OK, got 2 of my 3 grades.. I did pass the dreaded upper division writing.. WHEW! I would've liked a slightly higher grade, but I'll take what I got.
Now, someone tell me what I was thinking/smoking when I decided at 12noon on the Saturday before the actually holiday weekend, to take my 4 children to the mall.. without anyone to help me?? It took 20mins. to find a parking spot, and I take first available, we are all able-bodied walking persons. Got in, and Santa was heading to lunch, ACK! so we did some shopping, browsing, and general nothingness. Then got back over there in time to line up before the big guy got back. Didn't take long after that. Great pictures, see below (if i can do it).
Today my dad and I met up after dropping Drew at preschool to go shopping for Kid TV (a dvd player in the van) it's all purchased and will go under the tree..I can't wait for the kids to see that, they are gonna FLIP!!!!! :oD we finished and I ran some errands all alone, picked up Drew, fed lunch, and tucked him in. Now I've eaten and must go clean and decorate... it never ends does it. :o)