Thursday, September 29, 2005

not much time...

I'm going to have to limit my time online, due to school. I'm already behind with the readings.  One of the classes has weekly writing assignments to go with the readings, so I have to keep up better.  Real quick though, two things, first an ego boost for this "ol' mommy person".. one of the guys in my humanities class told me I've got the "given deal" which was part of our discussion in class, basically it means I'm attractive to him. Now I don't think of myself as ugly, but I'm not gorgeous, I'm not especially tall, nor overly well blessed in the chest.. I am thin, and getting thinner, again, yay.. but I'm also not fooling myself, I'm 31. This guy was at the oldest maybe 21... EGO BOOST!

Second cool thing, as I may not get back until I tell you all about the day, is that Saturday My brother, DH, and I are taking Beth for her 3 year in the making date to Magic Mountain. She's 60inches tall, tall enough to ride ALL rides. I can't wait!!! we thoroughly checked the website last night, I discovered one ride I can't do. But she and her dad will, Uncle and I will have a lovely soda and relax!!! I am so excited to share this with my little coaster lover!


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The first day of the last year of school, for me.

I started classes yesterday. I'm excited to be back at it. And ready to get this year done with so I can graduate and move on!!  My classes this quarter are: Citizen Politics; an upper division writing course that will culminate with a 15page report(not too bad, considering I was prepared for a 30page report) Bonus, with all the writing there is no mid-term or final exam!  Ethinic/Racial Communities; this is my humanities requirement, and fit nicely into the schedule, the professor is way funny so I'm content. American Political Thought; generic upper division poli sci class, the prof. goofed though and didn't get the discussion sections in to the registrar in time to make them required, so we're off the hook, I don't HAVE to go. Bonus, I know the T/A, so I can make appts. for any clarifications needed, or to request to attend a discussion (which would mean me and Drew going). We've already talked, basically if I need the help, I can go, or email him. I think I'll be ok, over 1/2 of the reading material is previously read for me.

got all my books and supplies for the quarter, met Tim, my dad, brother, and Beth at the Harp for dinner (Beth ate my beans)and drinks, then Beth and I got S. from her dance class, and the girls had pizza for dinner, then Beth went to class. Got home and C. had fed, bathed, and jammied my kids. Tim was reading a story to Drew and N. and the dishes were done. I read for school until 9pm, when I quit to watch Commander in Chief, then I grabbed a shower, blew my hair dry and crashed.  I may do the night shower/ blow dry more often, as it ensures I get a shower and if I blow dry my hair I don't wake up with wierd waves...nor do I get cold!!!

Drew's napping, so I'm gonna go read.

Monday, September 26, 2005

The weekend.

The sleepover was quite fun, we had 4 girls total, with Beth.  They watched movies, and giggled at nothing quite a bit. I tucked them in to watch the last movie at 11:30pm.  We were all up by 7am. <yawn>  I'm a 9hr a night least that's what I WANT... anyways, the bounce arrived at 8:30am so the girls w/ my younger 3 bounced while Tim and I made breakfast, then they bounced some more. After getting my shower, and dressed, I ran to the store for the cake, ice, etc. Got home, and had a lovely party for my girl. All fun!!! She got some great gifts, but the highlight for her was 2 books on Dragonology.  Really cool books.

Saturday night was recovery. The last guest left at 10pm. I crashed shortly thereafter. Sunday was church, then the girls started choir practice, then lunch, then Beth had youth...I dropped her and her bike off for the bike to the beach. I went to C's house to go through clothes and magazines. We scored on clothes for all the kids, and got a huge stack of mags for Beth's reading teacher. Brought C's bike back to here so we can fix it up for her daughter, who is tall enough for an adult sized bike, ugh!  Then i got to go to Long Beach to visit with my friend from Az. before she goes on her cruise for her birthday... Tim made T-shirts for the cruise, she has about 18 people going with her. I hope they have tons of fun, but I do wish I could be with them!!! After that, I came home and crashed!!!!

Bug has ballet today, and that will be our big excitement.. oh I did get Tim's Christmas present from me. I can't say what in case he reads my blog.  But I know he'll like it. So that takes care of my dad and Tim. Only about 80billion people left. LOL.



Friday, September 23, 2005

Wild Morning.. and a special day

Today is my daughter Beth's 12th birthday. I can't believe 12 years have passed. We've had quite an adventure up to now... the party begins tonight with a sleepover for her girlfriends, tomorrow the family and friends join us for fun and cake. :o)

This morning, we had an adventure of the wild kind. An opussum was trapped on a fence, trapped by the dog inside the yard of the fence, and on the other side by all the students walking past to go to school. I called the city animal control and waited until the prinicpal came over to keep the kids away and be there for the city when they arrived. It was a young one, and he was scared, which is dangerous, as they will bite and claw.

The rest of the morning has been normal, Drew and I met my parents for breakfast. Came home and did some cleaning and laundry, watched at a movie with Drew, he watched I took a cat nap. It's lunch time and I'm totally not hungry! I'll feed Drew his lunch and tuck him in for his nap in just a second.

Have to order the cake and bounce house, and then I think we're all set for tonight.  :o)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Thunder storms...oh my!!

So Monday evening we were treated to a fireworks show by nature.  The lightning was beautiful, the kids and I watched it in the back yard for quite a while.. ok Katie stayed inside safe with Daddy. But still peeked out often.  Tim watched the last of the game, I crashed with Drew, then to my own bed.. ahhh, early to bed finally.  Dad called right after I got into bed. Talked to him a bit, then sleep!!!!  Then it started, about 2:30am... flash, boom! whimper claw.. (whimper claw?)  yup, that would by the dog trying to dig her way through the door to get to mommy... so I grabbed my blankie and went to sit with her.. after 45 minutes I laid down in a bean bag with one next to me for her.. nope, she laid on me. So I slept. About 4am a really close strike, she bolted to the studio and tried to dig under the boxes of t-shirts, well I gated the studio and got her back to the family room..where I went to the couch and she laid on the floor next to me, as long as I had my hand on her she was ok... poor puppers.

Shortly after my departure from the bed, Drew and Katie joined Tim for the night.... Tori slept through the entire storm...I don't know how. Beth said she woke a few times, when the thunder rattled the windows.. but she just snuggled under blankets and held tight to her bunny.

It rained off and on, with more lightning yesterday, so I never turned the puter on. But it was a fairly uneventful day.. we did stuff here and ran a few errands, then picked up the kids as it was raining. did homework, snack, and then C. took the gymnastics group to their classes, while I took the dancers to their classes.  Got home around 8:30 to find the kids were tucked in to bed, dishes were done and I could just relax. So I sent Beth to shower and watched a little TV. 

It's chilly this morning, but beautiful outside!!! Should be a great day!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Weekend review

Saturday was the bday party for N  it was a good party! after that Tim and I went with my parents and two friends to see the Rockits 30th reunion, it was fun! 50's and 60's rock n roll, I wanted to dance a lot more than we did, but noone in this group is a big dancer.. made me really miss C.

Sunday was church, the instrumental group played (including me), we did good. Lots of positive feedback from the congregation, which was very nice.  After we got home we lunched and then napped all of us. That was lovely!  My mom called in the afternoon, to let me know my great-aunt had passed away that morning. I'm sad, but I know it was best for her, she'd had a stroke many years ago and I know she wasn't happy not being able to care for herself. 

Today I'm hangin' with Drew.. gotta run to the post office and the grocery store, finish up the laundry and tidy the house from the weekend. We're leaving some stuff out, as Beth's party is next weekend. my baby is turning 12!!! :o) 

Friday, September 16, 2005

Poof, they're gone

Two days.. vanished.  Wednesday was a good day, I got stuff done with Drew helping me, including the front yard. Thursday Drew had preschool, he did much better with the potty-use. YAY.  Last night my friend C. and I went to choir, she's just starting. She was so nervous.. she's so shy, but loves to perform.. funny thing is I totaly get that.  Tim had the kids, all 7 of them. He did fantastic, everyone was tucked in by 9pm.

I'm so glad it's Friday, I already did my errands, paid my tuition for fall, and dropped off goodwill. Now I get to hang out here, clean, and just be. Drew's napping so I'm going to go re-clean the play area.. the damage one small person can do in just a couple of hours is amazing!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Tuesday...BIG DAY for Drew

Today was Mr. Boys' first day of preschool. I had no worries or fears regarding him going, except...potty usage. He's only about 98% trained... well, I'm glad I packed a change of clothes... 15minutes into the morning and he "oops'd"... but that was it. After that he stayed dry, and had a raring good time based on his reaction to it. :o)

Yesterday after I signed off, I cleaned up from being gone, got the kitchen clean, us unpacked and swept the dining room.. and thank goodness I did that, because after school and homework my kids and I loaded up and headed to the Aquarium to meet my in-laws for the last 2 hours of the day, we ended up coming back here, not planned, but WAY cool! Ordered pizza for dinner and had a lovely evening of visiting. Since the brother-in-law and wife and girls are leaving tomorrow I'm very excited they got to come over last night so we got more time!

Today I took full advantage of Drew being out of house, and cleaned the play area of the living room. the floor is now CLEAN!  The dogs' bed cover is in the washer the fluff part is in the dryer, and I'm a happy girl.  I hope to use my time alone to get lots of housework type stuff done, along with the odd errand. :o)

Now I'm off with the dancers to their classes. Ready.. set... run!


Monday, September 12, 2005

Ok, survived THAT weekend...

This weekend was BUSY! not that most aren't busy.. but this was double busy.  Friday after work, Tim finished tarring the roof, then we packed and loaded to go to MIL's house. Sat. we did family pictures, one of the 6 of us, one with the grandparents & their grandkids, and one (God help us), with ALL of us.. 15 people in that little tiny photo room.. we did it, MIL is happy that's what counts.. oh and the pics came out REALLY CUTE!!!!!!

After that we went back to their house to prepare house for the baptism the next day, I did sneak a 45min. nap, and then went to get my new van. Beth opted not to audition for The Nutcracker as she's dealing with a nasty cold/upper resp. infection.  Get van, go back to In-laws. finish prep and eat dinner with 24 other people.. phew!  Sunday morning we get up lazily (that was really nice).. do more prep. and then get dressed and ready for church. Baptism was at 3pm (catholic)... get there early to ensure seats, no need.  Now it begins, well, Drew isn't used to sitting still for an hour, or needing to be quiet.. I can neither hear nor understand the priest, and being that I'm not Catholic I have NO clue what's going on.  I was soooo done when it was over. At least I did receive compliments that my kids were good.. although I didn't think so, but I expect perfect and know that won't likely happen.  Got back to in-laws, changed (YAY, I dressed way too warm).. hung out and enjoyed seeing old faces, and munching on yummy food.. finally packed up and came home about 9:30pm.. loaded the bodies into their beds for sleep and CRASHED with the hubby!  We were ALL tired this morning!!!!

Now to finish unpacking and cleaning my house!

Thursday, September 8, 2005

things you learn

I need to learn patience. I was told to get the van deal done asap, today if possible. It didn't workout today, and I was VERY frustrated by that.  I need to learn to keep my temper and emotions in check. The deal fell through because of a policy the company has about payment options. I was all set to get the van, today, and we had to walk from it because of the payment option. UGH! Add to it that Drew CRIED when we had to put his car seat back into the old van.  BUT, the new van is coming, hopefully, if the above un-named company didn't sell it out from under me, I'll pick it up Saturday. Payment options have been arranged. PHEW!

In reading the blog of another person, I've learned things from this person, during her youth that I never knew...not totally startling, until you take in to account she is one of my best friends and we've been friends for (gasp) 18 years or so.  I hope that by knowing these things I can be a better friend...I can try.

this last "learn" may sound odd, but it's the truth of it, and so it goes... I learned today that I'm loved. Not by family, but by friends. My church choir began rehearsals this evening for the new season. Several of them commented on how happy they were that I was able to sing, even with my insanely busy schedule. Makes a shy girl, who often feels invisible, feel really good. :o)

Tomorrow we leave for MIL's house, Sat. am is family pic. all 18 of us, yehaw! Sun. pm is my niece and nephews' baptism and then the party.. YAY, family time!!!  Should be a fun weekend.

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Better days ahead

OK, my friend has been found. Phew! I hate being worried like that!

In other news, we got Tim a "new to us"  it's a 1995 Chrysler Cyrus. Nothing fancy, but way nicer than the Valiant..4 doors, a/c, and working power steering!!! All that makes it WAY WAY better than driving the Valiant. 

Next I'm replacing the van.. probably in the next week.  My friend C had a little accident, back in June, well  long story short her dad is getting us a "new to us" van, as repairing ours is more than the cost of getting a more recent lower mileage van.. I'm stunned. I'm so grateful... having a vehicle with two working headlights, turn signals, etc. is going to be marvelous!!! The best, and total frosting on the cake, if you will, is that after 1999 Ford started making Driver side sliding doors standard. Now THAT is going to be cool!!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

It's Tuesday 9/6

I couldn't come up with a good title, so you get the date.  The hurricane has taken a friend, and has one still missing. I'm sad, and feeling useless. Add to that, Sunday was the 8th anniversary of Alex's passing and forgetaboutit, I'm just in a funk. How can it be 8years!!!??? Time flies, even when you wish you could go backwards.

On the upside, we got teacher assignments today for Katie and Tori, Katie got the teacher I requested!! YAY!! I didn't request a teacher for Tori, all the 2nd grade teachers are really good, I think the one she got will do great for her.

Sunday after church, we packed up and went to the inlaws beach house, ahhh, peace, family, and fun. It was a good way to spend a tough day.  My mil and sil are fantastic people, who have always been there for me, and it was good to have them with me.  Got to spend an hour walking with hubby, always nice, but we got to go alone, kind of rare! We had a great walk up the beach to the craft fair, browsed, and fell in love with several items, but bought nothing.

Now, I'm off to dance class with Beth and C's Daughter S. It never slows down around here!!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2005

Erase one little...

I found the piglet watch.. I'm a lucky girl.. it went through the washer and dryer, undoubtedly in the pocket of Drews' shorts.  It still works!!!!!! YAY!!!

Big and little

Little,  my hubby's car died last week, long story short we asked my dad for help in buying a used vehicle to get him out of the 1964 Valiant that was my grandmother's and in asking him for that, set him off to get the Valiant fixed, and be pissed about it..UGH!!!!

Little,  I received a really great silver banded piglet watch for Christmas some year past. I unpacked it Monday afternoon.. looks like Drew found it, because I can't!!! Sniff. I loved that watch!!! I really hope I can find it.

BIG,  I have a dear friend from an email loop that resides in Diamond Head, MS.. we've not heard from her since Katrina, and we're all terrified she's gone. She never said anything about leaving...

BIG, My friend J's mom lived in New Orleans.. she too has not been heard from.  Seeing the news makes it surreal, you just can't believe it.. having people you know be part of it, brings it back to smack you in the face... I don't like this part of being a grown up.