Father's day, sorry!!!)  my house around 4pm-?? open house style, so you can come hang out for as long (or short) a time as you please! :o)  YAY!!!


Ok.. time to go be productive, laundry.. ick.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

cold but fun...

Saturday was the annual birthday luncheon at my church, there are 14 tables, 1 for each of the 12 months and two theme tables. Each is decorated appropriately, and usually extravigantly!!! This year Beth and I hostessed the June table, so we, of course, did a graduation table. Ours however, was NOT extravigant. Confetti, two bears wearing caps, tea light candle holders I etched with the name of the person sitting there, and nametags for each to wear.  It was very cute, and lots of fun. Beth really enjoyed "playing" with me. We're hoping to do March next year, with a St. Patrick's day theme.

After the festivities there we came home and got the crew and headed to my "uncle" Al's to meet my "cousin" Lena, his 8 week old daughter!!!! GORGEOUS child!! I'm so excited for them. He has waited a long time to be a daddy and obviously loves it!

Then we went to a birthday party for the father of a friend, his 70th. Lots of fun and frivolity to be had there!!!! The kids watched a movie in the car on the road, finishing the last 30mins. at home when we got here, then to bed.. Tim and I watched Lost Season 1 episodes by the fire and went to bed.

Now I'm off to take Beth and her friend Katie to youth, then a quick visit with my Dad and a hair trim before coming home to figure out dinner... I'm thinking beef stew. :o) It's the perfect weather for it!!!


Thursday, March 9, 2006


Yesterday My Dad, the kids and I went skiing at our local "hill" Snow Valley.. love this place, especially on Wednesday when there are NOOOO lift lines!!! So we got there late with a huge adventure getting up the back road. the main road was closed from last weeks rain, sending a boulder larger than my van onto it. Back road was open to chains or 4 wheel drive only from Crestline up, ACK! We drove into Crestline and got cables , WHEW.. day saved. And started up.. it's a lot longer going 30mph with cables than 40-45 on dry ground!!! I was mentally exhausted when we pulled in.  By the time we checked Tori and Katie into their 1/2 day lesson they only got 90minutes.. oh well, they were the only two in the class so it was OK.  Drew did the all day tour, and LOVED it!!! 

After a run down the itermediate hill we picked up the girls for lunch. Then the true fun began. We stayed on the beginnger "bunny slope". But before I knew what was happening my girls were riding the lift without me.. then each were taking their own chair!!! I nearly had a panic attack the first few rides, trust me!!!  By 2pm they were racing eachother down the hill...and totally out skiing me!  Beth and I enjoyed chasing them, and sort of racing each other.  Dad just skied with us all. :o)

At 3pm I got Drew, we did the bunny hill once with him between my feet and then he went to Pawpaw for cocoa on the patio to watch the girls and I ski the rest of the day.  It was a magical day after all!!!!!!

Saturday, March 4, 2006

a quick "I did it" gloat

I'm going to the gym two days per week.. usually Tuesday and Thursday. I am registered for 4 days, tue, thurs, and the weekend.. well I don't normally make the weekends. I made it today.. and pushed myself on the bike work.. 30min. level 8, random hills, with an rpm of 80.  For those of you that are going, gee that's nice, as if I'm speaking latin.. just say Yay Jen, it was a great workout, and I'm excited that I made it through it!!  My personal trainer worked my arms HARD on Thursday.. I'm thrilled to say that dispite being a little shakey when I left, I had NO soreness the next day. :oD

I'm feeling good!!!!

Now I'm off to my brother's engagement party (how wierd is THAT... my brother's getting married?!!??!! :o)    )

Friday, March 3, 2006

Stuff and things

First thing is I'm done. I'm done living with the clutter in my house.  So I'm picking sections of a room and decluttering.. not just moving stuff around, but actually getting rid of that which is no longer being used.  Soon we'll have my dad and brother over and the 3 boys and I will attack the yard tools, we currently have 5 rakes, 2 lawnmowers, 2 weekwackers, a blower, an edger, and a lot of stuff I'm not sure of.. 1/2 of it was my dad's at the house in W.C. they aren't going to be moving back into a house again.. so WHY am I keeping this stuff for "future use"?

I turned in both papers for this quarter, AND registered for next quarter.. my last class!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how totally excited I am.  (for my friend T. the party is Sat. June 17th, around 4pm, my house!).

Sasha dog is holding her own, for the most part... she can't eat table scraps anymore. They don't stay down. :o(  BUT she's eating all her dog food, and that seems to be staying.. she's not gaining any more weight though, and I was hoping she would.

I'm working out at the gym at least 2 days a week, once every other week with a personal trainer, he's good.. though I'm not sore and expected to be, I'm pleased with what I can do and hopefuly for good results. My goal is a specific dress I want to wear to graduation. I will make it!  I can wear the dress now, but I look about 5 months pregnant.  My goal is to wear the dress and not have ANYONE ask me when I'm due!!! ;o)